Astrology / Natal chart 26.11.2034 (November 26, 2034)


The Aspects of the planets

Conjunction The Sun-Mercury
A day for thinking and ideas. You may feel like talking a bit more than usual, exploring new ideas or getting happily lost in a conversation. There will be an urge to communicate. Also, perhaps a short trip or a special phone call is in order.
Trine The Sun-Jupiter
A very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover. You feel successful and able to cope. Good advice from a guide or older person may be forthcoming. A good day.
Trine The Sun-Saturn
Today you will be able to tackle tasks that require real discipline or organization. You find yourself in a very practical mood and working with, instead of against, yourself. You may have some serious or contemplative moments.
Trine The moon-Pluto
You may be sought after for your advice and counsel regarding very personal and emotional issues. You will be able to be understanding and handle this very volatile material. You are able to cut through the red tape and get at what is beneath and behind.
Trine Mercury-Jupiter
A clear-minded insight into your own plans and methods is available to you. A very good time to communicate your goals and put them into words. A good time for decisions.
Trine Mercury-Saturn
Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily. Problems and obstacles that have heretofore been confounding should find easy explanations under your keen examination.
Trine Jupiter-Saturn
A real time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will be what guide you and prove successful. Your career could assume a much more determined and solid form -- a firm foundation.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Sagittarius
You are very gregarious, enthusiastic, and open, in all that you do. You have an ability to understand a broad perspective, and to see everything from a total point of view. Your foresight and an ability to visualize the big picture make matters work out well for you most of the time. Always thinking in broad abstract terms, you usually have trouble focusing on details that arise. In many ways you are spontaneous, but with this comes an inclination to be bluntly honest and frank, or at least, straightforward and much to the point. You never intend to hurt anyone, but the truth is all important to you, and you never hesitate to tell it like it is. Tact and restraint can be issues of concern, but you probably don't care. You are so independent. You can rarely be pushed an inch in any direction unless you decide the direction your being pushed is where you want to go. These blows are softened only by your warm, jovial and outgoing friendliness. Even when you stick your hoof in your mouth you can recover and show up as a winner. Often "lady luck" just smiles on you. Sagittarius has a happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and ever optimistic approach to life; but then can turn right around and be so careless, restless and extravagant. You have a natural love of the outdoors and may develop strong enthusiasm for sports and outdoor adventure. Sagittarius is the sign most often associated with sports, and you are inclined to physical activity and active endeavors, particularly outdoors. Future-oriented, you rarely allow problems or setbacks to get you down for long. You put disappointment behind you and start working toward your next adventure. Never satisfied with moving along in slow lane, you want to set the pace on a grand scale. Whatever you set out to do, must be the biggest and best. You want to live life to its fullest. You can work well with anybody, accepting them for what they are. You are the natural, open-hearted extrovert, an easy person live and work with. Relying on your glibness and complete self-confidence, you are a natural in the world of selling. Still in the area of organization and perseverance you may need help from other factors in the chart. If you are like most Sagittarius natives, you can be down right irresponsible and unreliable at times. Your personality is such, however, that people don't get upset about it. It's that natural Sagittarius charm that carries you through the tough spots. Sagittarius is the sign of higher education. You live to expand your horizons in every possible way, wanting to see the world and experience it. You want to meet interesting people and try everything. Your curiosity is boundless and your desire for knowledge is paramount.
The moon in Gemini
A Gemini Moon gives quick responses and the ability to learn rapidly. You're quite articulate and witty, with a tendency to feel with your mind. Using emotions of the bantam, lightweight variety; you're adaptable, and quite attracted to mental stimulation. The social sign of Gemini yields a happy and easy-going emotional personality. A trademark of Gemini is observation, as impressions seem to form quickly. With the Moon in Gemini, you are able to verbalize all sorts of observations with amazing speed. You are quite mentally alert, versatile and perceptive, chiefly interested in the intimate contact of the moment. Friendly, gregarious and sociable, you're likely to have a lot of friends, lovers and acquaintances. You truly like people, and they like you. Communication with people is all important to you. All types of communication interest you, and you are never at a loss for words. You have a natural ability to communicate; both orally and in writing. Your emotional personality requires variety and novelty rather than durability and depth of feeling. In fact, you may be incapable of long-sustained feelings, or of undivided interests. Moods are changeable; you can be up one minute and down the next, and because of this, you tend to be somewhat nervous much of the time. Sometimes can appear superficial because you seemingly lack real perseverance, constantly jumping from one project to another. Actually, you are torn apart by changing feelings, and you can spread yourself too thin and scatter your forces. Your restless nature is always searching for something new. You have the instinct to always be adaptable and flexible, and the capacity to be a little shrewd when you want to be. This attribute becomes pronounced because your senses serve the intellect rather than the emotions. The result is an ability for dispassionate observation and reasoning. A life-long student, you want to learn a little about everything. Moon in Gemini yields a highly developed sense of humor which makes you fun to be around. Shrewd by natural instinct, you know how to play up to others and get what you want, including your romantic partners. Emotionally shallow, you don't tend to form strong attachments or get deeply involved romantically. Gemini fails to rank as one of the more domestic Moon positions. You seem to have a psychological need to do a lot of different things before you settle down to have and raise a family. Having your own home is not necessarily one of you primary goals. You want a life that won't tie you down and restrict your mobility. Freedom is important to you, and you don't want to be restricted by emotional demands.
