Astrology / Natal chart 02.09.1888 (September 2, 1888)


The Aspects of the planets

Sextile The moon-Venus
You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today or feel especially kind towards a friend or loved one. Someone may compliment you on your tastes or belongings.
Trine The moon-Mars
You could find that you are appreciated or valued for your feelings or your ability to act and get things done. Someone understands how you feel and is sympathetic today.
Trine The moon-Jupiter
A great time to be with others and to work together. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Your management and directional abilities are in high focus.
Sextile Venus-Mars
You may find yourself looking for a little romance today or at least enjoying some emotional release. You can appreciate feelings and movement. You may want to just get out and walk or exercise.
Sextile Venus-Jupiter
The good life, and all that is fine and luxurious, may be what you value just now. You could enjoy making your own way and finding solutions to whatever problems you have.
Conjunction Mars-Jupiter
A perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the drive and energy you could want, and it should be easy to channel it. The path is open and clear.
Sextile Saturn-Uranus
Events may make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs, and find new solutions to old problems. You may find yourself able to implement your ideas and put them into practice. Independence, originality, and eccentricity are to the fore.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Virgo
In Virgo the Sun is orderly and thoughtful. With the Sun in Virgo you are predisposed to be hardworking, conscientious, and well-organized. Modest, discriminating and thorough, everything you do, you do well. Practical and down to earth, you are a diligent worker with a competent, discriminating intellect. You are highly analytical and exacting, especially adapted to handling projects with painstaking perfection. Thus, you are fond of good workmanship and the utmost in quality. You are dependable because your approach is always one based on common sense and a realistic and analytical assessment of the problem. You give much attention to detail, but you can carry this to extremes, becoming fussy and critical, sometimes interfering. Large-scale projects can overwhelm you because of your insistence on perfection. Unless you can deliver such quality, you may become frustrated and discouraged. There is always the tendency and danger with Virgo that the big picture idea will be missed in search of minute details. You expect yourself and everyone around you to be perfect, often setting yourself up for disappointment. Your outlook is too negative and picky sometimes. Modest and unassuming, you are usually content to live in the background. Your attitude, at times, can become puritanical and prudish. You consider yourself an ordinary person, and you are never given to any airs of pretentiousness or showing off. There may be a tendency for you to see your role as one of service and "behind the scenes" support activity. You have a serious attitude toward refining your mind and acquiring knowledge. With your highly varied interests, you can gain a remarkable amount of data about different subjects. You instinctively know that you must grasp all parts before you can fully understand the whole. Systematizing and detail organization are your strengths. You are idealistic, but always practical and reasonable. You're not likely to make general statements based on too few facts. You may be somewhat health conscious, for you have an instinctive sense of balance in diet. You're very sensible in taking care of your health, and for that matter, the health of others. Often, the Virgo becomes exceptionally neat and orderly, even a bit neurotic about cleanliness. You're likely to be susceptible to stress related problems because you do tend to worry too much.
The moon in Cancer
A Cancer Moon gives a strong drive for recognition and acceptance. You are highly sensitive and creative, if somewhat given to brooding and moodiness. You rarely go out of your way to garner new information, but once something sinks into your mind, it is indelibly impressed upon it. Everything that you experience is held in feeling memory. You let your heart rule your head, and you can have trouble making rational, detached decisions. Yet your intuition is quite keen, and you would be smart to rely on it. You have an almost psychic ability to "tune in" to what other people are thinking and feeling. By nature, you're suspicious and distrusting, although, surprisingly, you tend to almost naively trust your own feelings and gut hunches. The Cancer influence is often far too sensitive surroundings. This over-sensitive nature can be a positive or a negative; on the positive side, you are no doubt very intuitive; on the negative side, you are moody and subject to emotional upsets. This thin-skinned attitude toward outside influences causes you to pick up negative vibrations from others. You are frequently moody and prone to having problems in personal relationships. Often, Cancer Moon people wear their heart on their sleeve, but like so many of them, you may have a habit of hiding your true feelings and strong emotions under a rather hard shell. You have an especially strong love of home and family, and you staunchly protect your personal security. In Cancer, the emotions reflected by the Moon are sensitive to matters that affect people as a whole, the "universal parent." Towards loved ones, you are gentle, peaceful, and romantic. You have a nurturing attitude toward your family and to those you consider under your very broad protective "wing." Security is of primary importance to you, but often you feel your life lacks the comfort of inherent stability. Things that offer a sense of protection become very important: money, material belongings, family, home, country, and traditions, may all be included in this. Change, risk-taking, relocating, and opinions differing from your own are things that pose a challenge to your security, and are usually rejected accordingly. You have a great deal of apprehension regarding matters outside of your own personal control.
