Astrology / Natal chart 18.02.1855 (February 18, 1855)


The Aspects of the planets

Sextile The Sun-Pluto
Real insight into your own inner workings or psychology could surface today, and in a manageable form. You may be in the mood for deep and penetrating conversations or thoughts.
Conjunction Mercury-Venus
Its easy to see what you value and care about. Your sense of appreciation is sharpened and in high focus. A good day to select those new house furnishings or to appraise your holdings.
Conjunction Mercury-Neptune
You find yourself at your most imaginative, at least when it comes to ideas and thoughts. Right now you have an opportunity to transcend the everyday thoughts and soar into more cosmic or eternal musings.
Conjunction Venus-Mars
You may find yourself looking for a little romance today or at least enjoying some emotional release. You can appreciate feelings and movement. You may want to just get out and walk or exercise.
Sextile Venus-Uranus
Independence, as well as anything unusual or different, is valued. You may enjoy getting away from routine and doing something completely different for a change.
Conjunction Venus-Neptune
You may enjoy a good movie or book or feel like escaping from day-to-day realities for a while. You can appreciate an imaginative approach and may value communal or futuristic ideas.
Square Mars-Saturn
Relax. This is not an easy time. Your own drive and emotions are hard set against the way things are, your particular set of realities. Push on now and you risk breaking something. Be patient, and let this one blow over.
Sextile Mars-Uranus
You feel like being different, trying something new and unusual. A perfect time for new ideas, a breakthrough in thinking, a novel approach.
Square Jupiter-Uranus
Career choices and direction seem to indicate a loss of freedom and originality on your part. You may feel stifled and forced to go along if you want to succeed. This could result in a situation building up to an explosive level. Tread with care.
Sextile Uranus-Neptune
There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your self-image or into your ideals and dreams. A time to reshape and renew your philosophy or religion, during which your imagination is at full tilt. Breakthroughs in compassion and communion.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Aquarius
In Aquarius the Sun is eccentric and original. You're apt to be a superb thinker, and your ideas are frequently advanced, no matter what field of profession you select. Often, your unique approaches to problem solving are viewed as too radical and unworkable, but you prefer to think of them as advanced and progressive instead. Unconventional and outspoken, you see your role as the rebel and the person who rejects worn out traditions and old ways of operating. You like to be with those ushering in the new order and fostering advanced thinking. Paradoxically, you're a good team player, but one who must have personal freedom. You don't like to feel fenced in. While you're headstrong and inflexible in your ways, you can work very effectively within a large group. You have complete respect for the sound ideas put forward by others. You are aloof and detached, and your concerns are directed toward society rather than to the problems of any one person. You are somewhat impersonal most of the time. You're more emotionally involved with your work than you are with people. You can be highly critical and demanding in a position of authority. Nonetheless, you are a strong leader and organizer. You have a deep understanding of human nature, but often you lack sensitivity to the emotional content of many situations. You thrive on change and managing the unexpected. Always ahead of your time, you are viewed by everyone as being different and unusual, labels you don't mind accepting. You pride yourself on your ability to find a better way of doing the job. Sometimes you lack follow through, and you always dislike routine. You like to take chances and keep everything stirred up. Occasionally, you enjoy antagonizing people in positions of authority, and stimulating a good argument now and then. You don't mind that you are seen as a bit unusual, in fact, you may encourage this image. Equality, freedom and fairness are all important issues for you. You strongly subscribe to the doctrine that all people are created equal and should have the same rights and opportunities. In this regard, you are likely to be classified as a progressive and often associated with humanitarian issues and causes. Though you are very involved with such matters, your approach is always somewhat in the abstract, with ideological concepts, the sort that don't usually stem from true emotions. Your approach is often very impersonal and detached. Friendly and sociable, you may have a wide circle of acquaintances. Friends are very important to you. Intellectually oriented, you are happiest with friends that share common ideas and interests. Strangely, you find it more difficult to cultivate a truly satisfying intimate relationship. This aloofness exists because feelings are rarely expressed outwardly, and you usually seem distant. You resist anything or anyone threatening your independence.
