Astrology / Natal chart 26.10.1853 (Oct 26, 1853)


The Aspects of the planets

Opposition The Sun-Pluto
Your own inner need for change and growth may be threatened by someone older or by circumstances. There could be some underhanded or devious goings-on behind the scenes as well. Tension of a psychological or political nature may be present.
Square The moon-Mercury
Others may cut you off or make it difficult for you to express yourself today. You could find that you lack depth and feeling and the ability to move or communicate with others. Your ideas may not find the support you need.
Trine The moon-Venus
You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today or feel especially kind towards a friend or loved one. Someone may compliment you on your tastes or belongings.
Conjunction The moon-Mars
Everything points to your taking the initiative today. You could feel great support from those around you, or circumstances could dictate your taking action. You feel healthy and natural.
Trine The moon-Jupiter
A great time to be with others and to work together. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Your management and directional abilities are in high focus.
Square Mercury-Mars
Your mind is very sharp now, with the result that you may be a bit irritable or say too much. Quick-witted you are, but this could also result in arguments and hard words.
Trine Venus-Mars
Окрыляет чувства, развивает склонность к искусству. Любят шутки, имеют привлекательную внешность. Умеют нравиться, легко общаются с противоположным полом. Это динамичные, привлекательные люди. Творческий талант в музыке и драматическом искусстве, энергия и воля помогают его проявлять.
Square Venus-Neptune
You prefer the simple, ordinary virtues and don't appreciate any form of other-worldliness or escapism. Not the best time to read a book or take in a movie.
Trine Mars-Jupiter
A perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the drive and energy you could want, and it should be easy to channel it. The path is open and clear.
Sextile Uranus-Neptune
There is the possibility of new visions or sudden insights into your self-image or into your ideals and dreams. A time to reshape and renew your philosophy or religion, during which your imagination is at full tilt. Breakthroughs in compassion and communion.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Scorpio
Like the other water signs, this sign is very sensitive and emotional. With Scorpio, unlike the water signs Cancer and Pisces, the emotions remain under rigid control. They may not even be apparent to those who are very close to you. When your emotions do erupt, they do so very violently, often with a strong burst of sarcasm and vindictiveness. The strength of Scorpio is in the methods employed to meet every challenge. You approach everything with intensity and passion. Nothing is ever halfway because you put everything you have in your work; mind, heart, soul. You are one of those people who always gives 100% and sometimes more. Many born under the sign Scorpio become classic workaholics. You may have an undesirable trait commonly found in the Scorpio person, holding a grudge for a very long time. The underside of Scorpio is often possessed with uncontrollable jealousies and the strongest passions. When offended the reaction is surely revenge. The higher side of Scorpio still dominates people and situations, but with much for the common good. This sign produces very few lukewarm people. You are either very bad or very good. In Scorpio, the Sun is intense, skeptical and secretive. There is an intensity and a secretiveness in your makeup which results in an inscrutable persona most people cannot penetrate. This trait makes the Scorpio personality hard to detect. You like to remain incognito, and do so with your very secretive nature. You are a master at hiding your emotions. You neither flinch nor blush. It's hard for you to share your inner feelings with anyone. You can be very critical and demanding, creating a forceful and dominating demeanor. You are strong-willed and determined, and you usually act with incisiveness. Your critical nature allows you to make shrewd and unusually accurate judgments at a rapid rate. You can penetrate the hidden agenda of those you meet. It is in your nature to protect yourself by knowing what your opponents are thinking and doing. You have uncanny intuition and accurate perceptions, making you almost psychic in understanding and making emotional connections with other people. Very few successfully earn your trust. Often, you experience difficulties with the authority figures in your life. At home, you may be something of a tyrant, wanting everything done your way. You think you are always right and won't tolerate dissent. There is a tendency for you to impose your will on friends and family since you feel so passionately that your ideas are in their best interest. No one takes relationships more serious than you. Although you are highly attracted to, and attractive to, the opposite sex, in many respects you function well as a 'lone wolf' type.
