Numerology ⇒ Pythagoras / The square of Pythagoras with the interpretation for 06.04.1955 (April 6, 1955)


The Square of Pythagoras
power of character
health potential
human energy
intuition and logic
level of responsibility
cognitive potential
aptitude for work
memory and intelligence
Sense of Purpose
Aptitude for Family Life
Working Efficiency
The Value of the lines of Pythagoras

Each number in the cells of Pythagoras is a quantitative indicator of innate qualities. It is possible to tell and differently: an assessment of the impact of personality traits on the character and destiny of a man a scale of 1 to 9.

What makes Pythagoras to calculate in practice? Of course, the answers to those questions must inevitably arise in the process of developing the relationship with a specific person. What he wants what I can, what will be solved? And what reaction we should expect from him in one way or another life situations?

Knowing the answers in advance, you can avoid a lot of complications. In particular – do not wait and do not require what is obviously impossible.


The value of the cells of Pythagoras


power of character
power of character
A person with 11 character value is friendly and gentle. They are easy-going and always ready to fulfill their part of agreement. If it is about friendship, they will try to understand and help, in case of love affairs, they will do their best to fit the-best-of-men image. All they would require in return is adequate assessment of their actions, clear and unambiguous approval. Such people are thirsty for praise, and if praised in presence of a third party, it’s even better. This is the sign of usefulness and significance. Their usefulness, in its turn, is self-evident, especially if the energy potential is strong. One who doesn’t forget to tap this person on the shoulder should get anything from them. Such an approach is far more efficient than any pushing for they are primarily motivated by well-deserved gratitude.
human energy
human energy
No twos in person’s psychomatrix implies zero charge, that is total incapability for strong actions. However, no one can live doing nothing, that is why a person with no twos needs to make use of someone else’s energy, to suck it out like a vampire. Shouldst thou in thy pocket Not find a single dime, Pickpocket then for money A neighbor of thine. And since not every person’s pocket contains enough money, people with no twos are excessively agile and fussy. That is how they search for a donor. This may change both due to the external circumstances and internal reserve mobilization. So, this is no terminus. There is a path ahead.
cognitive potential
cognitive potential
Two threes in one’s psychomatrix indicate an explicit, but not overwhelming interest in technical subjects. This person may find their application in various fields, but they will definitely enjoy manual labor. Meaning, of course, not just trench-digging, but rather something that requires technical skills and knowledge of exact sciences. Something like car maintenance, for instance. At the same time, such people may try to combine their interest in technology with craving for beauty. There are plenty of activities making use of such a combination. For instance, industrial design requires some specific knowledge, but also leaves room for creativity. However, the same applies to the oldest profession.
health potential
health potential
This kind of person doesn’t have to care too much about their health, as Old Reaper is not yet approaching. However, placing bets on physical conditions when choosing a lifestyle is undesirable. If properly developed, it’s fine, but there is no urgent need to exhaust oneself. It’s just not worth it. So, the best solution is to embrace the situation as is and act accordingly. There are plenty of ways for self-actualization with health being only a secondary factor. After all, it is the XXI century, no one is going to force you to pull coal-filled trolleys nowadays. Nevertheless, health should be taken care of. Otherwise, the body reserves may turn out to be insufficient for the most important things. That would be a pity.
intuition and logic
intuition and logic
A typical empiricist, that is a practitioner and pragmatist. No statement is taken for granted without logical analysis. Paraphrasing one Latin proverb, “There may only be what there is”, for such a man. This value allows for planning actions several steps ahead as the result of each move is easy to calculate. Such people never ask, “How could this have happened?” It is easy and convenient of course to establish both professional and personal relationships with such a person. They may afford dreaming only if such dreams are feasible. Their partners may sometimes feel bored, but the feeling of confidence will always remain.
aptitude for work
aptitude for work
Slightly pronounced penchant for manual labor. The ideal option is to become a white collar with some hobby. Meaning, such person has to earn their living working in an office, and manual work is left for leisure. The specific choice should depend on the importance of pragmatic manual labor results for such a person. If fruits don’t matter, they can choose some sport optimal for their health. In case they are not willing to waste muscular energy, some more useful leisure activities should be an option, gardening or applied craft, for instance. Such distribution of aspirations and opportunities allows for having the cake and eating it as well. And most importantly, such people have strictly arranged place and time for everything, so their unpredictable desires won’t be a problem for those around.
Such people are free of their obligations to the demiurge and may live the way they want. Luck is not a reliable option, but neither is it a determining factor. So, everything is in your hands. Explore various ways of actualizing your potential without waiting for a specific occasion. Accumulate knowledge and experience, make it the basis of your self-development. You can finally abandon the luck-based approach to private life affairs and try to take some more pragmatic steps, place an ad in a newspaper, for instance. The main thing is to exclude the words “bad luck” from your vocabulary. There should be no such thing as luck. God helps those who help themselves.
level of responsibility
level of responsibility
Such people are aware of their duties, but are not really willing to perform them. As a result, the cornerstone turns into a millstone around the neck, and any relationship starts to resemble grave encumbrance instead of pleasure. Unfortunately, this is a rather frequent case. Most are just unable to comprehend that relationships are only pleasant if based upon the desire of giving, not gaining. One who has once ignored their duties towards anyone bears a mark of unreliability, which will once entitle someone else to do the same to them. But that is not the problem. Far more important is that treating duties as an annoying obligation poisons this person’s life and makes them unhappy.
memory and intelligence
memory and intelligence
Good memory value. Such person is capable of storing a lot of various data in their brain. One should mind sorting arrangements, though. Remember what Sherlock Holmes told about the attic where things are all messed up? It is the right choice of knowledge that makes one a top scientist while turning another one with the same value just into a walking encyclopedia, a crossword puzzle expert. One more thing typical of 99 value people, who are too emotional, is unforgiveness. They never forget. Moreover, their analytical mind overloads bad memories with plenty of various conclusions making such memories even more important and significant. But that is just an extreme case. Mostly, such people are clever, nice, and helpful.

