Astrology / Natal chart 30.09.2039 (September 30, 2039)


The Aspects of the planets

Square The Sun-Mars
Frustration, especially in getting things accomplished, may set today's mood. You could fly off the handle with very little provocation, so exercise some control and be ready for a possible emotional overload.
Conjunction The Sun-Saturn
You may well be reminded of your various responsibilities today. A good time to get down to the nitty-gritty and take care of some business you have postponed. Obligations may come to your attention. A meeting with someone older or in authority.
Opposition The moon-Jupiter
Not perhaps the best time to make important decisions that affect your living situation or life circumstances. Others may challenge your authority or the direction you are taking. Events could conspire to make it difficult for you to act.
Square Mercury-Uranus
Your mind is set on hair trigger just now and this could result in some hasty decisions, if not a few explosions. There may be a lot of tense energy and unusual thoughts. You could find yourself changing your mind again and again.
Opposition Venus-Pluto
You don't appreciate the secretive and overly private approach of someone you encounter. You may not care to work through their inner goings-on just at the moment.
Square Mars-Saturn
Relax. This is not an easy time. Your own drive and emotions are hard set against the way things are, your particular set of realities. Push on now and you risk breaking something. Be patient, and let this one blow over.
Sextile Mars-Neptune
A strong drive to unify and simplify. You want something more imaginative and less mundane. A yearning for other worlds and for some more cosmic form of love.
Sextile Saturn-Uranus
Events may make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs, and find new solutions to old problems. You may find yourself able to implement your ideas and put them into practice. Independence, originality, and eccentricity are to the fore.
Square Uranus-Neptune
You could find yourself struggling to overthrow everything that is dreamy or other-worldly in you, perhaps even undermining your real dreams and ideals. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Perhaps your rebelliousness can be kept in tow.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Libra
You prefer working in a pleasant and very orderly atmosphere, with people who don't put undue pressure on you. You like to see your role as that of peacemaker. Peace and tranquility are so important. The least sign of hostility or discord is very upsetting to you. You refrain from speaking your mind if you fear your thoughts would alienate or start an argument. Always ready to compromise or mediate, you need to be careful not to appear wishy-washy or less than reliable. In many ways, you are dependent upon the approval of others. Libra is the sign of relationships. You think of yourself as half a partnership rather than an individual. Because of this feeling of dependence, you put your mate's needs and desires ahead of your own. You may become confused as to what you want at any particular time, versus what your partner wants. Your partner's goals and ambitions become your goals and ambitions. You are the true helpmate. Because of this attitude, Libra is very stable and dependent in a relationship, even a bad one. As attached as you are to your partner, you may not really show it much. In your quest for balance and harmony, you rarely have or express strong emotions of any kind. Yours is a very dispassionate demeanor that is detached. You don't invest much passion or feeling in your relationships, loving with your head instead of your heart. When cast in a supervisory role you may have some difficulties. This is because you weigh each decision before choosing your direction. You can experience problems if you are called on to make frequent snap decisions for the group. You are an excellent go-between, and not as good at being the leader or boss. Unfortunately, such a balanced view of situations sometimes makes decisive action more difficult. You have a hard time making everyday decisions of little or no consequence. On the big issues, you may vacillate indefinitely. One of your main personality traits is a love of justice. You are insistent on fair play. In this too, you have a very balanced and unbiased way of looking at everything in your world. Accordingly, you are often called on to be mediator in family disputes or in disagreements at work. Your impartial judgment can always see both sides of a matter. You can be very cool and detached, keeping your feelings well under control in pursuit of fairness. Your love of balance and harmony allows you to appreciate music and the arts. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet closely associated with artistic endeavors. If you don't have talent yourself, you probably to do have an interest and excellent taste in these matters. Courteous and refined, good manners are important to you. You exhibit them and you expect them. You are especially repelled by vulgarity and coarseness. Tactful, diplomatic, refined and socially successful, you strive to say and do the right thing. It is always so important for you to make the right impression.
