Numerology ⇒ Pythagoras / The square of Pythagoras with the interpretation for 13.07.1915 (July 13, 1915)


The Square of Pythagoras
power of character
health potential
human energy
intuition and logic
level of responsibility
cognitive potential
aptitude for work
memory and intelligence
Sense of Purpose
Aptitude for Family Life
Working Efficiency
The Value of the lines of Pythagoras

Each number in the cells of Pythagoras is a quantitative indicator of innate qualities. It is possible to tell and differently: an assessment of the impact of personality traits on the character and destiny of a man a scale of 1 to 9.

What makes Pythagoras to calculate in practice? Of course, the answers to those questions must inevitably arise in the process of developing the relationship with a specific person. What he wants what I can, what will be solved? And what reaction we should expect from him in one way or another life situations?

Knowing the answers in advance, you can avoid a lot of complications. In particular – do not wait and do not require what is obviously impossible.


The value of the cells of Pythagoras


power of character
power of character
Three ones as a character value signal a man of strong will and integrity. They are ready to accept any point of view, but only if they deem it appropriate. Otherwise, any pushing will lead to the boomerang effect with counteracting being accordingly powerful. This person, seemingly gentle and flexible, has immense inner strength, which is fundamental to their personality. It is hardly possible to break or bend them. However, you can always trust them and count on them, for once they make a decision, they will never change it, never break their promises, even those unspoken, but hinted at.
human energy
human energy
Energy value of 22 is considered a norm, sufficient energy capacity for everything from any-level communication to achieving professional success. We won’t dwell upon occupational choices here, saying only that this person’s professional opportunities are quite broad. More important is the versatility of Twenty-two which makes them the best partners for any relationships, from pure business to extremely personal ones. Such person never pushes anyone, never demands too much. Moreover, they are ready to contribute their own energy if needed, and the partner’s contribution equivalence won’t even bother them. That is why they are so easy to achieve consent with. A Twenty-two doesn’t require any special gratitude for their action, although such appreciation is almost always well-deserved.
cognitive potential
cognitive potential
They are not pure humanitarians, nor they digitheads still. They may have very broad interests. Therefore, nothing prevents these people from using the proven and reliable trial and error method to identify true aspirations. Erroneous should be getting blinded by the first success in any field, refusing to try anything else. This person’s skills are very likely to be evenly distributed among several different occupations, but only one of them may become their lifetime project, providing them with a feeling of total satisfaction. It is also very important not to miss the chance, to identify it so as to avoid wasting time on something that is accessible, but not desirable. Searching may take years, but it is worth the while.
health potential
health potential
Definitely not the best value. However, many of those whose names are well-known today had poor health in their childhood. The list includes Alfred the Great, Hans Christian Andersen, Morihei Ueshiba. Poor health, however, didn’t stop the first of them from earning his nickname, the second from becoming the greatest fairy-tale writer of all times, the third from inventing aikido. So, poor health is not a reason to give up. Health can and should be improved using case-specific methodology. You don’t have to become a hero hammerman or sports superstar (this, however, has been the case a few times). It is enough to ensure sustainable health parameters so that asthenia doesn’t hinder you from doing what you love, giving birth to and raising children, feeling happy, after all.
intuition and logic
intuition and logic
A typical empiricist, that is a practitioner and pragmatist. No statement is taken for granted without logical analysis. Paraphrasing one Latin proverb, “There may only be what there is”, for such a man. This value allows for planning actions several steps ahead as the result of each move is easy to calculate. Such people never ask, “How could this have happened?” It is easy and convenient of course to establish both professional and personal relationships with such a person. They may afford dreaming only if such dreams are feasible. Their partners may sometimes feel bored, but the feeling of confidence will always remain.
aptitude for work
aptitude for work
No willingness to bust a gut to do anything. If this person happens to work hard, it is only due to a certain objective necessity, when a job should be done, but there is no one else to do it, for instance. Such people are inclined to work with their brain and live on the fruits of intellectual labor. This doesn’t imply, however, that they aren’t capable of any hard manual labor due to poor health. They are, but aren’t willing to. Therefore, the sooner they make use of their intellectual abilities, the more likely they are to avoid troubles inescapably resulting from such self-pushing. Having to perform physical work with no penchant for it, for example, often causes grave or even tragic nervous breakdowns.
Such type of people don’t have to rely on luck at all. They are granted Knowledge. One can say, they have understood God and have become Him to some extent. That is why they determine their life path on their own. Their luck has turned into the skill of avoiding bad luck. No limitations exist. They are well aware of what future has in store for them, and they accept it, but not as something fatally inevitable, rather as the resources their own worlds will be built from. If failures still happen, the reasons for them lie in attempting to go against one’s own essence and poor assessment of one’s destiny. However, even then it is not a catastrophe as there will always be a solution. Such problems are merely setbacks, nothing more.
level of responsibility
level of responsibility
Sense of duty is absent in this case, with all the consequences. However, it is exactly this quality that serves as a basis for any human relationships, any connections established with the outer world. People become undesirable if they are incapable of compassion and care in response to the same attitude. That is why at some point, such person may be left in total isolation entirely depending, at the same time, on people around. We all have personal needs, but if someone is unable or unwilling to pay the bills, then everything they acquire is on-credit, and all loans have their limits. There are, of course, exceptional cases when a person’s strength of character and spirit of independence ensure self-sufficiency. However, people mostly tend to overestimate their opportunities and capabilities regarding it. Not everyone can live like a hermit.
memory and intelligence
memory and intelligence
Good memory value. Such person is capable of storing a lot of various data in their brain. One should mind sorting arrangements, though. Remember what Sherlock Holmes told about the attic where things are all messed up? It is the right choice of knowledge that makes one a top scientist while turning another one with the same value just into a walking encyclopedia, a crossword puzzle expert. One more thing typical of 99 value people, who are too emotional, is unforgiveness. They never forget. Moreover, their analytical mind overloads bad memories with plenty of various conclusions making such memories even more important and significant. But that is just an extreme case. Mostly, such people are clever, nice, and helpful.

