Astrology / Natal chart 09.03.1994 (March 09, 1994)


The Aspects of the planets

Trine The Sun-Jupiter
A very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover. You feel successful and able to cope. Good advice from a guide or older person may be forthcoming. A good day.
Sextile The Sun-Neptune
Let yourself dream today. These days don't come too often, so don't ignore this opportunity to let your imagination loose. Perhaps a good book or movie will take on that more-than-real dimension. Consider the stars.
Conjunction The moon-Mercury
A good time to read a romantic book or take in a movie. Ideas and thoughts will have greater meaning and form just now. You may be very eloquent or forceful in speaking or communicating. People will understand just what you mean.
Square The moon-Jupiter
A time when you could make some wrong choices, in particular as they affect your living situation. You might feel cut off from your friends or be unable to make good decisions. An urge for social life that can quickly turn from good times to hard times.
Trine Venus-Pluto
Эмоциональные натуры, способные на высшие формы любви. Часто духовное возрождение от любви, или их брак и любовь предопределены. Интимные отношения играют большую роль. Сильная способность любить благоприятно сказывается на всем.
Conjunction Mars-Saturn
При положительном варианте - способность к тяжелому труду, напряжению сил, выносливости, находчивости и смелости в опасных и трудных вариантах. Спартанские привычки обещают удачу на военном поприще, где много опасностей и нужна осмотрительность. Неприязнь к людям, жизнь которых менее напряжена. При плохих аспектах - вспышки гнева, ненависть, злоба, насилие. Гнев объясняется разочарованием через Сатурна в деятельности и самовыражении. Долго скрываемая ярость прорывается как вулкан. Если много напряженных аспектов к соединению - возможно планомерное намеренное разрушение, жажда власти, тирания, диктаторство. Переломы костей, воспаления, кожные болезни, тенденция онемения мышц.
Conjunction Uranus-Neptune
A time of discoveries and insights, in particular as they relate to your most inner dreams, visions, and ideals. New ways to feel union and communion with life, and also some new escapes. Your imagination really opens up and breaks through.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Pisces
In Pisces, the Sun is sensitive and idealistic. You are "tuned in" to your environment, and aware of everything happening in your world, and to everyone around you. Pisces is the dream sign of the zodiac. You may be one of the true dreamers of the world, often getting caught up in impractical plans and ideas. You absorb the ideas and the mental outlook of those around you, for better or for worse. The decisions that you make may be workable, if sometimes emotional and erratic. Often these decisions are made on hunches and feelings with little or no foundation in fact. Creative, spiritual and often a bit mystical, you can be impractical and illogical. You're a moody and introspective person, and it's hard for others to understand you. It may be hard for you to understand yourself sometimes. Your temperament varies from being optimistic to being acutely pessimistic. Although you may be very shy and unassuming, you care deeply about your stature and succeeding in your endeavors. You may feel vulnerable and anxious when you are unsure of your status and circumstances. You have a deeply hidden inner pride and when this is attacked in any way, you react emotionally. Compassionate, tolerant, kind, and loving, you are easily influenced by others because you don't want to hurt anyone. Always charming and likable, you are good to those in distress. You are as fond of animals as you are people. You are sympathetic to the world's unfortunate, including every stray animal and helpless soul you meet. You are more concerned with others' well-being than your own, and you want to save people from themselves. You are easily taken in by a hard-luck story and often leave yourself open to be used. You are always there with a shoulder to cry on for your friends in need. Frequently people take advantage of this compassionate nature. If you are a typical Pisces, you're likely to suffer from an inferiority complex. You probably lack an adequate sense of self-confidence, as you are so very sensitive, shy and introspective. You never feel that you do enough, so you often overwork, putting stress on your physical body. In your quiet way, you accomplish much. Having a natural tendency to become a workaholic, you must have a generous amount of escape time, preferably with total solitude. Pisces, more than any other sign, draws strength or weakness from the rest of the horoscope. The nature of Pisces is very adaptable and pliable. You may have to fight for a sense of stability and to resist the impulses of the moment.