The moon in Leo
A Leo Moon produces an air of confidence and a desire to lead. Self-confident, cheerful and optimistic, your emotional outlook on life is positive and upbeat. In Leo, the emotions are carefree, gay, and often pleasure-seeking. Self-sufficient and self-reliant, you get deeply and emotionally involved with all that you do. This Moon definitely accents personality, and causes a tendency toward display. It is likely that an attitude has been instilled in you that you can do anything you want, and that your creative ability has no actual bounds. You may have been spoiled somewhat. There is a need to be admired and applauded, and you seek appreciation constantly. You have an innate sense of the dramatic and always do things with a flair. Something of a showman, entertaining may come naturally for you. You seem to thrive on constant attention and you are something of a flirt, expecting the object of your flirtations to be responsive, as well. The Moon has a natural association with the fourth house of the horoscope, or the home. Moon in Leo gives a natural creative flair to make the home a show place. You may have a gift for interior design and be good with color and decorating. You think of your home as your castle, and you may have a tendency to overextend yourself financially to impress others with your fine life-style. You are uplifted socially and you command respect. Your reactions are straight-forward and usually dignified, enabling you to garner esteem and responsibility. You have a deep-seated need for this respect and nothing hurts you more than not feeling as though you are appreciated. One thing you can't handle very well is someone stepping on your pride. There is a natural love of luxury and a desire for social pomp and prominence as Moon in Leo lends a certain nobility to the persona. There may be an inborn tendency to be somewhat pretentious. Thus, sometimes you can be a little self-centered and even pompous, lacking objectivity and having a blind spot in your emotional perspective. It's very hard for you to ever back down or to accept any sort of a compromise. The Moon in Leo tends to produce a loving and very devoted parent, boss, or ruler, but it is important that leadership potential not be spoiled by the tendency towards being bossy, arrogance, and displaying an overbearing ego. Emotions are powerful with Moon in Leo, and the drive for prominence and power is very strong, as well. Unless the Moon is harshly aspected, you should be like the benevolent monarch, having a great sense of charity and being a rather generous person. You are one who projects concern with an optimistic approach to life.
Mercury in Scorpio
In Scorpio, Mercury produces a mind that is secretive, investigative, and probing. Your method of expression is positive, and maybe a little intolerant, skeptical, and suspicious. A deep and penetrating thinker, you can dig in to the core of any issue with little wasted time or effort. You intuitive mind is capable of profound insights. You are very good at keeping secrets. Plans and schemes are often carried on in secret. You are also very good at digging out secrets and getting to the bottom of complex issues. Thus, with this placement you may have the skills to become a detective, an investigator, or a researcher. There is much scientific ability with Mercury in Scorpio because of the innate curiosity. You are so perceptive that you "know" the unseen weaknesses and strengths of people with whom you come in contact. You have a way of seeking hidden truths and perhaps the hidden secrets of life itself. You can be very incisive with your tongue or with your pen. Often using sharp language, you refuse to mince words or show much concern for the feelings of others. You either say exactly what you are thinking or you remain completely silent. You can be very stubborn in your mental determination and tenacity. Your adaptability is limited in an intellectual sense because your highly emotional approach often has you prejudiced and focused on a set objective.
Venus in Sagittarius
In Sagittarius, Venus produces affections that are very demonstrative and friendly. You have a rather carefree attitude toward relationships, and you are not always dependable where affections are concerned. You are humorous, sociable and even a flirt. Outgoing and personable, you are very friendly and sometimes not too serious. There is a strong love of personal freedom in your nature that makes it a little hard for you to settle down to a restrictive sort of relationship. You feel more comfortable in a relationship when things go slowly, and your partner doesn't get too serious too fast. In fact, you would probably like it better if the relationship stayed casual, and pressures of serious love never emerged. Threats to your freedom make you very nervous. It's hard for you to take you eye off of possible escape routes when things seem to be heating up and you feel yourself being hemmed in. You are honest and idealistic in your dealings with others. Strong in your beliefs, you must find a partner sharing your views, or you will surely try to convert your chosen to your way of thinking. You don't hold back on your feelings, and it is never hard to figure out you stand on emotional issues. The key to your romantic nature is friendship. You are upbeat and easy to like. As a friend and lover, you are the ideal partner for that lucky open-minded mate who can accept you on your own terms, and respect your need for space.
