Astrology / Natal chart 01.06.1987 (June 1, 1987)


The Aspects of the planets

Sextile The Sun-The moon
A nice day that should just flow along. In particular, you will do well in activities that include children, younger people, and your home and surroundings. You could feel real support and harmony at this time for circumstances and those around you.
Square The moon-Pluto
You may find yourself at odds with those around you or with your life situation regarding issues of great sensitivity -- very personal. Difficulties, blocks, and all manner of hot spots may be discovered and have to be worked through.
Conjunction Mercury-Mars
There is a lot of energy behind what you say and think. You can make quick and sharp decisions. Also there is the possibility of sharp words. You communicate with feeling and strength.
Opposition Mars-Neptune
Emotions, perhaps coming from another person or event, oppose your life dreams and stifle any imagination you may have. This can result in an emotional confrontation.
Trine Mars-Pluto
A drive to probe and penetrate may find you examining and working through some strong internal changes. Push too hard and you could be too dominating, even oppressive, to yourself and others.
Trine Jupiter-Saturn
A real time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will be what guide you and prove successful. Your career could assume a much more determined and solid form -- a firm foundation.
Sextile Neptune-Pluto
Your own inner psychology and vulnerabilities are open to you now, almost as if in a waking dream. A renewed interest in exploring the realm of dreams and imagination finds you getting to the heart of your secrets and sensitive areas.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Gemini
In Gemini the Sun is active, restless and changeable. You like plenty of variety in your everyday activities, in your friends, and even in your diet. Your interests are many and diverse--almost anything will attract your attention if only for a brief time. Truly, this is the sign of the jack-of-all-trades. As the story goes, you may find that unless you can develop your powers of perseverance, you may be the master of none. Your varied interests can result in a tendency for you to spread yourself too thin, sometimes failing to follow through on projects you've begun. Being very curious, you want to know and experience as much as you can. Gemini is the sign of duality. You find it difficult to limit yourself to one job, to one relationship, or one hobby, as you constantly seek variety and mental adventure. You scatter your energies because you don't want to miss anything. You are a lifelong student, never tiring of learning new subjects. You collect facts and tidbits of data, but you may not always have the big picture. To the Gemini person, communication is of utmost importance. You flourish on ideas, with a mind that is ever so quick and curious. You are a person who enjoys talking and writing. All sorts of communication ideas appeal to nature. You are aware of all that is going on around you, and you want to understand and participate in it all. You are hard to pin down, and even harder to beat in a debate. Your abilities of combining quick comprehension , and the communication of this comprehension to others, are the hallmarks of your sign. You can talk yourself into and out of situations with ease. Often Mercury people (Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury) take mischievous delight in disconcerting slower minds with their fast paced mental antics. You like to be around people, and you never do well working alone or on any routine type job. Extremely friendly, you enjoy companionship, and really thrive on it. Just as you don't like to be without activity, you don't like to be alone. You are likely to have a very wide circle of friends with whom you enjoy many activities--movies, games, conversation, and such. You are naturally outgoing and possess a sparkling wit. You are apt to become quickly bored with conservative types that can't make a decision or agree with your need to impose change. Not being very introspective or reflective, often you don't understand your motivations or the motivations of others. So in many ways, relationships can be shallow and superficial. Your restless mercurial nature requires constant excitement and change, or you'll becomes very dispirited and morose.
