Astrology / Natal chart 26.08.2052 (August 26, 2052)


The Aspects of the planets

Trine The Sun-Mars
A good day to get things done. Good eye-hand coordination and sustained effort make almost any task run well. You may feel like exercising or getting out and about. Emotions are very present but within control.
Square The Sun-Neptune
Perhaps an ultra-mundane day, lacking in imagination or much, if any, escape. It is not likely that you will lose yourself in a great book or movie. You may feel separated and not a part of everything around you.
Conjunction The moon-Uranus
Others may find you especially witty and eccentric just now. You may have insights or breakthroughs in regard to your living situation or life circumstances. Others value you for your independence and unique qualities.
Trine The moon-Neptune
Everything conspires to reveal you at your most elegant, particularly in social situations. You will have a grasp for abstract and spiritual ideas and the ability to present or communicate these to others.
Opposition Mercury-Saturn
Someone may tend to put the damper on what you say or think, or in some way manage to restrict your ability to communicate. You may have thoughts that differ with the establishment (the law).

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Virgo
In Virgo the Sun is orderly and thoughtful. With the Sun in Virgo you are predisposed to be hardworking, conscientious, and well-organized. Modest, discriminating and thorough, everything you do, you do well. Practical and down to earth, you are a diligent worker with a competent, discriminating intellect. You are highly analytical and exacting, especially adapted to handling projects with painstaking perfection. Thus, you are fond of good workmanship and the utmost in quality. You are dependable because your approach is always one based on common sense and a realistic and analytical assessment of the problem. You give much attention to detail, but you can carry this to extremes, becoming fussy and critical, sometimes interfering. Large-scale projects can overwhelm you because of your insistence on perfection. Unless you can deliver such quality, you may become frustrated and discouraged. There is always the tendency and danger with Virgo that the big picture idea will be missed in search of minute details. You expect yourself and everyone around you to be perfect, often setting yourself up for disappointment. Your outlook is too negative and picky sometimes. Modest and unassuming, you are usually content to live in the background. Your attitude, at times, can become puritanical and prudish. You consider yourself an ordinary person, and you are never given to any airs of pretentiousness or showing off. There may be a tendency for you to see your role as one of service and "behind the scenes" support activity. You have a serious attitude toward refining your mind and acquiring knowledge. With your highly varied interests, you can gain a remarkable amount of data about different subjects. You instinctively know that you must grasp all parts before you can fully understand the whole. Systematizing and detail organization are your strengths. You are idealistic, but always practical and reasonable. You're not likely to make general statements based on too few facts. You may be somewhat health conscious, for you have an instinctive sense of balance in diet. You're very sensible in taking care of your health, and for that matter, the health of others. Often, the Virgo becomes exceptionally neat and orderly, even a bit neurotic about cleanliness. You're likely to be susceptible to stress related problems because you do tend to worry too much.
The moon in Libra
A Libra Moon gives a sense of understanding, tolerance, and gentleness. You are ambitious, but at the same time, so very dependent on others. The symbol of Libra is the scales, signifying the innate symmetry the influence provides. This is the position of the diplomat, broad-minded and open, social, and friendly. The adaptability of this Moon sign is considerable; you don't like disputes and disorder, and you do what you can to maintain a well-oiled social and business life. Balance, harmony and domestic tranquility are very important to you. Even-tempered, well-mannered and congenial, you display all those attributes that assures many friends and an active social life. You are truly a thoughtful and good-natured person who goes out of the way to be nice to people. You are very fond of people and don't enjoy being alone for very long. You have a need to have everyone like you, and your emotional well-being depends on the approval others. Thus, you are over-anxious to please. This is the sign of the consummate peacemaker and diplomat. Your nature is affectionate and easily swayed, often exhibiting a tendency towards indolence. Sometimes you tend to have too much reliance on others and you may delay making important decisions. At many times, you seem to be facing life's problems and decisions on more or less a trial and error basis. Too willing to compromise, you frequently allow others to take advantage of you. You freely sacrifice your own wishes for someone else's. It is very hard for you to be assertive and stand up for yourself. Since you don't like conflict situations, you may refrain from expressing the dissatisfactions you have in your relationships, often waiting until it is too late to rectify the situation. Relationships are important to your and you don't like being alone. A stable partner, you tend to settle with one special person rather than playing the field. Devoted and faithful, you spend a great deal of your time catering to the needs and desires of your mate. Stability rather than passion or excitement is your goal in a partner. It is usually thought that Libra love affairs are of the head rather than the heart. Concern with what others think and doing what is correct makes you rather conventional and conservative in all your romantic and social activities. You are refined and you have a definite love of the refined; art, music, etc. You may have some natural artistic or musical talent. At the very least you appreciate all the finer things in life and you are apt to be a patron of the arts if your means permit. You are a good planner, but often it is hard for you to get your plans into action and to see them through to completion. The Libra mind is more contemplative, building great ideas, but sometimes failing carry them out. Decisiveness is not usually a strong quality with Moon in Libra; the mind may be building great ideas, but you are not always ready to act on them. Decision-making can be tough, because you can usually see both sides of every issue. For you, judgment is more important than execution.
