Astrology / Natal chart 04.07.2054 (July 4, 2054)


The Aspects of the planets

Trine The Sun-Pluto
Sun trine Pluto Real insight into your own inner workings or psychology could surface today, and in a manageable form. You may be in the mood for deep and penetrating conversations or thoughts.
Sextile The moon-Mars
You could find that you are appreciated or valued for your feelings or your ability to act and get things done. Someone understands how you feel and is sympathetic today.
Square The moon-Uranus
You may feel left out or passed over just now. Your own requirements may appear to limit and separate you from where the rest of the gang is headed. A sense of isolation and loneliness is not unusual. This is of short duration.
Square Venus-Pluto
You value what is above-board and straightforward and have a particular aversion to what is secret, intense, and private. You do not enjoy gossip or nosy neighbors just now.
Trine Jupiter-Saturn
A real time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will be what guide you and prove successful. Your career could assume a much more determined and solid form -- a firm foundation.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Cancer
In Cancer the Sun is receptive and moody. You are a very sensitive person who is easily influenced by your environment. You are likely to be exceedingly protective of your feelings, as well as the feelings of those to whom you are close. Emotions are strong in your nature. You approach life with many feelings and a strong nurturing tendency. Your moods are varied and changeable. They are synchronized to the Moon, flowing in and out like the tide. You are acutely aware of the atmosphere of feelings surrounding you. You're skeptical and distrustful of people. It's not what they say, but simply the way they say it and the way you interpret their meaning. You need to tell your deepest thoughts. When those around you are not receptive, you can become quite difficult to reach. The "crabby" part of Cancer shows up once in awhile, as well. When these moods are in control of your behavior, you can snap someone's head off for no reason at all. People you live around have to learn that you are not really angry with them. This is just the way Moon children are sometimes. By nature you are quiet and somewhat reserved, frequently retreating or putting up a protective barrier when you feel in any way threatened. You are attuned to the past. You tend to cling to reminders and memorabilia of your family and of earlier times. Many Cancers are attracted to collecting antiques. You may be one of those people who collects just about everything. It's hard for you to part with something when there may be a chance need some rainy day, no matter how remote that chance may be. Cancers are the original "pack-rats." You place much importance on the home and family. Your family or your "family of friends" is the center of your life. They provide you your sense of security and belonging. Your role in this environment is the source of your self-esteem and often overshadow your sense of individuality. It's hard to break away from your early upbringing and depart from the family traditions you have experienced. Cancer is the sign of motherhood. In both sexes, it produces a parenting instinct that is caring, protective, and indulging. Even unmarried Cancers adopt friends, co-workers, and neighbors in an extended family situation. Hardworking and dedicated, you make an excellent employee. You are loyal and respect authority. This makes you supportive and protective of the boss and rarely questioning company policy. You do find it very difficult to handle change and disruption. If you are the boss, you like your employees to be dedicated as you are. Unfortunately, sometimes you may surround yourself with "yes men" who simply reinforce your decisions. You don't take chances or risk sweeping change. Money is very important to you. Not for what it will buy or for the freedom it provides, but for the sense of security it provides. No matter what else is to be said of Cancer, security and having the protective shell in place, is overriding.
The moon in Cancer
A Cancer Moon gives a strong drive for recognition and acceptance. You are highly sensitive and creative, if somewhat given to brooding and moodiness. You rarely go out of your way to garner new information, but once something sinks into your mind, it is indelibly impressed upon it. Everything that you experience is held in feeling memory. You let your heart rule your head, and you can have trouble making rational, detached decisions. Yet your intuition is quite keen, and you would be smart to rely on it. You have an almost psychic ability to "tune in" to what other people are thinking and feeling. By nature, you're suspicious and distrusting, although, surprisingly, you tend to almost naively trust your own feelings and gut hunches. The Cancer influence is often far too sensitive surroundings. This over-sensitive nature can be a positive or a negative; on the positive side, you are no doubt very intuitive; on the negative side, you are moody and subject to emotional upsets. This thin-skinned attitude toward outside influences causes you to pick up negative vibrations from others. You are frequently moody and prone to having problems in personal relationships. Often, Cancer Moon people wear their heart on their sleeve, but like so many of them, you may have a habit of hiding your true feelings and strong emotions under a rather hard shell. You have an especially strong love of home and family, and you staunchly protect your personal security. In Cancer, the emotions reflected by the Moon are sensitive to matters that affect people as a whole, the "universal parent." Towards loved ones, you are gentle, peaceful, and romantic. You have a nurturing attitude toward your family and to those you consider under your very broad protective "wing." Security is of primary importance to you, but often you feel your life lacks the comfort of inherent stability. Things that offer a sense of protection become very important: money, material belongings, family, home, country, and traditions, may all be included in this. Change, risk-taking, relocating, and opinions differing from your own are things that pose a challenge to your security, and are usually rejected accordingly. You have a great deal of apprehension regarding matters outside of your own personal control.