The Value of the lines of Pythagoras


Sense of Purpose
Sense of Purpose
Quite pronounced, but unstable, in terms of purpose, determination. Such person is ready to act, but their actions are never fully determined, their choice – never objectively justified. As a result, they frequently fail and waste energy and material resources. Thus, such people are recommended to identify their goals using other psychomatrix values, strong numbers in particular. They should further on start taking specific actions in this direction. There is no other way to avoid the “scenario”.
Aptitude for Family Life
Aptitude for Family Life
Quite a paradoxical value. The person definitely wants a family, the desire that goes together with equally strong inner resistance and fear of considerable changes in life. Such situation usually happens when one experiences a strong feeling that encourages them being close to the beloved all the time. Thoughts of a cozy home and children delight this person’s soul. However, images of all the inescapable difficulties and problems come to mind just the same, and the desire for family weakens and disappears altogether. Such behavior is typical of people prone to planning their future in details. When they imagine what may happen, every desire for action goes away. That is why it is important not to miss the chance when craving for family life is stronger than fears and anxieties.
A monument. A Swiss bank. A Kalashnikov. Absolute reliability and steadfastness. Everything is stable, from attitudes and habits to preferences and likes. If this person’s favorite character in childhood was Alexey Tolstoy’s Artemond the Poodle, they will go down the aisle with someone curly and dark-haired. No other options. Such people make perfect spouses in the long run, but their partner should be ready to tolerate somewhat hair-splitting attitude resulting from their refusal to compromise on their habits, even those concerning minor issues. Those are the integral parts of this person’s character, and therefore, sacred.
A good value. These people can adequately assess their skills and capabilities and don’t miss a single chance to showcase self-confidence, independence, and determination. They take up the initiative only when they are sure to be able to solve the problem. Such people are often frontrunners who quickly build their career as they never hesitate to apply for a vacancy. The only complication in life may be an inappropriately chosen field of expertise poorly suited for qualitative characteristics of this person’s skills, rather than skills themselves.
Working Efficiency
Working Efficiency
Japanese-like people. Workaholics. Abilities are never questioned. If it should be done, than any efforts are justifiable a priori. These people are often devoured by their job which becomes their goal in itself. No time is left for simple family joys respectively, any reproaching about that is perceived as black ingratitude. “Who on Earth am I doing this for?” Their partner will have to take this situation for granted. Otherwise, some unsolvable problems may arise as the parties simply fail to understand each other. However, providing such level of prosperity is a sufficient compensation for minor inconveniences.
A slumbering talent that may manifest itself like an impulse under the influence of some spontaneous elation. Stefan Zweig’s Das Genie Einer Nacht perfectly illustrates the example. An ordinary military engineer, no poet, no composer, experiences a burst of inspiration and creates famous La Marseillaise, the most well-known song of the French Revolution and France’s national anthem in a single night. The person with such value of talent may sit and wait until their glory hour comes, or may as well try to bring it close. How? Just by taking every chance to show one’s worth. Sooner or later the talent will show up.
The highest degree of spirituality beyond which are only enlightenment and absolute inner harmony. Such people are extremely sensitive, they are concerned with things most others pay no attention to. That is why their soul is open for everyone, but not all will find a place in their heart as even the slightest insincerity will be noticed, and their attitude will alter accordingly. Whether an alliance with such person will be successful, depends on each partner’s temperament. If the main spirituality and sexual activity values match, then slight discrepancies in each of the values won’t spoilt the big picture.
An enviable level of temperament. No need to imitate great passion as frequent intimacy is a vital need. However, people start envying such people if they preserve such tuning after 30. And if it is still there after 40... Women with such sensitivity value quite easily find partners by far younger than themselves, amaze and delight them with a combination of youthful immediacy and mature experience. Men often become playboys or marry girls who lose their hearts to them and submit willingly to such combination of power and mastery. However, the longevity of such relationships is questionable.

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