Astrology / Natal chart 12.02.1993 (February 12, 1993)


The Aspects of the planets

Conjunction The Sun-Saturn
You may well be reminded of your various responsibilities today. A good time to get down to the nitty-gritty and take care of some business you have postponed. Obligations may come to your attention. A meeting with someone older or in authority.
Square The Sun-Pluto
A very superficial day. It may not be possible for you to penetrate to anything remotely meaningful or moving. Perhaps a sense of the artificial, the repetitive, the senseless. You can't seem to get beneath the surface.
Trine The moon-Mercury
You could be most persuasive with others, and eloquent in speech and communication. The situation is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular ideas and thoughts. A good conversation with those you love is possible.
Trine The moon-Mars
You could find that you are appreciated or valued for your feelings or your ability to act and get things done. Someone understands how you feel and is sympathetic today.
Trine Mercury-Mars
Your mind is quick and sharp, and your words are the only weapon you will need today. You have insight into your emotions and drive, and you can talk about your feelings with great insight and fluidity.
Square Venus-Mars
You may not feel like being very emotional and might tend to ignore any emotional needs that you might have. Your sense of values may be in conflict with your feelings.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Aquarius
In Aquarius the Sun is eccentric and original. You're apt to be a superb thinker, and your ideas are frequently advanced, no matter what field of profession you select. Often, your unique approaches to problem solving are viewed as too radical and unworkable, but you prefer to think of them as advanced and progressive instead. Unconventional and outspoken, you see your role as the rebel and the person who rejects worn out traditions and old ways of operating. You like to be with those ushering in the new order and fostering advanced thinking. Paradoxically, you're a good team player, but one who must have personal freedom. You don't like to feel fenced in. While you're headstrong and inflexible in your ways, you can work very effectively within a large group. You have complete respect for the sound ideas put forward by others. You are aloof and detached, and your concerns are directed toward society rather than to the problems of any one person. You are somewhat impersonal most of the time. You're more emotionally involved with your work than you are with people. You can be highly critical and demanding in a position of authority. Nonetheless, you are a strong leader and organizer. You have a deep understanding of human nature, but often you lack sensitivity to the emotional content of many situations. You thrive on change and managing the unexpected. Always ahead of your time, you are viewed by everyone as being different and unusual, labels you don't mind accepting. You pride yourself on your ability to find a better way of doing the job. Sometimes you lack follow through, and you always dislike routine. You like to take chances and keep everything stirred up. Occasionally, you enjoy antagonizing people in positions of authority, and stimulating a good argument now and then. You don't mind that you are seen as a bit unusual, in fact, you may encourage this image. Equality, freedom and fairness are all important issues for you. You strongly subscribe to the doctrine that all people are created equal and should have the same rights and opportunities. In this regard, you are likely to be classified as a progressive and often associated with humanitarian issues and causes. Though you are very involved with such matters, your approach is always somewhat in the abstract, with ideological concepts, the sort that don't usually stem from true emotions. Your approach is often very impersonal and detached. Friendly and sociable, you may have a wide circle of acquaintances. Friends are very important to you. Intellectually oriented, you are happiest with friends that share common ideas and interests. Strangely, you find it more difficult to cultivate a truly satisfying intimate relationship. This aloofness exists because feelings are rarely expressed outwardly, and you usually seem distant. You resist anything or anyone threatening your independence.
The moon in Scorpio
A Scorpio Moon produces emotional responses that are intense, secretive, and passionate. You must learn to handle your strong, deep feelings, as you are extremely emotional and highly sensitive. A Scorpio Moon position gives an absolutely phenomenal memory. In ways, this is very good. Yet in other ways, it designates a person who may carry a number of psyche scars from remembering, too vividly, past events that perhaps should be forgotten. This is a difficult position for the Moon as the emotions become very powerful. You are impatient, moody and sometimes given to brooding. The nature of this sign is not always very apparent, as you are very good at hiding your true feelings. In fact, you may be almost pathological in your secretiveness, never revealing yourself entirely. Very few people ever know very much about what goes on inside you. Jealous, proud, and possessive, the Moon in Scorpio frequently has difficulty in romantic relationships despite the fact that this is perhaps the most sensuous of the signs. You attempt to dominate and totally control. When you become involved with someone, you throw yourself completely into the relationship. If a romantic relationship ends, you are devastated as though you had lost a piece of yourself. You judge people too quickly, and you rarely give them a second chance once those negative vibrations have been received. You react to situations in an abrupt, impulsive and intense manner. You can be vindictive and determined when it come to getting even with someone who has wronged you. Easily hurt or offended, you are apt to hold a grudge and take revenge. With an executive flair, you are a very determined person, achieving whatever goal is set. You're always searching for new challenges. You react to sense impressions with great accuracy, and can usually see through situations, and through people, with an extremely acute judgment. You insist on thinking for yourself, and you're not one to ever be pushed around. An extremist in much that you do, you never pursue anything halfheartedly. Even when a situation turns out to be detrimental to your well-being, you may still refuse to give it up. Emotional stubbornness marks your nature and natural reactions.
