Astrology / Natal chart 06.01.2043 (January 6, 2043)


The Aspects of the planets

Sextile The Sun-Saturn
Today you will be able to tackle tasks that require real discipline or organization. You find yourself in a very practical mood and working with, instead of against, yourself. You may have some serious or contemplative moments.
Sextile The moon-Mars
You could find that you are appreciated or valued for your feelings or your ability to act and get things done. Someone understands how you feel and is sympathetic today.
Trine Mercury-Neptune
A time for imagination and creativity when it comes to ideas and thinking. This, coupled with the ability to put your thoughts into words, allows you to captivate and spellbind. A good book or movie would be appreciated too.
Sextile Venus-Mars
You may find yourself looking for a little romance today or at least enjoying some emotional release. You can appreciate feelings and movement. You may want to just get out and walk or exercise.
Square Venus-Pluto
You value what is above-board and straightforward and have a particular aversion to what is secret, intense, and private. You do not enjoy gossip or nosy neighbors just now.
Square Saturn-Uranus
This may not be an easy time, for events and circumstances may conspire to block your sense of freedom and independence. Someone challenges your ideas, finds them unconventional. It may not be easy to find new and suitable solutions to problems now.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Capricorn
In Capricorn, the Sun is strongly goal-directed and persistent. Ambitious, serious and dedicated to duty, life is difficult, but you are the type of person who will triumph and achieve success. Your aptitude to persevere, no matter how difficult the road, sets you apart from most of your peers. You are anxious to climb the ladder of fortune, and you can usually reach your goals because of your sense of the right way of doing everything. Your patience is never ending. You are a very thoughtful and serious person, thinking everything through carefully before you set off in any direction. You possess excellent reasoning skills, and you can be counted on to select options that are both practical and that provide an economic advantage. Your attitude is conservative; conservative with time, money, and all other resources. Your philosophy is waste not, want not. You are also likely to be conservative in your political and social attitudes, although your age, upbringing, and education perspectives may influence this somewhat. You are especially well suited to business and government because of your sense of organization and structure. You combine a talent for management with an ability to carry out instructions with care. You are the quintessential careerist, taking job and duties very seriously. Therefore, you are never one to shirk responsibility and you have very little use for those that do. That which matters most to you is your public image. You show your best face to the public. You enjoy being in a position of power and authority, although you are not very much inclined to enjoy the limelight. You may prefer instead to run your business from an isolated perspective. You are loyal and dedicated, and you demand utter loyalty and dedication from subordinates. Advancing up the ladder of success is all important. You are unconcerned about, sometimes even ruthless toward, those getting in your path as you move upward. You don't handle chaotic situations very well. You may need to develop the ability to lighten up a little and not take life, and everything else so seriously. Although you are self-disciplined, responsible, and practical, at times you can wallow in self-pity. It's essential for you to remember that your most important asset is self-esteem, and you should never devalue this. Rigidity and fear of change may be your biggest stumbling block. Sober and reserved in your dealings with others, it takes you a good while to warm up enough to anyone to be considered a close friend. Yet once you do, you are a very caring, reliable, and most steadfast ally. Your private side is different from your public side. In private you are shy and sensitive. The harshness of your public image disappears. Emotionally demanding relationships are very difficult. Love relationships may be more like business relationships, and you are unsure of yourself in most intimate situations.