Mercury in Virgo
In Virgo, Mercury produces a mind that is logical, but highly critical. You are mathematical, practical and careful about details. You are one of those people who catches on to things quickly, and you carry out your tasks in an orderly and businesslike manner. This placement indicates excellent analytical abilities, and a good common sense approach to most mental activities. You require orderly surroundings and efficient methods of operation. There is some tendency for you to lack confidence or at least to seem to lack confidence. The hesitation that precedes action probably relates to your habit of checking, double checking and going over things one last time, before taking final action. You rarely allow yourself to be spread so thin that you can't be sure of producing your standard of accuracy and discrimination. You want such a degree of minute precision and accuracy that many will perceive you as a nit-picker. It is not at all uncommon for those with Mercury in Virgo to seek professional and financial success by acquiring much education and special technical skills. You also may possess special abilities in communication and in general writing. Your use of the language and grammar is probably near perfect. Be careful not to become to obsessed with detail and work, becoming shy and withdrawn, and failing to do as well as you should in casual and leisure conversation.
Venus in Virgo
If Venus is in Virgo in your chart it produces tendencies to over-analyze emotions. You may be critical of those you are near. You play it safe in affairs of the heart. This position often produces a cool exterior that is a cover for romantic shyness. You may not think of yourself so much as shy, but rather just careful and cautious. You want to know what to expect in a romantic situation, and sometimes this isn't easy to predict. You do have deep emotions, but you keep them in check. You feel it better to be safe than sorry. Venus in Virgo has a subtle charm that doesn't come on strong. The natural analytic trait found here may stand in the way of making any sort of romantic commitment until you are sure what you are doing. The object of your affection must be clearly what you want. You categorize everything including people, keeping your emotional life neat and well organized. You see love as commitment and devotion. Fidelity is an absolute must. You are true and capable of complete romantic involvement, but never with showy or demonstrative displays. You show you care by be constant in taking care of details and focusing on the practical needs of your partner. No one gets better treatment in a relationship than does your chosen mate. You have polite manners, a neat personal appearance, fastidious personal hygiene, so you are repelled by the uncouth in any form. While you are constant in relationships, you insist that your lovers share your ideals and high standards. You would prefer living the solo life to dealing with someone who fails to live up to your standards.
Mars in Scorpio
In Scorpio, Mars displays powerful emotions and desires. Mental, physical, and practical energies are are, likewise, also very high. Indeed, the level of energy with this placement is high in all respects. You are strong, self-reliant, extremely efficient, and highly self-disciplined. An intensity of purpose surrounds all that you undertake. This position illustrates the "do or die" principle very well. You may have an innate ability to transform other people in some significant way. You think of yourself as a "take control" person and a force to be reckoned with. You probably are. Intensely passionate and sensual, you put much of your energy into sex. You are apt to be especially attractive to the opposite sex, whether or not you physically attractive. You may be fascinated with sexuality in all its expressions, certainly your interest is always keen. You're jealous and possessive of your sexual partners. Being trustworthy yourself, you expect the same from others. You're a loyal friend, or a bitter enemy, you never forget a betrayal. Slow to anger, you rarely loose control, but when your ire is raised, you get even, and you can do so with frightening detachment. Proud, dignified, strong-willed, and stubborn, you have the sort of presence that is always felt by others even when you say nothing.