Mercury in Pisces
In Pisces, Mercury produces a mind that is receptive and ruled by feelings. Your thinking is colored by psychic tendencies, and you usually follow your instincts rather than any sense of logic or reason. You are a dreamer who can get lost in your fantasies. You don't pay much attention to the mundane detail of the everyday world that you live in. Your thought patterns and ideas are opaque and vague. Your love of music and other art forms may be very strong. You have a fantastic imagination and you are artistically oriented. You see shapes and hear sounds that others don't, for you are tuned in a most sensitive way to sound and color. Art or composition may be easier ways for you to communicate than oral expression. Creative imagination is at its strongest in this sign. You are frequently too sensitive and too easily hurt, becoming moody and negative when you are. This keen sensitivity may put you in touch with matter in the unseen realm. You are more psychic than most people, and you are certainly very intuitive and perceptive. Meditation, prayer and spiritual thought comes naturally for you. There is a certain naïvete in your nature. You are trusting and gentle, seeing the good in everyone. As a result, you are easily fooled and misled. You can be taken in by a good hard-luck story, and convinced by any phony scheme that comes along. You are vulnerable in many of your business and personal affairs.
Venus in Aries
With Venus in Aries, you have an assertive self-expression in romantic situations. Venus in Aries is a demonstrative position, and produces tendencies for you to seek excitement in your love life. Cheerful and positive, you package yourself well. As one who is outgoing and full of enthusiasm, you're great in social situations. You are fun and exciting, and to more timid souls, a bit overwhelming. Outgoing, affectionate, and sometimes flirtatious, you become competitive in seeking the affections of others. Romance is living for you. Romantic involvement is like a competition to be won, and you are not a particularly good loser. When you love life is not going well, you are irritable and very moody. Easily aroused, you have an instinct for romantic challenge and conquest. You are direct and aggressive in love endeavors. In attracting a lover, you are direct and full of adventure and enthusiasm. You have a dangerous tendency to fall in love at first sight, or at least quicker than most people. Yet, you can be somewhat impulsive and unstable where long term romance is concerned. The romantic nature is impatient and careless sometimes. You don't take enough time to make long range plans or for truly needed practical considerations. Not surprisingly, early marriages are common with Venus in Aries. Sometimes, you may not have a deep understanding of other people's feelings.
Mars in Cancer
In Cancer, the Mars energies are largely of the emotional sort. While physical endeavors and practical affairs may find the energy to function satisfactorily, mental energies are apt to struggle. This placement often causes actions to be tinged with a very sensitive flavor. You express your energies in a very emotional fashion. Much of the assertiveness of Mars is turned toward the domestic scene. There is a cautious side and much defensiveness in your nature. This placement of Mars is not very physical or competitive, and not inclined to any sort of combat, physical or mental. Mars in Cancer has a very positive side, as it often shows a quiet, peaceful nature. While being very protective of your "turf," you are never too assertive or demanding. In your work, you rarely compromise your views, and prefer working independently and in control of affairs. You are ambitious, and a hard worker. Since you are not, by nature, an aggressive person, you pursue your desires in a round-about or start-stop manner. You frequently change your direction and your goals. You strive for security, and a good deal of your energy goes into this effort. In this regard, you are fiercely protective of family, co-workers, organization, or to whatever you devote yourself. You may be known for the strength of your patriotism and loyalty. Because of these strong moods and feelings, you are a very sexual and sensual person. You are also very loyal in relationships, and certainly demanding of the same from your partner. Infidelity threatens your sense of security and is therefore unacceptable. There is an intensity of these emotions that often results in moodiness and discord in your domestic relations. Your digestion is strongly affected by your moods and feelings. With energies tied to feelings, you are prone to become very angry inside. If this anger is suppressed it can result in ulcers and stomach upset.
