Numerology ⇒ Pythagoras / The square of Pythagoras with the interpretation for 06.11.2060 (November 6, 2060)


The Square of Pythagoras
power of character
health potential
human energy
intuition and logic
level of responsibility
cognitive potential
aptitude for work
memory and intelligence
Sense of Purpose
Aptitude for Family Life
Working Efficiency
The Value of the lines of Pythagoras

Each number in the cells of Pythagoras is a quantitative indicator of innate qualities. It is possible to tell and differently: an assessment of the impact of personality traits on the character and destiny of a man a scale of 1 to 9.

What makes Pythagoras to calculate in practice? Of course, the answers to those questions must inevitably arise in the process of developing the relationship with a specific person. What he wants what I can, what will be solved? And what reaction we should expect from him in one way or another life situations?

Knowing the answers in advance, you can avoid a lot of complications. In particular – do not wait and do not require what is obviously impossible.


The value of the cells of Pythagoras


power of character
power of character
Three ones as a character value signal a man of strong will and integrity. They are ready to accept any point of view, but only if they deem it appropriate. Otherwise, any pushing will lead to the boomerang effect with counteracting being accordingly powerful. This person, seemingly gentle and flexible, has immense inner strength, which is fundamental to their personality. It is hardly possible to break or bend them. However, you can always trust them and count on them, for once they make a decision, they will never change it, never break their promises, even those unspoken, but hinted at.
human energy
human energy
This value indicates significant shortage of one’s own energy reserves. This is not a 100% vampire person, but just like someone with no twos, they need a donor, that is why they are equally fussy, always overexcited, and annoying. Meanwhile, a person with one two is capable of objectively fruitful actions. However, these take a form of capital investment with mandatory return with interest. Such return may take the form of approval and public recognition of their deeds. Otherwise, no reason to bother yourself doing anything. This is often a major mistake. Amplifying this quality requires learning how not to waste energy resources. A desire for praise is just a vain pursuit in the words of fortune-tellers.
cognitive potential
cognitive potential
You are interested in humanities above all. The earlier you realize it and take it into account, the better. Otherwise, you may waste some part of your life studying subjects you have no aspiration for. This mostly happens to boys. Choosing between what is necessary and what is not guided by the this-is-not-what-a-man-should-do principle, parents (especially fathers) trying to foster in their sons those interests they deem appropriate. The same happens when the father has had some success in the technical field and dreams of establishing a professional dynasty. This is bad practice possibly resulting both in wasting time and effort, as well as in deteriorating family relationships due to the complete lack of mutual understanding.
health potential
health potential
Excellent physical condition. If this person’s goal solely requires good health (i.e. sports or hard physical labor), the result is guaranteed. The most important about this value is self-confidence which allows you to live without looking back, to take the most extraordinary projects, to implement the craziest of ideas. What’s inside determines what exactly it will be. Ordinary men may try to conquer Mount Everest, or travel to a desert in search of treasures. A more substantial person will find a weaker one in need of support, will feed and protect them. They may as well take their weaker companion to a mount peak and let them feel strong, too.
intuition and logic
intuition and logic
Such people are often dreamers, which sounds quite inoffensive. There is sure nothing wrong about dreams as long as they have to do with the dreamer only. I once was acquainted with a would-have-been architect who suddenly decided to go into astrophysics having no idea of what it is. It took him five years to cover tons of paper in writing (by hand) until he discovered a brochure the twenty pages of which contained plausible evidence of how inadequate his theory was. Well, these were his five years. Wasted. He could have married someone, after all. People of this kind should not get involved in exact sciences. They’d better give preference to humanities where everyone is free to express themselves in the way they want without risking to harm others. However, it is always quite problematic to be in a relationship with someone unable to establish a cause-effect connection. There is only one hope left – sooner or later, life experience will take up the functions of logical thinking that go missing.
aptitude for work
aptitude for work
Quality overload resulting in one’s inability to control applications of their physical capacities. The overabundance of energy may lead to actions with barely predictable consequences. Such people are said to host devils, and St. John the Evangelist referred to 666 as the Number of the Beast. However, mysticism aside and real world in the spotlight, this man is unstoppable. And it doesn’t matter what they do and where they go. As a result, these people are often soloists, singletons. Niccolo Paganini type. A man of moods, whose moods, however, are impossible for an outsider to comprehend or figure out. You can only build up relationships with such a person if you don’t try to push them or intrude into their private world. In other words, don’t tease devils.
Following the same evaluation system, this value signals a certain but not very clear path to success. One has to find it first. Every other way will be full of obstacles and therefore disappointing. It is actually not that hard to make a choice. After all, there are not so many general areas of activity, and it doesn’t take too much time to identify the luckier one. The more specific choice will require more efforts; it will be important not to waste your luck, to save it for each solid and logically justified move. However, when the path is discovered, feel free to rely on the most favorable environment while moving along. That is probably the best chance to gain self-confidence and actualize your innate abilities.
level of responsibility
level of responsibility
Sense of duty is absent in this case, with all the consequences. However, it is exactly this quality that serves as a basis for any human relationships, any connections established with the outer world. People become undesirable if they are incapable of compassion and care in response to the same attitude. That is why at some point, such person may be left in total isolation entirely depending, at the same time, on people around. We all have personal needs, but if someone is unable or unwilling to pay the bills, then everything they acquire is on-credit, and all loans have their limits. There are, of course, exceptional cases when a person’s strength of character and spirit of independence ensure self-sufficiency. However, people mostly tend to overestimate their opportunities and capabilities regarding it. Not everyone can live like a hermit.
memory and intelligence
memory and intelligence
Man cannot earn money intellect. Mental abilities are very small and undeveloped logical thinking. This person relies more on intuition and instinctual behaviors than their own mind and logical thinking. Such people prefer to work more physical labor than mental. This straightforward category of people and should not expect from them high efficiency. To work they are responsibly but act only according to the ordinance.