Mars in Leo
Mars in Leo is noted for its physical energy, and it manages reasonably well in the mental and practical departments, as well. The ego and need for recognition make the emotional energy somewhat restrained. In Leo, Mars displays exceptional will-power and creativity. With this placement, you project an air of confidence, self-sufficiency, and vitality that cause people to sit up and take notice. Activity is expressed in a dramatic fashion, suggesting that you may be well suited for the stage. You love being on "center stage." You are confident in most roles before an audience. This position couples positive initiative, with stability and determination, producing excellent leadership qualities. You have a definite charismatic and gregarious flair. This also makes you a natural leader. Ambitious and maybe a little egotistic, you want to lead. You'll do whatever you need to do to be recognized and appreciated. You take pride in your sexual prowess. Affectionate and physically demonstrative, you enjoy the drama and excitement of a passionate affair. As much as it bolsters your ego to have several sexual partners, you're constant in love while your partner pays plenty of attention to you and is devoted. In romance, jealousy and possessiveness are often by-products of this placement. The strong, fixed opinions and the overbearing manner of this placement may often stir opposition. The pride and need to dominate others, often sets up a degree of stubborn egotism. Excessive pride can be your pitfall, if you haven't learned to control it. The emotional side of Mars in Leo can cause to you to periodically over-react with anger when affairs don't go your way.
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Jupiter is in Sagittarius in your chart. This is the natural sign for Jupiter and it generally creates a carefree, outgoing, optimistic individual. You enjoy making life better for others. You are an outdoors type, fond of sports and travel. You have a serious interest in matters pertaining to philosophy, religion or significant social issues. Your approach to life and how you conduct your affairs may be regulated by your strong convictions. You are likely to want to win over as many converts as you can to your way of thinking or beliefs. You can become very dogmatic in your views and good at selling them. You will prosper in life, but you spend freely, so you may never be wealthy.
Saturn in Gemini
Saturn in Gemini shows adaptability, and a systematic and logical approach. You face problems with a cool and rational sense of control. Reasoning and problem solving abilities are exceptional, and this placement is excellent for the scientific or mathematical fields. Many with this placement experience problems with their early education of with some aspect of communicating. Saturn is Gemini may make if hard to learn lessons, but retention is good when the lesson is learned. Speaking before groups is especially difficult, so you don't waste words. Despite the difficulty you may have in learning, you have a common sense head for business. You cut through detail and get to the facts. You produce tangible results with little discussion.
Uranus in Taurus
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Taurus will be rather deliberate in viewing and effecting change on a broad scale. Revisions to the status quo must be proved to have concrete purpose and reward, and those that do will be set in stone.
Neptune in Pisces
You refine matters to do with religion, service and self-lessness in an impressionable and inspirational manner. You wish to serve, not just in a physical way, but in a spiritual way, your fellow humans and to transcend the barriers to forming one nation of humans. There can be a saintly, self-sacrificing attitude. In your search for religious ecstasy, you should guard against being deceived by drugs and alcohol. You can refine these damaging tendencies and turn them into means of helping others and into ways of transcendence.
Pluto in Taurus
You seek to transform in an enduring and possessive way in matters related to personal wealth, You make changes slowly (Pluto in detriment, fixed unchanging sign) in a controlled way in increasing your wealth. You are a materialist (earth) and tend to ignore or be unaware (resistance to change) of forces that are acting below the surface (Pluto) which may make radical transformations. People under this sign might have strong sex impulses.
North Node in Gemini
Traditionally, the north node in gemini is considered very lucky and powerful. It indicates you have a fine mind and true friends. Recommended careers for the north node in gemini placement are journalism, work in the media, short story writing, linguistics, and flying. Above all, stay away from repetitive and boring tasks. These will bring out the worst in you. Seek out positions that call for adaptation, but avoid creating a life situation where you jump from job to job without developing a career.
Lilith in Gemini
When Lilith hides herself among the twins, she may exhibit a chameleon-like ability to be whoever she must be at the moment, hiding her true thoughts and feelings. If used improperly, the native may be considered "two-faced" or be a vicious gossip. Lilith here usuallly causes a strive for independence, especially in intelecitual areas ~ work in literary arts or public relations. You have a diplomatic ND psychological intuition and can entertain very well. Tending to superficialness and objectivity is limited because you can become enticed and/or bound by ideas easily. You like to change partners without their input, and even your own knowledge. Emotions can be suppressed, unnoticed and/or converted to rationalities.
Chiron in Capricorn
You need to bring about the fullest potential in the prudent and reserved way in which you deal with, for instance, power, materialism etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to be powerful but you need to pay attention to what you really want (or need). Alternatively, you may need to seek more power and wealth. In any case, it is through your practical, cautious and common-sense that you will heal (earth).


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