Astrology / Natal chart 05.08.1849 (August 5, 1849)


The Aspects of the planets

Trine The moon-Venus
You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today or feel especially kind towards a friend or loved one. Someone may compliment you on your tastes or belongings.
Square The moon-Mars
Other people, or the general circumstances in which you find yourself at present, may unite to irritate or anger you. You could find yourself getting over-emotional and flying off the handle. A difficult time to relax and remain calm.
Opposition The moon-Jupiter
Not perhaps the best time to make important decisions that affect your living situation or life circumstances. Others may challenge your authority or the direction you are taking. Events could conspire to make it difficult for you to act.
Sextile The moon-Uranus
Everything conspires to value and bring out your more unique and unusual qualities. You may find that someone close to you understands and is supportive of your eccentricities. You could come up with new solutions or inventions.
Conjunction The moon-Neptune
You may be able to bring a group together with words or ideas that transport others. Poetry and art may be possible now. Your whole world may seem trancelike or dreamy. Movies, books, and all forms of escape could prove very enjoyable.
Sextile The moon-Pluto
"Мысли - это вещи". Сознательно используют свою волю, управляя своим воображением. Умение обновить практические дела и мир чувств. Способны обновлять свои жизненные силы, улучшая сопротивляемость и здоровье. Талант развивать методы в сделках и домашней жизни. Умеют распутывать свою жизнь, отказываясь от старых привычек и заводя новые. Умеют находить применение старым вещам или выбрасывают их на помойку.
Sextile Mercury-Mars
Your mind is quick and sharp, and your words are the only weapon you will need today. You have insight into your emotions and drive, and you can talk about your feelings with great insight and fluidity.
Square Mercury-Pluto
You may be having some dark and secret thoughts. Sensitive areas of your mind may intrude and appear obsessive. You may be suspicious of someone.
Sextile Venus-Jupiter
The good life, and all that is fine and luxurious, may be what you value just now. You could enjoy making your own way and finding solutions to whatever problems you have.
Sextile Venus-Uranus
Independence, as well as anything unusual or different, is valued. You may enjoy getting away from routine and doing something completely different for a change.
Sextile Venus-Pluto
You may enjoy probing into your inner workings or some good solid gossip. You value your darker, more secretive areas and don't mind working through some sensitive problems.
Square Mars-Jupiter
Your emotional drive and sense of things may be at odds with your best interests, the way to proceed. You could make some bad decisions, be too generous, or squander your resources.
Trine Jupiter-Uranus
A time to take risks and dare to be a little unconventional. You will prosper through new insights, inventions, and an independent point of view. Your career could open up by taking the road less travelled by, daring to be the oddball... new approaches.
Trine Jupiter-Pluto
You may find that both your personal growth and your career may depend upon how you can handle the very sensitive psychological material that may be coming up now. You will benefit from analytical insights, getting to the heart of things.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Leo
In Leo, the Sun is magnetic, forceful, and dominate. You possess a good nature that is very generous, allowing you to attract many friends and followers. You can easily become a natural leader because of your demeanor and because you are ambitious, determined, and highly industrious. Self-assurance and dignity are very strong in your nature. Your magnetic personality lets you sell yourself or your ideas easily, and your persistence at doing so further enhances your leadership potential. You are at your best when placed in charge of a large scheme, for you are truly a fine organizer. You enjoy being in a position of authority because you know you were born to rule. Your sunny disposition allows you to be candid, outspoken, and very direct in all matters, without upsetting people. You possess natural leadership ability, and project such confidence and authority that you inspire others to follow you. The typical Leo is a natural showman, and delights in having a full measure of recognition and admiration. Leo is the most expressive sign in the zodiac. You love to show off. You probably see your role in life as the starring role. Often the Leo personality chooses some artistic form through which to express talent. There is much drama associated with Leo, and the general approach to life is full of emotional exuberance. If you are not careful, these traits can result in too large an ego, which in turn can make you very susceptible to flattery. Though you have a high opinion