The moon in Pisces
A Pisces Moon indicates that you are especially sensitive, perceptive and perhaps even dreamy. You are very responsive to the depths of human experience, having an understanding and affection for nearly all people. With the Moon in Pisces, you can be overly optimistic, sometimes looking at the world through "rose colored glasses." Emotionally naive, you continually overlook other people's shortcomings and deficiencies. You are essentially so romantic that you may rarely see life as it really is. You are tremendously unselfish, trusting and open-handed. Sometimes you can be a little too generous, especially with your boundless sympathy. This is a very passive position, and if you are not careful, others may attempt to take advantage of you. When they do, you are always so easily hurt; and you may spend much to much time feeling sorry for yourself. You are neither analytical nor critical, but maybe a little psychic. Most astrologers agree that this is the most psychic Moon of all. Highly sensitive, you connect with others on an unconscious, emotional level. You actually feel what they feel. Thus, you have a most sympathetic and compassionate nature, and these fine instincts can be invaluable to you in the everyday world. In many situations, you can be too giving and overly-idealistic. You may have difficulty seeing your people in a clear way, preferring instead to live within a fantasy that you have created. You expect much of yourself, even perfection, and sometimes you may get down on yourself because of this.
Mercury in Libra
In Libra, Mercury produces a mind that is well balanced, rational, and very judicial. You hate arguments and prefer to discuss issues or to reason together. You are polished in your expression, and this helps make you appear very diplomatic always. You may be very deeply concerned with human relations and psychology. You have a curiosity about people and the way they think. Getting along well with others is very central to your interests. You are easy to talk to because you listen with interest and you're honest in your response. Although you are friendly and broad-minded, you can be stern when your principles are involved. Justice and balance are strong in your nature. You don't handle conflict all that well, and when people talk to you in a crude or uncouth manner, you back away and reject any contact, if you can. You are really not readily adaptable to rapidly changing situations, because you have such a tendency to study issues so carefully before committing yourself. You must concentrate ever to attain a sense of expediency or decisiveness. Yet you can be counted on to relate fully both sides of any issue. Making a decision between two good options can be very difficult for you sometimes.
Venus in Leo
If Venus is in Leo in your chart it suggests a behavior that is theatrical, with a good deal of personal and social pride. Venus in Leo is warm-hearted and fun-loving, a natural showman with a need for self-expression. There is an innate need to be in the spotlight and center of attention. You have much physical and emotional magnetism that attracts romantic interest easily. You thrive on these attractions and what they mean to your ego. Romance helps you maintain your high opinion of yourself. You are happiest when you are in love and when bestowing your gift of romance on a lucky admirer. Glamour, excitement and charm mark your courtship endeavors. You are lavish with your attentions, presents, and with yourself. The Venus Leo in love is sincere and whole-hearted. You are one of the most romantic and ardent of lovers. This is an outgoing and affectionate position for Venus, as you truly love life and romantic drama. You can be very loyal to those whom you think worthy of your affections, but you expect strong affections in return. Despite all the fun and show, you are an extremely stable and loyal partner. You are basically a one-love person because your pride is so wrapped up in your relationships. If there is a break in a serious relationship, it will most likely be a very hard and bitter one. While you are innately faithful in love, you are not one to discourage or ignore other admirers. You love to be noticed and admired. You enjoy attracting romantic interest, though you have no interest or desire to follow through on these idle flirtations.
Mars in Cancer
In Cancer, the Mars energies are largely of the emotional sort. While physical endeavors and practical affairs may find the energy to function satisfactorily, mental energies are apt to struggle. This placement often causes actions to be tinged with a very sensitive flavor. You express your energies in a very emotional fashion. Much of the assertiveness of Mars is turned toward the domestic scene. There is a cautious side and much defensiveness in your nature. This placement of Mars is not very physical or competitive, and not inclined to any sort of combat, physical or mental. Mars in Cancer has a very positive side, as it often shows a quiet, peaceful nature. While being very protective of your "turf," you are never too assertive or demanding. In your work, you rarely compromise your views, and prefer working independently and in control of affairs. You are ambitious, and a hard worker. Since you are not, by nature, an aggressive person, you pursue your desires in a round-about or start-stop manner. You frequently change your direction and your goals. You strive for security, and a good deal of your energy goes into this effort. In this regard, you are fiercely protective of family, co-workers, organization, or to whatever you devote yourself. You may be known for the strength of your patriotism and loyalty. Because of these strong moods and feelings, you are a very sexual and sensual person. You are also very loyal in relationships, and certainly demanding of the same from your partner. Infidelity threatens your sense of security and is therefore unacceptable. There is an intensity of these emotions that often results in moodiness and discord in your domestic relations. Your digestion is strongly affected by your moods and feelings. With energies tied to feelings, you are prone to become very angry inside. If this anger is suppressed it can result in ulcers and stomach upset.