The moon in Aquarius
An Aquarius Moon produces reactions which are progressive, but often erratic. Your friends may consider you unusual and unpredictable. Your imagination is fertile, and it produces a lot of creative energy. You sometimes seem eccentric and unconventional in your responses to everyday problems. You're very broad-minded and imaginative, but you're also likely to be somewhat impractical and perhaps lacking in common sense, or so it may seem. Actually, you consider all that you do as being on a utilitarian level, even if many of your ideas are a bit idealistic and outside the mainstream. You have a universal quality that places you ahead of your time. An interesting conversationalist, you are a fascinating person, and a good friend. It may be that you enjoy a good confrontation now and then and really don't want things to go too smoothly. A little on the high-stung side, you don't like things to get to routine and boring. The quickest way to end a relationship for you is to have the other person begin to take you for granted and cease to challenge you in a variety of ways. Stubborn, brusque and willful, you have difficulties in your relationships due to the insensitive attitude you so often reflect towards your partner's feelings. Women born with Moon in Aquarius are very demanding of a relationship that is entirely "equal". Even during the best of times, you may demand the freedom to come and go as you please. Possessiveness makes you feel trapped. Casual companions and relationships are much more comfortable for you because they do not impose so many demands. Your Aquarius Moon may make you seem to be too impersonal or detached for many with whom you come in contact. You are good at observing and analyzing others, but you may lack a true understanding of the needs and feelings that other people have. You are generally friendly to all, but in a rather impersonal, cool, and aloof way. This position overemphasizes friendliness and humanitarianism, but often misses the mark in one to one emotional relationships. You may seem cold because you have difficulty understanding the real emotions of another person. Moon in Aquarius is apt to have given you a special concern for humankind. Often, the placement denotes someone who has very fixed and determined humanitarian instincts, and who participates in activities directed toward the poor or homeless. You relate well to humanity, if not always to individuals. The physical home is not especially important to you, and you may change your residence often or have rather unconventional living arrangements. Some may describe your lifestyle as "bohemian," modern or offbeat.
Mercury in Aquarius
In Aquarius, Mercury produces a mind that is original, detached, and abstract. Ideas come to you as bursts of insights. Your mind is hyper-active and going constantly. Thoughts are rarely organized, rather arriving in flashes and fragments which are often the seeds of invention and progress. The thought pattern is scientific and dispassionate. Your ideas may sometimes be considered very progressive and some may be well ahead of their time. Your unique approach will prompt some to label you as being a little crazy or at least eccentric. You like to do things that are unusual or avant garde just to shake up the establishment and create controversy. You have no respect for tradition and little concern for the lessons of the past. You are a pure progressive. You love to rebel against the system in supporting causes and ideas that are controversial and revolutionary. You are very intuitive, and accordingly, an excellent judge of character. Being very fair-minded, you judge people by what they seem to know or what they do, rather than who they are or what position they occupy. You believe strongly in equality and fair play. A humanitarian, you support ideas and programs that assist those less fortunate than yourself, and you support the concepts of total social reform. You're witty and open to a wide range of ideas, but at times, you become mentally fixed in your opinions and very stubborn. You are talkative and social, but you often come off as rather aloof and cerebral. It may be hard for you to find common ground in many social circles. Nonetheless, you are very verbal and enjoy expressing you views to anyone who will listen. Writing and speaking both come easily for you.
Venus in Aries
With Venus in Aries, you have an assertive self-expression in romantic situations. Venus in Aries is a demonstrative position, and produces tendencies for you to seek excitement in your love life. Cheerful and positive, you package yourself well. As one who is outgoing and full of enthusiasm, you're great in social situations. You are fun and exciting, and to more timid souls, a bit overwhelming. Outgoing, affectionate, and sometimes flirtatious, you become competitive in seeking the affections of others. Romance is living for you. Romantic involvement is like a competition to be won, and you are not a particularly good loser. When you love life is not going well, you are irritable and very moody. Easily aroused, you have an instinct for romantic challenge and conquest. You are direct and aggressive in love endeavors. In attracting a lover, you are direct and full of adventure and enthusiasm. You have a dangerous tendency to fall in love at first sight, or at least quicker than most people. Yet, you can be somewhat impulsive and unstable where long term romance is concerned. The romantic nature is impatient and careless sometimes. You don't take enough time to make long range plans or for truly needed practical considerations. Not surprisingly, early marriages are common with Venus in Aries. Sometimes, you may not have a deep understanding of other people's feelings.
Mars in Pisces
In Pisces, Mars produces emotions that are unpredictable and often intense. Emotional energy is high, sometimes too high. Mentally, Mars in Pisces does well, but on the physical and practical side, this placement often comes up short. The strength of Mars in Pisces is found in the arts. You may find yourself very much attracted to music and the arts. You may relate to many of the world's fine artists who need the isolation and introspection so much a part of this placement. You have a natural sensitivity to color, tone and rhythm that may be of benefit to you in artistic endeavors. In this sign, Mars responds in a confused manner. Assertive action is drowned in this sign that is so receptive, emotional, sensitive, and even psychic. The result of the placement is often a quiet exterior, but with much restlessness inside. Physical strength is rare with this position. Resentment runs high. Excessive emotions are a constant problem and a good deal of solitude is frequently necessary to sort matters out. Mars in Pisces has trouble asserting itself, and it is likely that you are somewhat shy and withdrawn. Action is expressed in "behind the scenes" roles where you can work with subtlety, and your naturally intuitive sensitivity. Much of your attitude stems from your keen sensitivity to the feelings of others. You clearly know what the other person is feeling, and therefore you are always ready to render assistance to those who are most in need. You are apt to express the energies of Mars most actively in support of the defenseless or the underprivileged. In this regard, Mars in Pisces is often found in fields such as psychology and medicine. Mars in Pisces is not a highly sexed sign. Certainly, you are romantic, but in order for you to be satisfied, the greater need is emotional rather than physical. You're very idealistic about love and relationships. In many ways, you view of sexual matters is more like a fantasy with such high expectations that it is rarely achieved in real life.