Mercury in Gemini
Gemini is the natural home for Mercury, and the placement produces pure logical reasoning of the highest order. This Mercury denotes a lightning quick thinker. Your concern is with fact and unbiased understanding, rather than personal preference. Communication is easy, rapid, accurate and often eloquent. You are an interesting and incessant conversationalist. Mercury is at its quickest and best when it resides in Gemini. If given proper training, you excel in mathematics as well as in language. You are very logical, and your mind moves very quickly. You love logic, a fact making you an excellent teacher or reporter. When engaged in arguments, you may miss a basic premise, but you are clever enough to win anyway. The opponent is convinced by your rational remarks. You have a great variety of interests, and your mind may flit from one idea to the next, never digging in very deeply. You have an intense curiosity leading you to want to know a little about nearly everything. This makes you a very interesting person, but rarely an expert in any particular field. The down side of Mercury in Gemini is the sensitive nervous system often noted. It's hard for you to shut out external stimulation of any sort. You may find yourself being forced to deal with too much activity and too many impressions from time to time. If you allow yourself to be subjected to too much stress and too many demands for an extended period, you can become frazzled and subject to breakdown. The obvious signs of this problem are irritability and mental confusion. The root cause of this is simply spreading yourself too thin. Getting away from it all generally provides a quick cure.
Venus in Gemini
In Gemini, Venus generates a need for a variety of experiences. You have a curiosity about people. You can become a social butterfly and something of a flirt. Open and friendly, your wit and conversational ability attract people with agile minds and keen intellects. Your restless and fickle nature inclines toward much travel and change of surroundings. A delightful sort of charm and expressiveness works well for you, if you can avoid a tendency to become a little bit superficial socially. You want to taste all that life has to offer. You find it especially hard to settle down to just one romantic relationship, preferring to make friends with everyone you meet. You have an excitable child-like attitude toward romance, approaching affairs with optimism and high-expectations. Yet encounters may be many and brief before you finally settle down. You are easily bored and it is hard to capture you romantic attention for long periods of time. Change and excitement is the spice of your love life, and a partner that doesn't understand this won't be around long. Mental stimulation the simple joy of being together is an absolute must for any relationship to have a chance of becoming permanent. With Venus in Gemini, you may not be able to be tied down too tightly. If you marry too young or to someone who is possessive, you may have serious problems. Your partner must understand your need for variety in social matters. After you marry and settle down, you may still need a variety of friends and social contacts.
Mars in Taurus
Mars in Taurus denotes plenty of practical and emotional energy, while the physical side is often rather flat, and the interest in the intellectual is also a strain. The planet of energy is not very active in Taurus, as the physical drive is reduced to a low gear. You may lack thrust and mobility, but make up for this deficiency with outstanding endurance. You are obstinate in many ways, yet practical, determined and very stable. You pursue your material goals with intent determination. Results are based on dogged persevering after a course of action is determined. Once you finally get rolling in one direction, it is nearly impossible to change your course. In Taurus, the energies of Mars are indeed channeled into a practical mode that may center on acquiring money, creature comforts and material possessions. Much your energy is apt to be aimed at securing wealth and a very comfortable lifestyle. Patient and precise in all that you do, you are a natural crafts person and the fruit of your efforts is likely to produce a quality product. Also high on your list of priorities is the satisfying of physical desires. You are very sensual and sexual partner. Your approach to sex is straightforward and uncomplicated, without fantasies or fetishes; never rushed or over-anxious. Emotionally stable, you are apt to be a devoted and loyal partner. The negative side of Mars in Taurus is often the lack of flexibility. Taurus is a fixed sign and energies expressed here sometimes come out looking like stubbornness. Even emotions can be held on to too tightly and then released with a major blow up.