The moon in Pisces
A Pisces Moon indicates that you are especially sensitive, perceptive and perhaps even dreamy. You are very responsive to the depths of human experience, having an understanding and affection for nearly all people. With the Moon in Pisces, you can be overly optimistic, sometimes looking at the world through "rose colored glasses." Emotionally naive, you continually overlook other people's shortcomings and deficiencies. You are essentially so romantic that you may rarely see life as it really is. You are tremendously unselfish, trusting and open-handed. Sometimes you can be a little too generous, especially with your boundless sympathy. This is a very passive position, and if you are not careful, others may attempt to take advantage of you. When they do, you are always so easily hurt; and you may spend much to much time feeling sorry for yourself. You are neither analytical nor critical, but maybe a little psychic. Most astrologers agree that this is the most psychic Moon of all. Highly sensitive, you connect with others on an unconscious, emotional level. You actually feel what they feel. Thus, you have a most sympathetic and compassionate nature, and these fine instincts can be invaluable to you in the everyday world. In many situations, you can be too giving and overly-idealistic. You may have difficulty seeing your people in a clear way, preferring instead to live within a fantasy that you have created. You expect much of yourself, even perfection, and sometimes you may get down on yourself because of this.
Mercury in Pisces
In Pisces, Mercury produces a mind that is receptive and ruled by feelings. Your thinking is colored by psychic tendencies, and you usually follow your instincts rather than any sense of logic or reason. You are a dreamer who can get lost in your fantasies. You don't pay much attention to the mundane detail of the everyday world that you live in. Your thought patterns and ideas are opaque and vague. Your love of music and other art forms may be very strong. You have a fantastic imagination and you are artistically oriented. You see shapes and hear sounds that others don't, for you are tuned in a most sensitive way to sound and color. Art or composition may be easier ways for you to communicate than oral expression. Creative imagination is at its strongest in this sign. You are frequently too sensitive and too easily hurt, becoming moody and negative when you are. This keen sensitivity may put you in touch with matter in the unseen realm. You are more psychic than most people, and you are certainly very intuitive and perceptive. Meditation, prayer and spiritual thought comes naturally for you. There is a certain naïvete in your nature. You are trusting and gentle, seeing the good in everyone. As a result, you are easily fooled and misled. You can be taken in by a good hard-luck story, and convinced by any phony scheme that comes along. You are vulnerable in many of your business and personal affairs.
Venus in Pisces
If Venus is in Pisces in your chart it may show a very compassionate and tender-hearted nature. You have a strong need for love and understanding, and without this you can feel lost. Thus, you may much of your time falling into and out of love. No one can experience the extreme highs and low lows faced in the love life of the Venus in Pisces. This sensitivity marks you as a most understanding person, but one who is highly dependent and in need of a caring partner. This vulnerability is a very attractive and attracting trait. With your warmth and graciousness, you have little trouble establishing close relationships. You are inclined to become somewhat dependent in a relationship. If this is not the case, then you may attract a partner who becomes dependent on you. This sign, more than any other, is called on to make sacrifices for the sake of loved ones. You are more likely than most to be attracted to people who take advantage of you. Your heart rules your head, and there is little that can be done about this. You have a talent for collecting those who are downtrodden, unfortunate, or in some sort of need. Using good judgment in matters of the heart will have to be a learned trait, as it doesn't come naturally. Extreme sensitivity can leave you open to hurt. There is a tendency to suffer in silence and become very reticent. When affairs don't go well for you in a relationship, you act and feel like a martyr, and you may sometimes push this attitude a little too far. You have a fear of rejection that can make it hard to express feeling that are so deep in this placement. Strong feelings sometimes cloud reality. Your intuition is highly developed, and you relate deeply to art, poetry, nature and music. You may have special talents or just a wonderful sense of appreciation.
Mars in Pisces
In Pisces, Mars produces emotions that are unpredictable and often intense. Emotional energy is high, sometimes too high. Mentally, Mars in Pisces does well, but on the physical and practical side, this placement often comes up short. The strength of Mars in Pisces is found in the arts. You may find yourself very much attracted to music and the arts. You may relate to many of the world's fine artists who need the isolation and introspection so much a part of this placement. You have a natural sensitivity to color, tone and rhythm that may be of benefit to you in artistic endeavors. In this sign, Mars responds in a confused manner. Assertive action is drowned in this sign that is so receptive, emotional, sensitive, and even psychic. The result of the placement is often a quiet exterior, but with much restlessness inside. Physical strength is rare with this position. Resentment runs high. Excessive emotions are a constant problem and a good deal of solitude is frequently necessary to sort matters out. Mars in Pisces has trouble asserting itself, and it is likely that you are somewhat shy and withdrawn. Action is expressed in "behind the scenes" roles where you can work with subtlety, and your naturally intuitive sensitivity. Much of your attitude stems from your keen sensitivity to the feelings of others. You clearly know what the other person is feeling, and therefore you are always ready to render assistance to those who are most in need. You are apt to express the energies of Mars most actively in support of the defenseless or the underprivileged. In this regard, Mars in Pisces is often found in fields such as psychology and medicine. Mars in Pisces is not a highly sexed sign. Certainly, you are romantic, but in order for you to be satisfied, the greater need is emotional rather than physical. You're very idealistic about love and relationships. In many ways, you view of sexual matters is more like a fantasy with such high expectations that it is rarely achieved in real life.