The Value of the lines of Pythagoras


Sense of Purpose
Sense of Purpose
Quality overload. This person is sure they are capable of anything and sets multiple complicated and sometimes apparently non-feasible goals, trying to do all at once. The result is often equal to that of total inaction, that is zero. As a consequence, sooner or later such people tame themselves, accepting the inability to accomplish even the simplest objectives and are forced to be guided either by purely domestic necessities or by someone else’s instructions. Then their determination value draws near to no number or one number value.
Aptitude for Family Life
Aptitude for Family Life
Such value indicates indecision. The person realizes they need to start a family, but they choose to delay the moment consciously or unconsciously. On the one hand, everybody lives this way, they hurry home from work, raise their children. However, family life implies so many problems and limitations, it’s dull and monotonous. Now you are your own boss, you can spend your time and money as you want, you can pursuit a career. People of this type usually abstain from independent decision-making and wait until someone else decides for them. When this happens, they don’t resist the idea of going down the aisle, they even try to live a proper family life for some time. As soon as frustrated hopes provoke problems, they break off their relationship with the same ease.
Such manifestations of character may often seem strange, to put it mildly. On the one hand, this person literally collects habits, moral principles, and fundamentals of life that are not connected to each other, don’t form any adequate pattern and may even be contradictory. Collection for the sake of quantity. On the other hand, they may at any moment start acting like there are no limits, no rules for either themselves, or people in general. Accordingly, marital behavior is extremely unstable. Even the instability itself is unstable. Such person is really unreliable.
A good value. These people can adequately assess their skills and capabilities and don’t miss a single chance to showcase self-confidence, independence, and determination. They take up the initiative only when they are sure to be able to solve the problem. Such people are often frontrunners who quickly build their career as they never hesitate to apply for a vacancy. The only complication in life may be an inappropriately chosen field of expertise poorly suited for qualitative characteristics of this person’s skills, rather than skills themselves.
Working Efficiency
Working Efficiency
Japanese-like people. Workaholics. Abilities are never questioned. If it should be done, than any efforts are justifiable a priori. These people are often devoured by their job which becomes their goal in itself. No time is left for simple family joys respectively, any reproaching about that is perceived as black ingratitude. “Who on Earth am I doing this for?” Their partner will have to take this situation for granted. Otherwise, some unsolvable problems may arise as the parties simply fail to understand each other. However, providing such level of prosperity is a sufficient compensation for minor inconveniences.
These are the people to make it from rags to riches by working hard. Who said it is not about talent? Who on Earth defines the assessment criteria and, what’s more important, the categories? Who would you define as a greater genius, Tolstoy or Michelangelo? Who is more talented, a football star or a pop star? So don’t get frustrated about the value. The lack of pronounced talents might be well compensated by a whole lot of other qualities, by mere luck, after all. Not to mention that diligent and well-disciplined people often achieve much more than geniuses totally deprived of such.
A good value. Spirituality level is quite sufficient for adequate social behavior. Such person can show consideration and understanding when appropriate; however, they won’t burst into tears over an article about a dead seagull flock, or, more so, demand similar manifestations of feelings from others. Therefore, their spiritual relationships with friends and family will be based on a reasonable combination of sentimentality and pragmatism ensuring their stability and logical validity. Meaning, as much compassion as appropriate, with neither obtrusiveness, nor cynicism.
The embodiment of coolness, an iceberg. Ironically however, the iceberg is prone to frequent acts of adultery for coolness is a negative passion. Such person will go promiscuous only to prove to themselves how cool they are, which may go on until they meet another person of the same temperament. Then they will both understand that there is no need to prove anything, thus they may build their relationship on the basis of mutual respect. A more sensitive partner, however, will wonder why something discarded at home should be searched afar. There will be no answer, and therefore no reasons for trying to save this marriage.

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