The moon in Scorpio
A Scorpio Moon produces emotional responses that are intense, secretive, and passionate. You must learn to handle your strong, deep feelings, as you are extremely emotional and highly sensitive. A Scorpio Moon position gives an absolutely phenomenal memory. In ways, this is very good. Yet in other ways, it designates a person who may carry a number of psyche scars from remembering, too vividly, past events that perhaps should be forgotten. This is a difficult position for the Moon as the emotions become very powerful. You are impatient, moody and sometimes given to brooding. The nature of this sign is not always very apparent, as you are very good at hiding your true feelings. In fact, you may be almost pathological in your secretiveness, never revealing yourself entirely. Very few people ever know very much about what goes on inside you. Jealous, proud, and possessive, the Moon in Scorpio frequently has difficulty in romantic relationships despite the fact that this is perhaps the most sensuous of the signs. You attempt to dominate and totally control. When you become involved with someone, you throw yourself completely into the relationship. If a romantic relationship ends, you are devastated as though you had lost a piece of yourself. You judge people too quickly, and you rarely give them a second chance once those negative vibrations have been received. You react to situations in an abrupt, impulsive and intense manner. You can be vindictive and determined when it come to getting even with someone who has wronged you. Easily hurt or offended, you are apt to hold a grudge and take revenge. With an executive flair, you are a very determined person, achieving whatever goal is set. You're always searching for new challenges. You react to sense impressions with great accuracy, and can usually see through situations, and through people, with an extremely acute judgment. You insist on thinking for yourself, and you're not one to ever be pushed around. An extremist in much that you do, you never pursue anything halfheartedly. Even when a situation turns out to be detrimental to your well-being, you may still refuse to give it up. Emotional stubbornness marks your nature and natural reactions.
Mercury in Capricorn
In Capricorn, Mercury produces a mind that is clear, sometimes rigid and narrow, and always cautious and resourceful. Your thinking is methodical and careful. You know how to take things a step at a time, each fact building on the thought that went before. Your speech is organized and follows a logical and orderly pattern suggesting that you carefully examine and edit your words before they come out. You hardly ever say something that you are sorry for later. You are not a quick learner, but you are one who never forgets what has been absorbed. You have an excellent memory and attention to the business at hand; a down-to-earth and practical thinker. Insecure about your mental abilities, you work hard to develop yourself with education and experience opportunities. You may be a bit defensive about your lack of education, that is the case. A special need to prove yourself, one way or another, is often the case with Mercury in Capricorn. You have such very good powers of concentration, dignity, and an earnestness that can make you seem too serious. You can have a tendency toward moodiness and sulking, and you may have to work at showing any spirit of optimism. This placement of Mercury, especially if your Sun is also in Capricorn, produces one who is very quiet. Even if your Sun is in the more communicative Sagittarius or Aquarius, a Capricorn Mercury is not very talkative and sociable. You are especially self-conscience about speaking to strangers. You have a very down-to-earth approach to thinking and communicating. Planning and organizing are you special strengths, and they carry you far in business and professional life. You do particularly well on long, drawn out projects that require perseverance and determination. Once you put your mind to a task, it will surely be completed and done well. Cautious and skeptical, you may be conservative to a fault. Your love of tradition, and a natural pessimism, makes you slow to change patterns and premises that have worked in the past. Ideas that shake long-held beliefs are not very often accepted.
Venus in Scorpio
If Venus is in Scorpio in your chart it no doubt produces a very intense romantic nature. In relationships, you are very straightforward, determined, and direct. You often express excesses of feelings, being very possessive and sometimes jealous. Scorpio is the sign of physical magnetism. It is the sign of the zodiac that is said to "rule" sex. Born with Venus in Scorpio, you are no doubt a very sexy person. You approach the emotional experience of romance with much intensity and much feeling. In this area of your life, you are an extremist. Your love nature is based on total commitment and complete focus. With you there is no fooling around. You dominate and demand total involvement. Nothing short of this is acceptable. No matter what happens to you, your dignity is something that is never lost or put aside. The intensity of emotions resulting in this placement make it clear that matters of the heart are taken seriously and personally. You display your strong sense of personal pride and emotional dignity in all that you do. Because your love desire is so overwhelming, you sometimes become very possessive of your partner. This can be both in a physical as well as a psychological sense. You may express this in minor ways, but in some way or another you tend to control and hold on to the love of your life. You are in control and there is no doubt about it.