The Value of the lines of Pythagoras


Sense of Purpose
Sense of Purpose
Quality overload. This person is sure they are capable of anything and sets multiple complicated and sometimes apparently non-feasible goals, trying to do all at once. The result is often equal to that of total inaction, that is zero. As a consequence, sooner or later such people tame themselves, accepting the inability to accomplish even the simplest objectives and are forced to be guided either by purely domestic necessities or by someone else’s instructions. Then their determination value draws near to no number or one number value.
Aptitude for Family Life
Aptitude for Family Life
Strong predisposition to serious marital relationships. Such people are well-aware of family values and intend to make them their principal assets right from the start. They are mostly happy to accept all family-related duties and endure the inevitable hardships. They constantly and passionately care for the wealth, child-raising, and peacefulness of their homes. Such people rarely give reasons for a divorce and try to preserve relationships come what may.
Such manifestations of character may often seem strange, to put it mildly. On the one hand, this person literally collects habits, moral principles, and fundamentals of life that are not connected to each other, don’t form any adequate pattern and may even be contradictory. Collection for the sake of quantity. On the other hand, they may at any moment start acting like there are no limits, no rules for either themselves, or people in general. Accordingly, marital behavior is extremely unstable. Even the instability itself is unstable. Such person is really unreliable.
Over-loaded quality value. Over-inflated self-esteem often makes such people set the goals by far beyond their capacities making them go for end runs as a result. And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action. (Shakespeare). Meaning, real actions are replaced with their imitations; the person loses focus and puts a lot of effort into preserving their status without even thinking how far from initial goals the actual results will be. That doesn’t make any difference, though, as self-esteem has long conceded to narcissism.
Working Efficiency
Working Efficiency
“Putting off until it gets too hot,” is such person’s motto. Meaning, they can actually be busy doing something but only if it is absolutely necessary. And even then they still prefer some cushy job even if it is low-paid. “I’m working, aren’t I?” In a family requiring at least two income sources to ensure a reasonable level of well-being, this person will be the weakest link, the fifth wheel to get rid of if such necessity arises. However, they won’t even insist on making contributions if their labor barely affects the total welfare, “We aren’t starving anyway, so why bust our guts?”
“Putting off until it gets too hot,” is such person’s motto. Meaning, they can actually be busy doing something but only if it is absolutely necessary. And even then they still prefer some cushy job even if it is low-paid. “I’m working, aren’t I?” In a family requiring at least two income sources to ensure a reasonable level of well-being, this person will be the weakest link, the fifth wheel to get rid of if such necessity arises. However, they won’t even insist on making contributions if their labor barely affects the total welfare, “We aren’t starving anyway, so why bust our guts?”
The highest degree of spirituality beyond which are only enlightenment and absolute inner harmony. Such people are extremely sensitive, they are concerned with things most others pay no attention to. That is why their soul is open for everyone, but not all will find a place in their heart as even the slightest insincerity will be noticed, and their attitude will alter accordingly. Whether an alliance with such person will be successful, depends on each partner’s temperament. If the main spirituality and sexual activity values match, then slight discrepancies in each of the values won’t spoilt the big picture.
Hypersexuality and hypersensitivity far beyond bedroom relationships. These people become prototypes for generalized characters. A prom-trotter that shoots his beloved with a gun, a hot southern girl that sneaks to her sleeping spouse with a dagger to avenge infidelity. Jokes are funny, but a person with such temperament is actually capable of anything when it comes to their feelings. Even if this value matches that of the partner, it doesn’t guarantee them peaceful life. Quite the contrary, the explosive charge is doubled, so is the explosion force.

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