Mercury in Sagittarius
In Sagittarius, Mercury produces a mind that is independent, versatile, and roving. Your method of expression is impulsive, very direct, and sometimes argumentative. Yet you are social and very communicative with anyone who will listen. You may lack tolerance for the views of others when they depart from your own. You are something of an evangelist for your own opinions, and you love to get up on your "soapbox." The natural tendency is for you to say exactly what is on your mind with little concern for fact or reality. You are impatient and don't always wait long enough to form a correct judgment. Yet people listen to you because you are interesting. Your wonderful imagination may make you a natural storyteller. You're good at improving on the truth. Your senses are keen, but it can be hard for you to concentrate on any single subject for long periods of time. You can miss details because your focus is on the broad view. Everything seems to interest you. You're particularly attracted to subjects that have significance beyond the everyday. You may enjoy philosophy, psychology, foreign cultures, or religion. Seeking deep understand of these broad subjects can occupy much of your thinking. You may become a lifelong student, because you never tire of learning and sharing knowledge. Forgetful and impractical, you mind may be like that of the preoccupied absent-minded professor.
Venus in Libra
If Venus is in Libra in your chart it may give you an innate ability to understand the feelings of others. Venus is at its best in Libra because this its natural sign. Aesthetic perceptions are at their best. You are a romantic in thought and action, sometimes leaving practical common sense behind. A romantic setting such as a candlelight dinner can really get to you. You fall in love easily under such circumstances, and not always with the right person. You tend to fall in love early and often. You want to be surrounded by beauty and harmony. You are very refined and quite sociable, and you try to avoid any form of disagreement or discord. You have the ability to put people at ease and make them feel comfortable and at home. You are truly a charming person, a trait that attracts many admirers. Indeed, the Libra Venus is the most seductive in the zodiac. This seductiveness is expressed in most subtle ways; you're never overtly sexual or physical, but usually close to perfect in appearance and manners. You don't handle conflict situations very well. When you're exposed to conflicts, you may even get nervously upset. Your feeling are easily hurt, but you don't hold a grudge or try to get even. Close harmonious relationships are very important for you. To secure these, you go out of your way being considerate, always trying to please. A happy marriage is a number one priority. You truly enjoy companionship, and you like to please others. You have the ability to understand the feeling of the other person, especially your partner, and react in a perfect fashion. You are willing to make nearly any sacrifice for the sake of love and for your relationship. You are particularly concerned with your personal appearance, and how you partner perceives you physically. You are totally devoted to your partner, and ever interested in filling every romantic desire.
Mars in Scorpio
In Scorpio, Mars displays powerful emotions and desires. Mental, physical, and practical energies are are, likewise, also very high. Indeed, the level of energy with this placement is high in all respects. You are strong, self-reliant, extremely efficient, and highly self-disciplined. An intensity of purpose surrounds all that you undertake. This position illustrates the "do or die" principle very well. You may have an innate ability to transform other people in some significant way. You think of yourself as a "take control" person and a force to be reckoned with. You probably are. Intensely passionate and sensual, you put much of your energy into sex. You are apt to be especially attractive to the opposite sex, whether or not you physically attractive. You may be fascinated with sexuality in all its expressions, certainly your interest is always keen. You're jealous and possessive of your sexual partners. Being trustworthy yourself, you expect the same from others. You're a loyal friend, or a bitter enemy, you never forget a betrayal. Slow to anger, you rarely loose control, but when your ire is raised, you get even, and you can do so with frightening detachment. Proud, dignified, strong-willed, and stubborn, you have the sort of presence that is always felt by others even when you say nothing.