The moon in Leo
A Leo Moon produces an air of confidence and a desire to lead. Self-confident, cheerful and optimistic, your emotional outlook on life is positive and upbeat. In Leo, the emotions are carefree, gay, and often pleasure-seeking. Self-sufficient and self-reliant, you get deeply and emotionally involved with all that you do. This Moon definitely accents personality, and causes a tendency toward display. It is likely that an attitude has been instilled in you that you can do anything you want, and that your creative ability has no actual bounds. You may have been spoiled somewhat. There is a need to be admired and applauded, and you seek appreciation constantly. You have an innate sense of the dramatic and always do things with a flair. Something of a showman, entertaining may come naturally for you. You seem to thrive on constant attention and you are something of a flirt, expecting the object of your flirtations to be responsive, as well. The Moon has a natural association with the fourth house of the horoscope, or the home. Moon in Leo gives a natural creative flair to make the home a show place. You may have a gift for interior design and be good with color and decorating. You think of your home as your castle, and you may have a tendency to overextend yourself financially to impress others with your fine life-style. You are uplifted socially and you command respect. Your reactions are straight-forward and usually dignified, enabling you to garner esteem and responsibility. You have a deep-seated need for this respect and nothing hurts you more than not feeling as though you are appreciated. One thing you can't handle very well is someone stepping on your pride. There is a natural love of luxury and a desire for social pomp and prominence as Moon in Leo lends a certain nobility to the persona. There may be an inborn tendency to be somewhat pretentious. Thus, sometimes you can be a little self-centered and even pompous, lacking objectivity and having a blind spot in your emotional perspective. It's very hard for you to ever back down or to accept any sort of a compromise. The Moon in Leo tends to produce a loving and very devoted parent, boss, or ruler, but it is important that leadership potential not be spoiled by the tendency towards being bossy, arrogance, and displaying an overbearing ego. Emotions are powerful with Moon in Leo, and the drive for prominence and power is very strong, as well. Unless the Moon is harshly aspected, you should be like the benevolent monarch, having a great sense of charity and being a rather generous person. You are one who projects concern with an optimistic approach to life.
Mercury in Cancer
In Cancer, Mercury produces a mind that is very intuitive. You are influenced more by an appeal to the senses, than by logic or common sense. Your thinking is regulated by deep-seated emotional patterns, many of which may be rooted deeply in your subconscious. Objective thinking is not easy for you because your biases seem to force you to make certain decisions and ignore certain facts that disagree with you internal initial judgment. Your memory is exceptional, especially for names, dates, and historical events. You have a deep appreciation of history and any artifact or relic of the past. Your answers to present day problems are frequently drawn from precedence and past events. You are influenced by those around you, by your early training, and the opinions of friends and family. You are very close to family, friends and even to country. Loyalty and patriotism run very deep in your nature. You seem to learn best by exposure to information via life experience, as if by osmosis. You are highly receptive to subliminal messages or subtle inferences that you receive. You are sensitive to other people, and you have some difficulty being with those who you sense to be in some way unfriendly to you. It may be hard to explain why you feel uncomfortable with someone, but you do. A major strength of this placement is that you are such a very sympathetic listener. Yet you have to be careful not to identify too closely with the problems of others and take on those problems as if they were your own.
Venus in Taurus
Venus in Taurus produces a practical, stable, and constant persona. Your approach to love and romance is simple and direct. Your sincerity is attractive and often irresistible. You take love seriously and with careful consideration. Yet, you can be so much fun to be around. You are rarely too serious-acting, moody or unhappy. You know how to have a good time and to help others to do the same. You are easygoing and cheerful most of the time. There is an attraction to the luxuries of life, and often a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures. You may have a weakness for good food, good wine, fine furnishings and clothes, and many more objects and activities that delight the senses. The best of everything will be yours if you can figure a way to afford it all. This large appetite extends to love-making and romantic involvement. This sign produces the most earthy sex drive. When you fall in love, it is usually permanent and dependable. Your nature is faithful and permanent. You require a deep commitment from your partner and you are willing to give the same in return. You are loyal and a one-love person. But your demands on that one lover can be great. If you feel insecure, you may become jealous and overbearing with your mate. Just as you are loyal and dependable, you are very possessive and jealous if your emotional security is threatened.