Jupiter in Scorpio
Jupiter is in Scorpio in your chart. This placement suggests an intensity attached to your view of significant issues. You conduct your affairs in a more serious and secretive fashion, exercising your shrewd and critical judgment. You have a flair for business and finance. You excel in business because of your willingness to dig in and get to the essentials of a project. You are intense and uncompromising in your beliefs and moral views. You have great faith in yourself and like to exercise will power over others. You are both farsighted and determined.
Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces produces a sensitivity in your dealing with world at large. When making your way in the world, you may feel vulnerable and defenseless. This a depressive placement that can make you feel a little paranoid sometimes, often looking on the dark side of a situation rather than the bright side. You may sometimes feel like you are a victim of circumstances or a martyr of sorts. If properly channeled, your sensitive side can be a plus. The productive aspect of this placement is in the ability to exercise compassion in society with a pragmatic approach. Your road to success may be in the artistic, spiritual, or even the psychic. Religious beliefs may be the cornerstone of your life, filling a need for structure and security. Your test in life may be one of developing confidence in your innate abilities. You may need to learn to trust and get in touch with your subconscious. The source of your creativity may be hidden there.
Uranus in Libra
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Libra will find more difficult than most to hang on to partnerships and relationships. The urge for change within this group may disrupt cooperative endeavors.
Neptune in Gemini
You tend to refine matters in a versatile and variable way, particularly in areas concerning communication, education, child care, etc. You may idealise education and communication, and you may dream of being an expert communicator or teacher. You may also tend to be deceived in these areas, because you are so impassioned by your ideals and by your dreams. You are likely to get on well with people because you believe in the basic good nature of others. In areas of thinking and communication, you can achieve beyond the normal boundaries.
Pluto in Pisces
You transform in an impressionable and inspirational way matters to do with transcendent beliefs, such as religion and spiritual matters, including universal love and sympathy. You delve into secret matters involving feeling and emotions, and deeply held secrets, perhaps by humanity, may rush to the surface, perhaps increasing psychic ability. In the search for (religious) ecstasy, and to escape the emotional pressures, there may be a danger of an increased use of pleasure-producing, psychic drugs in this generation.
North Node in Virgo
With your North Node in Virgo, this is a lifetime that’s about getting your stuff together. Your greatest potential lies in being able to develop your latent powers of organization, finding a clear sense of order in the midst of a lot of chaos. When the North Node is in any of the Earth signs, the process of growing on a spiritual level is sort of a contradiction. Through this placement, your spiritual growth comes from being able to handle reality and practicality. What your soul really wants is to just roll up its sleeves and get things done. This is why the greatest soul-expression for you is one that’s effective, productive, and specific. You are the efficient soul, feeling deeply fulfilled by any sort of system, method, or checklist that will aid you in your work from day to day. These people make excellent doctors, dentists, nurses, or nurses’ aides, because such professions give them the opportunity to use their healing energies while being of service in practical ways. Psychologist, healer, dietician, accountant, organizer, and craftsperson are also good choices. Virgo North Node people have “good karma” on the job and get along well with coworkers and employees. They can accomplish a task in one hour that might take another person five; they should be in a situation where “getting the job done” is honored, rather than simply working for an hourly wage.
Lilith in Aquarius
Lilith will probably mask the hidden emotions with a series of ever-changing kaleidoscopic surface emotions and will seem fascinating and elusive to others. The native may be chimerical, fluttering like a fairy from one situation to the next. At her worst, Lilith is irresponsible, remote and refuses to listen to others. Lilith lets you misjudge your fiends easily. You strive for autonomy with manipulative methods and psychological tricks and reject tight interpersonal relationships ~ considering partnerships over friendships. Your fairness, tolerance, global thinking and humanity are noticable. Although highly intuitive, may tend to deny certain obvious situatons.
Chiron in Capricorn
You need to bring about the fullest potential in the prudent and reserved way in which you deal with, for instance, power, materialism etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to be powerful but you need to pay attention to what you really want (or need). Alternatively, you may need to seek more power and wealth. In any case, it is through your practical, cautious and common-sense that you will heal (earth).


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