Jupiter in Aries
This placement indicates leadership ability in matters related to higher knowledge. When it comes to those natural inclinations of Jupiter.... philosophy, education, and other spiritual matters, you are an innovative student and practitioner. You are very creative in these matters, determined to make changes and improvements. You are energetic and enterprising, possessing much self-esteem. You are independent, and because of your desire to be on your own, you should do well in your own business. You will have the ability to attract many of the good things in life at an early age. There is a tendency, however, to be a little too overconfident and careless where money and business is concerned. The impulsive nature overrides practical common sense when Jupiter is in the sign of action.
Saturn in Leo
Saturn in Leo gives you a serious personal need to achieve recognition. You don't want to play second fiddle to anyone; simply stated, you want to be the boss. Yet it is so hard for you to express the creative talent that you know you have inside you. You may have unreasonably high expectations for yourself and for those around you. As a parent, you want to be the disciplinarian. Your children may seem a burden to you, and indeed they may be. Because you are rather stern in your dealing, you can have some difficulties in your personal relationships with your children, as well as your mate. Try not to be too hard on those you lead or those you live with. This placement often shows a limited sense of humor, and a demeanor that is very reserved and cautious. Leo is the sign of ultimate self-esteem, and Saturn is the planet that tears down this quality. Don't let your self-image suffer needlessly.
Uranus in Cancer
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Cancer will approach changes in society with emotional vigor. Emotional considerations are apt to prompt unexpected revisions to popular ideas.
Neptune in Aries
Your imagination can be fired with energy and urgency, creating an impressive person. You may be a religious person who seeks to convert others, making peace not war, but really war, in a religious way. You inspirational (fire) and active (active sign). And you are not afraid to start things which are fired with your imagination. In a negative way, you may be deceived in matters which you find exciting and passionate. However, you have the potential to dissolve barriers related to the self and achieve beyond the normal.
Pluto in Aquarius
You transform in an indifferent and unconventional way in matters related to friends and humanitarian matters. There are likely to be drastic changes in these areas: social, intellectual and relationships (air) between groups for this generation. These changes are likely to persist (fixed sign), and be intrinsically motivated (active). This could be a time of drastic social changes which could reach to the very depths of belief, and threaten the foundations of society.
North Node in Virgo
With your North Node in Virgo, this is a lifetime that’s about getting your stuff together. Your greatest potential lies in being able to develop your latent powers of organization, finding a clear sense of order in the midst of a lot of chaos. When the North Node is in any of the Earth signs, the process of growing on a spiritual level is sort of a contradiction. Through this placement, your spiritual growth comes from being able to handle reality and practicality. What your soul really wants is to just roll up its sleeves and get things done. This is why the greatest soul-expression for you is one that’s effective, productive, and specific. You are the efficient soul, feeling deeply fulfilled by any sort of system, method, or checklist that will aid you in your work from day to day. These people make excellent doctors, dentists, nurses, or nurses’ aides, because such professions give them the opportunity to use their healing energies while being of service in practical ways. Psychologist, healer, dietician, accountant, organizer, and craftsperson are also good choices. Virgo North Node people have “good karma” on the job and get along well with coworkers and employees. They can accomplish a task in one hour that might take another person five; they should be in a situation where “getting the job done” is honored, rather than simply working for an hourly wage.
Lilith in Sagittarius
Lilith may hide her emotions beneath a facade of humor or a mask of "niceness". She may keep her personal philosophies secret from others, keeping her own counsel. In the negative, this placement can indicate haughtiness, self-righteousnes and prejudice. Lilith confronts you with temptations of educational journies. You quickly jump at the opportunity to travel and learn. Well-meaning missionary and manipulative intent. Popular because you try to apply diplomacy and fairness. Other people could take advantage of you, as you spread your optimism and generosity thin, or you could tend to misjudge others.
Chiron in Gemini
The nervous system, communication skills and ability to tap race consciousness are all keywords of Chiron in Gemini. There can be early injuries to the voice, or painful shyness that comes from an early problem with self-expression. You may find that the native with Chiron in Gemini takes their time with thoughts and words, because they want to be certain that they express themselves correctly. Later in life, they may express themselves with painful precision to over-compensate.


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