Mars in Cancer
In Cancer, the Mars energies are largely of the emotional sort. While physical endeavors and practical affairs may find the energy to function satisfactorily, mental energies are apt to struggle. This placement often causes actions to be tinged with a very sensitive flavor. You express your energies in a very emotional fashion. Much of the assertiveness of Mars is turned toward the domestic scene. There is a cautious side and much defensiveness in your nature. This placement of Mars is not very physical or competitive, and not inclined to any sort of combat, physical or mental. Mars in Cancer has a very positive side, as it often shows a quiet, peaceful nature. While being very protective of your "turf," you are never too assertive or demanding. In your work, you rarely compromise your views, and prefer working independently and in control of affairs. You are ambitious, and a hard worker. Since you are not, by nature, an aggressive person, you pursue your desires in a round-about or start-stop manner. You frequently change your direction and your goals. You strive for security, and a good deal of your energy goes into this effort. In this regard, you are fiercely protective of family, co-workers, organization, or to whatever you devote yourself. You may be known for the strength of your patriotism and loyalty. Because of these strong moods and feelings, you are a very sexual and sensual person. You are also very loyal in relationships, and certainly demanding of the same from your partner. Infidelity threatens your sense of security and is therefore unacceptable. There is an intensity of these emotions that often results in moodiness and discord in your domestic relations. Your digestion is strongly affected by your moods and feelings. With energies tied to feelings, you are prone to become very angry inside. If this anger is suppressed it can result in ulcers and stomach upset.
Jupiter in Aries
This placement indicates leadership ability in matters related to higher knowledge. When it comes to those natural inclinations of Jupiter.... philosophy, education, and other spiritual matters, you are an innovative student and practitioner. You are very creative in these matters, determined to make changes and improvements. You are energetic and enterprising, possessing much self-esteem. You are independent, and because of your desire to be on your own, you should do well in your own business. You will have the ability to attract many of the good things in life at an early age. There is a tendency, however, to be a little too overconfident and careless where money and business is concerned. The impulsive nature overrides practical common sense when Jupiter is in the sign of action.
Saturn in Sagittarius
Saturn in Sagittarius produces a serious approach to religion, education and philosophy. You are a highly principled person who believes in earning what you achieve through hard work and application. Your reputation is very important to you. This position is associated with leadership in intellectual thought, but higher education may have been blocked for some reason. You may have to educate yourself to achieve the goals you desire. While Sagittarius is the sign of faith, Saturn placed here can produce skepticism and a desire to prove ideas. Conservative in views, you adjust to change slowly and with much resistance. You challenges in life are likely to be associated with religious or philosophical views. In these areas, you are somewhat narrow-minded and fixed in your opinions.
Uranus in Sagittarius
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Sagittarius yield a highly progressive set of unorthodox ideas and the seeds of progressive changes. The group fosters advanced, abstract, and often controversial notions.
Neptune in Capricorn
You refine, in a prudent and reserved manner, matters related to power, control, success and fame. You dream about becoming powerful and rich. You may, however, be somewhat confused about the process of succeeding, perhaps neglecting the work and details. People in this group take an interest in the glamour business or the helping professions. If you are taken up by your imagination, it is likely that you manage to put even crazy ideas to a practical and profitable use, making money out of them in the process.
Pluto in Scorpio
You delve deep into the hidden secrets in an intense and secretive manner, in relation to sex, the mind, occult studies and death. There may be obsession in areas concerning genetic engineering, creating (and destroying) life, and cloning. You may be interested in occult studies. In various kinds of research (not only science), discoveries made during this period may not be made public (secret)
North Node in Aries
Stepping out as a leader or star, prioritizing your own goals, being comfortable alone, the rewards of risk, fighting for your beliefs, expressing anger in an open and healthy manner
Lilith in Cancer
Hidden emotions may come out in ways that affect the physical health. When expressed in ways that are healthy, Lilith's influence here makes the native a powerful parent or an activist for the protection of children. When negative, there may be chronic or psychomatic illness or the tendency toward martyrdom. You like to entertain many people in your home, where you can enjoy meals with them and have emotional and psychological discussions. In family matters you are inclined to not recognize things or situations correctly or you don't want to admit to situations and/or circumstances because you become enticed by unrealistic opinions very easily.
Chiron in Gemini
The nervous system, communication skills and ability to tap race consciousness are all keywords of Chiron in Gemini. There can be early injuries to the voice, or painful shyness that comes from an early problem with self-expression. You may find that the native with Chiron in Gemini takes their time with thoughts and words, because they want to be certain that they express themselves correctly. Later in life, they may express themselves with painful precision to over-compensate.


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