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter is in Virgo in your chart. This is a difficult placement for Jupiter because the big picture approach of Jupiter is somewhat curtailed by the narrow focus of Virgo. You may take on large projects only to get bogged down because of your insistence on the correctness of every detail. You have a cautious, practical and scientific outlook on life. This life view can at times become a little cynical. You follow a practical and material view of life issues. Try not to make mountains out of molehills.
Saturn in Libra
Saturn in Libra gives a sense of justice and fairness. This placement give refined approach to intellectual pursuits. Diplomacy and tact come out owing to this Saturn position, and you can work well with people because of a natural trait to cooperate rather than compete. Since Libra is associated with relationships, Saturn here may delay marriage and place obstacles in the path of romantic affairs. A successful marriage will require much patience and hard work. You may have an inferiority complex in forming relationships. Feeling unlovable, you may run off prospective partners. This same fear of rejection can cause problems in your dealing with the outside world in general. Avoid a tendency to shut yourself off socially from people.
Uranus in Leo
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Leo may foster changes that expand personal and/or nationalistic power and prominence. Changes involving lofty goals and ideals will find favor within this group.
Neptune in Taurus
When you dream, you dream in a refined manner about possessions, perhaps clothes in particular, but also perhaps food. You are not easy to get going (passive), but once you are, you may find it difficult to stop dreaming (fixed sign) about matters such as romance. When it comes to personal property, you might find it hard to be clear about what you want. Nonetheless, you are practical (earth) in your fantasy life and about what you dream. You have the ability to overcome obstacles related to personal finances and achieve more beyond the normal boundaries.
Pluto in Aquarius
You transform in an indifferent and unconventional way in matters related to friends and humanitarian matters. There are likely to be drastic changes in these areas: social, intellectual and relationships (air) between groups for this generation. These changes are likely to persist (fixed sign), and be intrinsically motivated (active). This could be a time of drastic social changes which could reach to the very depths of belief, and threaten the foundations of society.
North Node in Gemini
Traditionally, the north node in gemini is considered very lucky and powerful. It indicates you have a fine mind and true friends. Recommended careers for the north node in gemini placement are journalism, work in the media, short story writing, linguistics, and flying. Above all, stay away from repetitive and boring tasks. These will bring out the worst in you. Seek out positions that call for adaptation, but avoid creating a life situation where you jump from job to job without developing a career.
Lilith in Gemini
When Lilith hides herself among the twins, she may exhibit a chameleon-like ability to be whoever she must be at the moment, hiding her true thoughts and feelings. If used improperly, the native may be considered "two-faced" or be a vicious gossip. Lilith here usuallly causes a strive for independence, especially in intelecitual areas ~ work in literary arts or public relations. You have a diplomatic ND psychological intuition and can entertain very well. Tending to superficialness and objectivity is limited because you can become enticed and/or bound by ideas easily. You like to change partners without their input, and even your own knowledge. Emotions can be suppressed, unnoticed and/or converted to rationalities.
Chiron in Cancer
This person feels like a fish out of water. They often express feelings of "otherness". Some joke about being adopted or being space aliens because they feel so different from their home and cultural groups. There can be indications of childhood abuse, abandonment by the father, and early childhood trauma, if other aspects support this, or there are hard aspects related to family. Chiron in Cancer can indicate difficulties in starting one's own family later in life. Some actively refuse to start families of their own because their early life was so insecure.


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