Mercury in Leo
In Leo, Mercury produces a mind with strong will power and stubbornly fixed purposes. Your comprehension is broad, and your expression is authoritative, sometimes even dogmatic, as the position inclines to being opinionated and rigid in viewpoint. Your thinking has a very human touch, permitting you to make decisions that are accepted and followed by most people. You are inclined to leadership because you such a capacity to command respect. You like to be considered as the authority on matters pertaining to your field of endeavor, and you probably are. This sense of authority is aided by the dramatic and forceful way that you express yourself orally and in writings. Your mental charisma and leadership style sometimes makes you a little proud and boastful. Sometimes you can get a little carried away with the importance of your ideas and expressions. Mental pride and arrogance can be a problem. Usually with Mercury in Leo there is the tendency to become a bit lazy in a mental sense. There is often a need to cultivate more attention and exercise for the mind. Your strength is dealing with subjects in a broad-brush way, and in very general terms. You can ignore important details that leave your plan somewhat short at times. When this does happen, it is hard for you to admit a mistake.
Venus in Cancer
If Venus is in Cancer in your chart, it produces deeply sensitive feelings. This extreme sensitivity means that feelings can be easily hurt, but you hide this vulnerability behind a somewhat dignified exterior. You have a very kindhearted and sympathetic nature, but your moods can be fluctuating and unpredictable. You approach love relationships with tenderness and great need, but there is always a sense of caution too. You know you are easily hurt and you want to protect yourself at all times. The attitude toward relationships is one of nurturing or "mothering," clinging tightly to those you love. You need to be well anchored in a relationship as the feeling of security and stability is all important to you. You like your mate to be demonstrative and provide you with clear signs that your deep feelings are appreciated and returned in kind. To you, love is home and hearth, a nest that is safe and secure. When you achieve this feeling of security, you focus on pay back in kind by doing all you can to nourish your partner's ego and ambitions. Avoid tendencies to sulk and feel sorry for yourself. Your feeling are so easily hurt, and you try to hide it by pretending it doesn't matter. Sometimes emotions take over, and sentimentality runs wild. You demand so much in romance that you are bound to have a few disappointments along the way. Your "one and only" cannot be one who does not provide the stability you must have. So you must ultimately suffer some breakups when you discover that attribute is missing. You are definitely the one-lover type. When that one stable love comes along, the relationship will be permanent.
Mars in Taurus
Mars in Taurus denotes plenty of practical and emotional energy, while the physical side is often rather flat, and the interest in the intellectual is also a strain. The planet of energy is not very active in Taurus, as the physical drive is reduced to a low gear. You may lack thrust and mobility, but make up for this deficiency with outstanding endurance. You are obstinate in many ways, yet practical, determined and very stable. You pursue your material goals with intent determination. Results are based on dogged persevering after a course of action is determined. Once you finally get rolling in one direction, it is nearly impossible to change your course. In Taurus, the energies of Mars are indeed channeled into a practical mode that may center on acquiring money, creature comforts and material possessions. Much your energy is apt to be aimed at securing wealth and a very comfortable lifestyle. Patient and precise in all that you do, you are a natural crafts person and the fruit of your efforts is likely to produce a quality product. Also high on your list of priorities is the satisfying of physical desires. You are very sensual and sexual partner. Your approach to sex is straightforward and uncomplicated, without fantasies or fetishes; never rushed or over-anxious. Emotionally stable, you are apt to be a devoted and loyal partner. The negative side of Mars in Taurus is often the lack of flexibility. Taurus is a fixed sign and energies expressed here sometimes come out looking like stubbornness. Even emotions can be held on to too tightly and then released with a major blow up.