Jupiter in Scorpio
Jupiter is in Scorpio in your chart. This placement suggests an intensity attached to your view of significant issues. You conduct your affairs in a more serious and secretive fashion, exercising your shrewd and critical judgment. You have a flair for business and finance. You excel in business because of your willingness to dig in and get to the essentials of a project. You are intense and uncompromising in your beliefs and moral views. You have great faith in yourself and like to exercise will power over others. You are both farsighted and determined.
Saturn in Leo
Saturn in Leo gives you a serious personal need to achieve recognition. You don't want to play second fiddle to anyone; simply stated, you want to be the boss. Yet it is so hard for you to express the creative talent that you know you have inside you. You may have unreasonably high expectations for yourself and for those around you. As a parent, you want to be the disciplinarian. Your children may seem a burden to you, and indeed they may be. Because you are rather stern in your dealing, you can have some difficulties in your personal relationships with your children, as well as your mate. Try not to be too hard on those you lead or those you live with. This placement often shows a limited sense of humor, and a demeanor that is very reserved and cautious. Leo is the sign of ultimate self-esteem, and Saturn is the planet that tears down this quality. Don't let your self-image suffer needlessly.
Uranus in Libra
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Libra will find more difficult than most to hang on to partnerships and relationships. The urge for change within this group may disrupt cooperative endeavors.
Neptune in Gemini
You tend to refine matters in a versatile and variable way, particularly in areas concerning communication, education, child care, etc. You may idealise education and communication, and you may dream of being an expert communicator or teacher. You may also tend to be deceived in these areas, because you are so impassioned by your ideals and by your dreams. You are likely to get on well with people because you believe in the basic good nature of others. In areas of thinking and communication, you can achieve beyond the normal boundaries.
Pluto in Gemini
You delve below the surface in a versatile and variable manner in matters dealing with communication, thinking, ideas and relationships (air). You are interested in hidden matters (secrets of life and death) which you might seek to communicate in a versatile and variable manner (mutable), perhaps in books, or whatever form is appropriate in your time (22nd Century)
North Node in Cancer
Traditionally, the north node in cancer has been considered a lucky placement. It gives good judgment and insight. However, the corresponding South Node in Cancer signifies a high strung nature and trouble with love relationships.Key words for the North Node in Cancer are domesticity and mothering. You came into this world knowing how to lead and organize. To balance your nodal energy housekeeping, landscaping, genealogy, yoga, and history are all recommended hobbies for the north node in cancer. As you let go of your control issues and move into your emotional body, you will find yourself connecting with others more and more and enjoying the experience. It is important that you establish a family of some sort and that you be industrious. It’s important that the carrier of the north node in cancer placement avoid any reflexive tendencies to withdraw into isolation. You are here to nurture the group and take comfort in being part of a family. Trust the life process and your instincts. You may never attain the station in life to which you think you are entitled, but in your home and family you will find a far great happiness than you could ever have imagined.
Lilith in Taurus
This placement supposedly gives extraordinary love for the beauty and big emotional activity. You look for your security needs in a relationship, contacting others by flirting. With gifts and properties others can attract you, and probably you achieve material security in a partnership. But you maybe get disturbed by the material dependence then, and your emotional harmony turns out of the balance.
Chiron in Cancer
This person feels like a fish out of water. They often express feelings of "otherness". Some joke about being adopted or being space aliens because they feel so different from their home and cultural groups. There can be indications of childhood abuse, abandonment by the father, and early childhood trauma, if other aspects support this, or there are hard aspects related to family. Chiron in Cancer can indicate difficulties in starting one's own family later in life. Some actively refuse to start families of their own because their early life was so insecure.


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