Numerology ⇒ Pythagoras / The square of Pythagoras with the interpretation for 08.03.1966 (March 8, 1966)


The Square of Pythagoras
power of character
health potential
human energy
intuition and logic
level of responsibility
cognitive potential
aptitude for work
memory and intelligence
Sense of Purpose
Aptitude for Family Life
Working Efficiency
The Value of the lines of Pythagoras

Each number in the cells of Pythagoras is a quantitative indicator of innate qualities. It is possible to tell and differently: an assessment of the impact of personality traits on the character and destiny of a man a scale of 1 to 9.

What makes Pythagoras to calculate in practice? Of course, the answers to those questions must inevitably arise in the process of developing the relationship with a specific person. What he wants what I can, what will be solved? And what reaction we should expect from him in one way or another life situations?

Knowing the answers in advance, you can avoid a lot of complications. In particular – do not wait and do not require what is obviously impossible.


The value of the cells of Pythagoras


power of character
power of character
A person with 11 character value is friendly and gentle. They are easy-going and always ready to fulfill their part of agreement. If it is about friendship, they will try to understand and help, in case of love affairs, they will do their best to fit the-best-of-men image. All they would require in return is adequate assessment of their actions, clear and unambiguous approval. Such people are thirsty for praise, and if praised in presence of a third party, it’s even better. This is the sign of usefulness and significance. Their usefulness, in its turn, is self-evident, especially if the energy potential is strong. One who doesn’t forget to tap this person on the shoulder should get anything from them. Such an approach is far more efficient than any pushing for they are primarily motivated by well-deserved gratitude.
human energy
human energy
No twos in person’s psychomatrix implies zero charge, that is total incapability for strong actions. However, no one can live doing nothing, that is why a person with no twos needs to make use of someone else’s energy, to suck it out like a vampire. Shouldst thou in thy pocket Not find a single dime, Pickpocket then for money A neighbor of thine. And since not every person’s pocket contains enough money, people with no twos are excessively agile and fussy. That is how they search for a donor. This may change both due to the external circumstances and internal reserve mobilization. So, this is no terminus. There is a path ahead.
cognitive potential
cognitive potential
Clear, but unstable penchant for exact sciences. Meaning, you have the skills, but there is no persistent interest in something specific, which is the reason why practical results of exploiting such potential may be ambiguous. A very common result is the person’s endless ambivalence, jumping from one activity to another, quickly starting and losing interest. It all ends with either complete disregard of opportunities to learn something, or escapism and soul-searching. In the latter case, assessing one’s success is impossible for there is no one and nothing to compare it with. Another far less frequent result is about combining segmental knowledge and skills, bringing them to a common denominator. Such process gives birth to new subjects and fields of science. The examples are around us. Numerology is a combination of mathematics and psychology.
health potential
health potential
Definitely not the best value. However, many of those whose names are well-known today had poor health in their childhood. The list includes Alfred the Great, Hans Christian Andersen, Morihei Ueshiba. Poor health, however, didn’t stop the first of them from earning his nickname, the second from becoming the greatest fairy-tale writer of all times, the third from inventing aikido. So, poor health is not a reason to give up. Health can and should be improved using case-specific methodology. You don’t have to become a hero hammerman or sports superstar (this, however, has been the case a few times). It is enough to ensure sustainable health parameters so that asthenia doesn’t hinder you from doing what you love, giving birth to and raising children, feeling happy, after all.
intuition and logic
intuition and logic
Such people are often dreamers, which sounds quite inoffensive. There is sure nothing wrong about dreams as long as they have to do with the dreamer only. I once was acquainted with a would-have-been architect who suddenly decided to go into astrophysics having no idea of what it is. It took him five years to cover tons of paper in writing (by hand) until he discovered a brochure the twenty pages of which contained plausible evidence of how inadequate his theory was. Well, these were his five years. Wasted. He could have married someone, after all. People of this kind should not get involved in exact sciences. They’d better give preference to humanities where everyone is free to express themselves in the way they want without risking to harm others. However, it is always quite problematic to be in a relationship with someone unable to establish a cause-effect connection. There is only one hope left – sooner or later, life experience will take up the functions of logical thinking that go missing.
aptitude for work
aptitude for work
Quality overload resulting in one’s inability to control applications of their physical capacities. The overabundance of energy may lead to actions with barely predictable consequences. Such people are said to host devils, and St. John the Evangelist referred to 666 as the Number of the Beast. However, mysticism aside and real world in the spotlight, this man is unstoppable. And it doesn’t matter what they do and where they go. As a result, these people are often soloists, singletons. Niccolo Paganini type. A man of moods, whose moods, however, are impossible for an outsider to comprehend or figure out. You can only build up relationships with such a person if you don’t try to push them or intrude into their private world. In other words, don’t tease devils.
Following the same evaluation system, this value signals a certain but not very clear path to success. One has to find it first. Every other way will be full of obstacles and therefore disappointing. It is actually not that hard to make a choice. After all, there are not so many general areas of activity, and it doesn’t take too much time to identify the luckier one. The more specific choice will require more efforts; it will be important not to waste your luck, to save it for each solid and logically justified move. However, when the path is discovered, feel free to rely on the most favorable environment while moving along. That is probably the best chance to gain self-confidence and actualize your innate abilities.
level of responsibility
level of responsibility
Exaggerated call of duty and sense of responsibility for any action. This person is ready to pay ten times more even for the smallest favor. You can count on their goodwill in any circumstances since if they feel they must help, nothing, not even their own safety, should stop them. However, 888+ value as an obvious quality overload may cause soul-searching, in which case one may disappear, devoured by their pursuit of absolute righteousness. Weakness is seen as a vice, any deficiency becomes a crime. Flawlessness becomes the end goal, whilst its practical results don’t matter anymore. What this person demands from themselves becomes cruelty towards others.
memory and intelligence
memory and intelligence
Goldfish memory is a term applicable to this person. What does it mean? Well, they don’t remember things for long. If some information is not vital, it is immediately forgotten. You can’t call such people dumb, but they do look like that. Just think of the criteria to evaluate intelligence. The first thing that comes to mind is a copious academician discussing a specific topic in great detail. Why so copious? Well, it has to do with our memory. Therefore, someone with poor memory can’t possibly make a good impression. However, true intelligence is about being able to evaluate things regardless of stereotypes or patterns. Are there many people capable of that? And if memory is poor, it can be trained, shall such a need arise.