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter is in Libra in your chart. This placement denotes an especially strong sense of justice and moral principles. You are attracted to individuals sharing your idealistic views. These persons enhance your opportunities in life. You are very considerate of others and understand the principle of cooperation for solving problems and making progress. You are effective serving as a diplomat, a peace-maker, or in any assignment dealing with public relations. You are able to sway public opinion, winning others over to your way of thinking with your power of persuasion.
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn in Aquarius gives strong powers of concentration. Your thinking is both democratic and scientific. Your basically conservative attitudes notwithstanding, inventive and original approaches come easily to you, as well as abstract mathematics and symbolism. Saturn represents conservative restrictions. So this placement is a bit paradoxical and confusing. Often, the placement produces a view of the future that is rather bleak and pessimistic. You may be inclined to work toward the betterment of some aspect of society that is of some particular concern. Aquarius is the sign of the future and of progress. You are a good friend, responsible, impartial and always loyal. Cool and collected, you are level-headed and stable. Yet you may find it hard to make friends and you probably get little support from those above you. Pride may make you a social loner.
Uranus in Virgo
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Virgo may be responsible for many new trends and ideas related to diet, health, and employment and labor concepts. Changes come about based on systematic research and proved value.
Neptune in Gemini
You tend to refine matters in a versatile and variable way, particularly in areas concerning communication, education, child care, etc. You may idealise education and communication, and you may dream of being an expert communicator or teacher. You may also tend to be deceived in these areas, because you are so impassioned by your ideals and by your dreams. You are likely to get on well with people because you believe in the basic good nature of others. In areas of thinking and communication, you can achieve beyond the normal boundaries.
Pluto in Pisces
You transform in an impressionable and inspirational way matters to do with transcendent beliefs, such as religion and spiritual matters, including universal love and sympathy. You delve into secret matters involving feeling and emotions, and deeply held secrets, perhaps by humanity, may rush to the surface, perhaps increasing psychic ability. In the search for (religious) ecstasy, and to escape the emotional pressures, there may be a danger of an increased use of pleasure-producing, psychic drugs in this generation.
North Node in Libra
A tendency to rely on the self so much as to alienate important others in our lives, to be excessively competitive to the point of a me-first attitude, to take things personally, and to be impatient, rash, and impulsive at the expense of personal happiness are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to work on sensitizing ourselves to the needs of others, to learn tact and cooperation, to put ourselves in another’s shoes, and to let go of an overwhelming self-consciousness that is blocking our desire to win. We are often afraid of the demands that a partner might put on us, and we don’t naturally look for feedback, preferring to act on the moment—on our own hunches and impulses. But for however hard we push ourselves, our plans will be blocked until we stop to consider the other side. We tend to go it alone, often passing up opportunities for growth because we are too focused on our own personal survival. Our impulses and instincts are overloaded, lacking in perspective, and acting upon them will often bring us strife—that is, until we learn to look at the other side, perhaps through the eyes of another. Through partnership, and through cooperation with others, we will attain the inner balance necessary for us to achieve our goals.
Lilith in Sagittarius
Lilith may hide her emotions beneath a facade of humor or a mask of "niceness". She may keep her personal philosophies secret from others, keeping her own counsel. In the negative, this placement can indicate haughtiness, self-righteousnes and prejudice. Lilith confronts you with temptations of educational journies. You quickly jump at the opportunity to travel and learn. Well-meaning missionary and manipulative intent. Popular because you try to apply diplomacy and fairness. Other people could take advantage of you, as you spread your optimism and generosity thin, or you could tend to misjudge others.
Chiron in Sagittarius
You need to bring about the fullest potential in the free and tolerant way in which you deal with, for instance, philosophy, your high standards, long journeys etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to know but you need to listen and learn. Or you could be too tolerant in your beliefs, or even too intolerant! Through the areas of optimism, action and enthusiasm, you may find your resolution.


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