Jupiter in Scorpio
Jupiter is in Scorpio in your chart. This placement suggests an intensity attached to your view of significant issues. You conduct your affairs in a more serious and secretive fashion, exercising your shrewd and critical judgment. You have a flair for business and finance. You excel in business because of your willingness to dig in and get to the essentials of a project. You are intense and uncompromising in your beliefs and moral views. You have great faith in yourself and like to exercise will power over others. You are both farsighted and determined.
Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces produces a sensitivity in your dealing with world at large. When making your way in the world, you may feel vulnerable and defenseless. This a depressive placement that can make you feel a little paranoid sometimes, often looking on the dark side of a situation rather than the bright side. You may sometimes feel like you are a victim of circumstances or a martyr of sorts. If properly channeled, your sensitive side can be a plus. The productive aspect of this placement is in the ability to exercise compassion in society with a pragmatic approach. Your road to success may be in the artistic, spiritual, or even the psychic. Religious beliefs may be the cornerstone of your life, filling a need for structure and security. Your test in life may be one of developing confidence in your innate abilities. You may need to learn to trust and get in touch with your subconscious. The source of your creativity may be hidden there.
Uranus in Capricorn
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Capricorn are accepting of changes adding to the security and protection of society. They are willing to reorder traditional thinking, but always in a conservative and carefully structured mode.
Neptune in Capricorn
You refine, in a prudent and reserved manner, matters related to power, control, success and fame. You dream about becoming powerful and rich. You may, however, be somewhat confused about the process of succeeding, perhaps neglecting the work and details. People in this group take an interest in the glamour business or the helping professions. If you are taken up by your imagination, it is likely that you manage to put even crazy ideas to a practical and profitable use, making money out of them in the process.
Pluto in Scorpio
You delve deep into the hidden secrets in an intense and secretive manner, in relation to sex, the mind, occult studies and death. There may be obsession in areas concerning genetic engineering, creating (and destroying) life, and cloning. You may be interested in occult studies. In various kinds of research (not only science), discoveries made during this period may not be made public (secret)
North Node in Scorpio
A tendency to be overly self-reliant and set in our ways, to cling to our possessions (material and otherwise) and habits, to be too fearful of crisis and overly focused on security, and to attempt to achieve success through sheer will rather than listening to our sixth sense are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to loosen the grasp we have on the things and people around us and open ourselves up to our soul’s need for transformation, change, and regeneration. We may experience difficulties in partnerships because we tend to be blind to others’ values and worth, expecting them to share the same values as us. We, in fact, not only need a partner, we need to learn the value of true partnership and intimacy (sharing) in order to gain the security we so crave! But, first we need to move away from our instincts to support ourselves, and towards sharing with significant others. We may fear taking chances and we tend to resist change as well as input from others. We may find ourselves imprisoned by the world of the five senses, and need to learn to fearlessly confront the possibility of crisis and change in our lives. Moving out of the seemingly solid and stable material world can seem intimidating. But clinging to things and people that are either outdated, limiting, or counter to our growth will steer us in the wrong direction. Releasing ourselves from our attachment to doing things our own way will help us find inner balance and satisfaction.
Lilith in Aries
Everything is dominated by the impulse, passions and the electric energy that is born from every new action, desire, and through itself. Here everything is “ now or never”, all is submitted to time that is sincerely despised. A person has no time to question, for the body and mind are already united with passions, that are born as such, and before the consiousness can catch this thread and make that fiery, furious being concious, everything has already happened. In the visual sense, this person exudes sensuality and an agressive but seductive erotica. Often persons with Lilith in Aries want to look fatal, so their body becomes their main tool in achieving this goal which they attain by regular excercise in gyms and strict diets
Chiron in Virgo
You need to bring about the fullest potential in the analytical and critical way in which you deal with work, health or service. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you work too hard and need to explore its opposite. You could be sabotaging your success at work and need to appreciate it more. You may need to use more common sense and practical reasoning (earth).


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