Jupiter in Aquarius
Jupiter is in Aquarius in your chart. This position suggests that you are one who can accept people at face value without regard to distinctions of race, creed or class. You are impartial and democratic in every respect. Your great tolerance and understanding helps you to succeed in many of your endeavors relating to people. In handling personnel, you are bound to succeed for you have a great need to help others. You can approach major projects and problems with fresh and original ideas. These traits notwithstanding, you don't tend to seek out responsibility very often. You can be somewhat lacking in discipline. Disinterest in material matter limits prosperity. You may sometimes be revolutionary and in these instances you may lack tolerance.
Saturn in Gemini
Saturn in Gemini shows adaptability, and a systematic and logical approach. You face problems with a cool and rational sense of control. Reasoning and problem solving abilities are exceptional, and this placement is excellent for the scientific or mathematical fields. Many with this placement experience problems with their early education of with some aspect of communicating. Saturn is Gemini may make if hard to learn lessons, but retention is good when the lesson is learned. Speaking before groups is especially difficult, so you don't waste words. Despite the difficulty you may have in learning, you have a common sense head for business. You cut through detail and get to the facts. You produce tangible results with little discussion.
Uranus in Taurus
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Taurus will be rather deliberate in viewing and effecting change on a broad scale. Revisions to the status quo must be proved to have concrete purpose and reward, and those that do will be set in stone.
Neptune in Pisces
You refine matters to do with religion, service and self-lessness in an impressionable and inspirational manner. You wish to serve, not just in a physical way, but in a spiritual way, your fellow humans and to transcend the barriers to forming one nation of humans. There can be a saintly, self-sacrificing attitude. In your search for religious ecstasy, you should guard against being deceived by drugs and alcohol. You can refine these damaging tendencies and turn them into means of helping others and into ways of transcendence.
Pluto in Taurus
You seek to transform in an enduring and possessive way in matters related to personal wealth, You make changes slowly (Pluto in detriment, fixed unchanging sign) in a controlled way in increasing your wealth. You are a materialist (earth) and tend to ignore or be unaware (resistance to change) of forces that are acting below the surface (Pluto) which may make radical transformations. People under this sign might have strong sex impulses.
North Node in Taurus
Seducing, manipulating, strategizing, the nomadic lifestyle, sex as a weapon, being overly secretive or superstitious, relying on other people’s money and resources. With your North Node in Taurus, your Soul craves peace and serenity in this life--as well as good music, a loyal lover, and picnics on the beach with good food and wine! Doesn't everybody? Yes, but not like you---you need these things to remind your Soul that life can be good and safe and beautiful. Having suffered too much drama and trauma either earlier in this life, or in a previous one, you're suffering now from a slight despair of spirit—one could even say that this Nodal combination has a “forgotten emotional memory” of life at its most tragic. The cure for this soul sickness is to nurture your self with the things that make life worth living. Cultivating loyal friends, enjoying nature and the physical world, and creating a beautiful home that feels like a safe harbor are all good things for you to do.
Lilith in Leo
Lilith in Leo gives an unreasonlably strong ego in a person. That is why there will always be those that love her and those that hate her. With her formidable charisma, she is able to achieve unbelievable goals and is often in life governed by the principle that “the end justifies all means”. The need to enforce ones own will is very pronounced, which is why they are tactless, impatient, incapable of working in a team and of any kind of compromise. They always want “more out of life”.
Chiron in Capricorn
You need to bring about the fullest potential in the prudent and reserved way in which you deal with, for instance, power, materialism etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to be powerful but you need to pay attention to what you really want (or need). Alternatively, you may need to seek more power and wealth. In any case, it is through your practical, cautious and common-sense that you will heal (earth).


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