The Value of the lines of Pythagoras


Sense of Purpose
Sense of Purpose
Quite pronounced, but unstable, in terms of purpose, determination. Such person is ready to act, but their actions are never fully determined, their choice – never objectively justified. As a result, they frequently fail and waste energy and material resources. Thus, such people are recommended to identify their goals using other psychomatrix values, strong numbers in particular. They should further on start taking specific actions in this direction. There is no other way to avoid the “scenario”.
Aptitude for Family Life
Aptitude for Family Life
Such value indicates indecision. The person realizes they need to start a family, but they choose to delay the moment consciously or unconsciously. On the one hand, everybody lives this way, they hurry home from work, raise their children. However, family life implies so many problems and limitations, it’s dull and monotonous. Now you are your own boss, you can spend your time and money as you want, you can pursuit a career. People of this type usually abstain from independent decision-making and wait until someone else decides for them. When this happens, they don’t resist the idea of going down the aisle, they even try to live a proper family life for some time. As soon as frustrated hopes provoke problems, they break off their relationship with the same ease.
Excessive stability. One is so steadfast in their beliefs and has so many regular habits, that sooner or later those turn into a thick shell which has to be broken. Otherwise, they run the risk of suffocation. Then everything that took years to build will be ruined instantly, especially if there happens to be some external influence, like strong feelings, for instance. Such person then turns into a gentle and amenable newborn chick ready to accept and subsume everything that is offered. Thus, their personality will have to be formed from scratch an infinite number of times.
Extremely high self-esteem. Lack of self confidence is new to the person with such value. They are ready to approach any task, even the one beyond their competence, as they have no doubts about acquiring the missing knowledge and skills along the way. Thus, they often balance close to the edge of overestimating their own potential, as self-improvement for them is only worthwhile when the necessity for it arises. However, such self-belief often comes in handy, especially when people around are less self-assured.
Working Efficiency
Working Efficiency
Impulsive manifestations of penchant for labor. Quite significant are the circumstances allowing to activate the skills and abilities for a short period of time provided that maximum return on investments shall be granted. Such people prefer to work on one-time well-paid projects instead of going for fixed pay full-time. Seasonal workers, so to say. The person’s family partner should get used to such instability, as seasons are not always fruitful, and be ready that their beloved one may put time and money at risk for an undertaking with no guarantee of success.
“Putting off until it gets too hot,” is such person’s motto. Meaning, they can actually be busy doing something but only if it is absolutely necessary. And even then they still prefer some cushy job even if it is low-paid. “I’m working, aren’t I?” In a family requiring at least two income sources to ensure a reasonable level of well-being, this person will be the weakest link, the fifth wheel to get rid of if such necessity arises. However, they won’t even insist on making contributions if their labor barely affects the total welfare, “We aren’t starving anyway, so why bust our guts?”
A good value. Spirituality level is quite sufficient for adequate social behavior. Such person can show consideration and understanding when appropriate; however, they won’t burst into tears over an article about a dead seagull flock, or, more so, demand similar manifestations of feelings from others. Therefore, their spiritual relationships with friends and family will be based on a reasonable combination of sentimentality and pragmatism ensuring their stability and logical validity. Meaning, as much compassion as appropriate, with neither obtrusiveness, nor cynicism.
An enviable level of temperament. No need to imitate great passion as frequent intimacy is a vital need. However, people start envying such people if they preserve such tuning after 30. And if it is still there after 40... Women with such sensitivity value quite easily find partners by far younger than themselves, amaze and delight them with a combination of youthful immediacy and mature experience. Men often become playboys or marry girls who lose their hearts to them and submit willingly to such combination of power and mastery. However, the longevity of such relationships is questionable.

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