Mars in Capricorn
In Capricorn, the energies of Mars are channeled into the arena of personal attainment, and thus, the practical energy is highest here. Physical and Mental energies are sufficient, too, but emotionally, this placement may lack spark. You are hard-working, very determined. Since much of your energy is focused on your career, you have a tendency to become something of a workaholic. There is a drive to satisfy professional ambitions. This is likely to manifest with innate managerial skills and good old-fashioned common sense. You have strong material urges, but even stronger is the need to get status and recognition. To attain these ends, you use your energy in very practical and profitable ways. You have little use for laziness or a lack of ambition. Your sex drive is strong and you have a full appreciation of sensual pleasures. It's likely you conceal most of these feelings behind a stiff and conservative demeanor. Your public image is very dignified and reserved. It is as though you feel you must always be in control of yourself and your emotions. Mars in Capricorn is known for the ability to retain sexual vitality until very late in life. In these later years, you are apt to be less restrained than in your youth. Your weakness in the action department is the tendency to be too cautious and skeptical. You are apt to miss some real opportunities on this account. You have difficulty breaking out of old habit patterns and you are slow to pick up on new ideas. Somewhat pessimistic, you go looking for problems and expecting the worst. You take responsibility seriously, often too seriously.
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Jupiter is in Sagittarius in your chart. This is the natural sign for Jupiter and it generally creates a carefree, outgoing, optimistic individual. You enjoy making life better for others. You are an outdoors type, fond of sports and travel. You have a serious interest in matters pertaining to philosophy, religion or significant social issues. Your approach to life and how you conduct your affairs may be regulated by your strong convictions. You are likely to want to win over as many converts as you can to your way of thinking or beliefs. You can become very dogmatic in your views and good at selling them. You will prosper in life, but you spend freely, so you may never be wealthy.
Saturn in Scorpio
Saturn in Scorpio adds much purpose and impatience to your nature. You demand much of yourself and of others. You approach responsibilities with an intensity of purpose that overwhelms people who won't carry their share of the load. You have terrific willpower and much energy. With your determination, it's hard to remain calm and reflective. Secretive and unforgiving, you resent it deeply when you are treated unfairly. Despite your strong drive for success, your approach is usually subtle and calculating.
Uranus in Leo
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Leo may foster changes that expand personal and/or nationalistic power and prominence. Changes involving lofty goals and ideals will find favor within this group.
Neptune in Taurus
When you dream, you dream in a refined manner about possessions, perhaps clothes in particular, but also perhaps food. You are not easy to get going (passive), but once you are, you may find it difficult to stop dreaming (fixed sign) about matters such as romance. When it comes to personal property, you might find it hard to be clear about what you want. Nonetheless, you are practical (earth) in your fantasy life and about what you dream. You have the ability to overcome obstacles related to personal finances and achieve more beyond the normal boundaries.
Pluto in Aquarius
You transform in an indifferent and unconventional way in matters related to friends and humanitarian matters. There are likely to be drastic changes in these areas: social, intellectual and relationships (air) between groups for this generation. These changes are likely to persist (fixed sign), and be intrinsically motivated (active). This could be a time of drastic social changes which could reach to the very depths of belief, and threaten the foundations of society.
North Node in Aries
Stepping out as a leader or star, prioritizing your own goals, being comfortable alone, the rewards of risk, fighting for your beliefs, expressing anger in an open and healthy manner
Lilith in Scorpio
May be a co-ruler of Scorpio with Pluto. Here, she is powerfully sexual, hypnotic, seductive and wise. When under a negative influence, she can become bitter, vengeful and/or obsessed. You may be enticed easily by sexuality and subordinate yourself to a more powerful partner. The danger exists that you don't recognize this power at all. You have to deal with setbacks, accidents and symbolic, as well as real, deaths ~ although there are usually opportunities to avoid danger before it appears. You may be addicted to danger. Possible death experience in childhood, leading to the perspective of death as an inevitable part of life and great psychological regenerative ability.
Chiron in Leo
You need to bring about the fullest potential in the instinctive and protective way in which you deal with the way you enjoy yourself. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you are seek pleasure too avidly and need to explore its opposite. You could be denying yourself pleasure and need to enjoy yourself more. The solution may involve enthusiasm and optimism.


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