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter is in Libra in your chart. This placement denotes an especially strong sense of justice and moral principles. You are attracted to individuals sharing your idealistic views. These persons enhance your opportunities in life. You are very considerate of others and understand the principle of cooperation for solving problems and making progress. You are effective serving as a diplomat, a peace-maker, or in any assignment dealing with public relations. You are able to sway public opinion, winning others over to your way of thinking with your power of persuasion.
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn in Aquarius gives strong powers of concentration. Your thinking is both democratic and scientific. Your basically conservative attitudes notwithstanding, inventive and original approaches come easily to you, as well as abstract mathematics and symbolism. Saturn represents conservative restrictions. So this placement is a bit paradoxical and confusing. Often, the placement produces a view of the future that is rather bleak and pessimistic. You may be inclined to work toward the betterment of some aspect of society that is of some particular concern. Aquarius is the sign of the future and of progress. You are a good friend, responsible, impartial and always loyal. Cool and collected, you are level-headed and stable. Yet you may find it hard to make friends and you probably get little support from those above you. Pride may make you a social loner.
Uranus in Capricorn
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Capricorn are accepting of changes adding to the security and protection of society. They are willing to reorder traditional thinking, but always in a conservative and carefully structured mode.
Neptune in Capricorn
You refine, in a prudent and reserved manner, matters related to power, control, success and fame. You dream about becoming powerful and rich. You may, however, be somewhat confused about the process of succeeding, perhaps neglecting the work and details. People in this group take an interest in the glamour business or the helping professions. If you are taken up by your imagination, it is likely that you manage to put even crazy ideas to a practical and profitable use, making money out of them in the process.
Pluto in Scorpio
You delve deep into the hidden secrets in an intense and secretive manner, in relation to sex, the mind, occult studies and death. There may be obsession in areas concerning genetic engineering, creating (and destroying) life, and cloning. You may be interested in occult studies. In various kinds of research (not only science), discoveries made during this period may not be made public (secret)
North Node in Sagittarius
A tendency to be overwhelmed by information overload, to be mentally over-stimulated to the point of not being able to make effective decisions, to be bound by logic and swamped in details at the expense of our intuition, and to miss the “big picture” are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, it can be difficult to commit ourselves to any one thing. We need to learn to trust our inner guide—our intuition—in order to uncover more meaning to our lives. Our decisions tend to lead us astray, as we rely too heavily on logic and miss out on the exciting adventures generated from the thrill and satisfaction of following a hunch or a vision. We need to allow ourselves to believe in something that doesn’t necessarily make sense, but that frees us from mental anxiety and stress. When we don’t commit ourselves to something, we run the risk of appearing superficial or flighty to others. Worst of all, the passion of true discovery eludes us, and we cannot feel whole or satisfied. When we don’t have the faith to know who we are and what we believe, even without knowing, we will never come across as sincere or truthful. We cannot inspire others to have faith in us when we do not have faith in ourselves. When we act bravely and impulsively, working on intuition and faith, we free ourselves from the inner turmoil of doubt and too much logic, and find an inner balance that enriches our lives and our souls.
Lilith in Pisces
Lilith is alreadt secretive and doubly so in Pisces. This is usually th eperson who has emotional wounding buried so deeply that they don't even know it themselves. Lilith's placement here may instigate behaviors which even the native finds baffling and is often associated with passive-aggressive and unconscious behavioral patterns. Lilith can produce high-grade blurriness. Perhaps you repudiate yourself and don't recognize your internal needs or you don't want to allow them for yourself. Fantasy, artistic sense and inspiration are very strong here. In addition, this position shows the danger to succumb to illusions again and again. Possibly your whole life does not appear 'real' but 'virtual'. May engage in crimes on purpose.
Chiron in Leo
You need to bring about the fullest potential in the instinctive and protective way in which you deal with the way you enjoy yourself. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you are seek pleasure too avidly and need to explore its opposite. You could be denying yourself pleasure and need to enjoy yourself more. The solution may involve enthusiasm and optimism.


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