of yourself, you still need the approbation and appreciation of your friends and followers. Your ego needs constant reinforcement. This helps keep the spotlight focused on your activities. Naturally emotionally exuberant, you are not only a good actor, but you make a truly outstanding teacher, as well. The Leo association with the fifth house of the chart suggests a strong bond with children. You may consider your children to be expressions of your creativity. Typically, the Leo is very close to children, the loving benefactor and protector. The lordly Leo sometimes feels there should be an automatic granting of power and authority. Because of this, you may be one of those Leo types who doesn't feel the need to work your way to the top. Though in many ways you show that you are ambitious, you also can be lazy. You may only want to work at jobs that offer prestige, glamour, power or a good time. You exert yourself only in those situations were you can exhibit your star quality, and garner the attention and respect of others. Your gift is surely the ability that you naturally possess to lead and to inspire. You are at home on the stage or at the podium. Your poorest showing comes when you are unable to control your ego, and you let an exaggerated sense of your own importance get the upper hand. In spite of your self-assurance and dignity, you may have a degree of concern about being laughed at or disgraced in some way. Again, ego is at the base of your nature and being.
The moon in Pisces
A Pisces Moon indicates that you are especially sensitive, perceptive and perhaps even dreamy. You are very responsive to the depths of human experience, having an understanding and affection for nearly all people. With the Moon in Pisces, you can be overly optimistic, sometimes looking at the world through "rose colored glasses." Emotionally naive, you continually overlook other people's shortcomings and deficiencies. You are essentially so romantic that you may rarely see life as it really is. You are tremendously unselfish, trusting and open-handed. Sometimes you can be a little too generous, especially with your boundless sympathy. This is a very passive position, and if you are not careful, others may attempt to take advantage of you. When they do, you are always so easily hurt; and you may spend much to much time feeling sorry for yourself. You are neither analytical nor critical, but maybe a little psychic. Most astrologers agree that this is the most psychic Moon of all. Highly sensitive, you connect with others on an unconscious, emotional level. You actually feel what they feel. Thus, you have a most sympathetic and compassionate nature, and these fine instincts can be invaluable to you in the everyday world. In many situations, you can be too giving and overly-idealistic. You may have difficulty seeing your people in a clear way, preferring instead to live within a fantasy that you have created. You expect much of yourself, even perfection, and sometimes you may get down on yourself because of this.
Mercury in Leo
In Leo, Mercury produces a mind with strong will power and stubbornly fixed purposes. Your comprehension is broad, and your expression is authoritative, sometimes even dogmatic, as the position inclines to being opinionated and rigid in viewpoint. Your thinking has a very human touch, permitting you to make decisions that are accepted and followed by most people. You are inclined to leadership because you such a capacity to command respect. You like to be considered as the authority on matters pertaining to your field of endeavor, and you probably are. This sense of authority is aided by the dramatic and forceful way that you express yourself orally and in writings. Your mental charisma and leadership style sometimes makes you a little proud and boastful. Sometimes you can get a little carried away with the importance of your ideas and expressions. Mental pride and arrogance can be a problem. Usually with Mercury in Leo there is the tendency to become a bit lazy in a mental sense. There is often a need to cultivate more attention and exercise for the mind. Your strength is dealing with subjects in a broad-brush way, and in very general terms. You can ignore important details that leave your plan somewhat short at times. When this does happen, it is hard for you to admit a mistake.
Venus in Gemini
In Gemini, Venus generates a need for a variety of experiences. You have a curiosity about people. You can become a social butterfly and something of a flirt. Open and friendly, your wit and conversational ability attract people with agile minds and keen intellects. Your restless and fickle nature inclines toward much travel and change of surroundings. A delightful sort of charm and expressiveness works well for you, if you can avoid a tendency to become a little bit superficial socially. You want to taste all that life has to offer. You find it especially hard to settle down to just one romantic relationship, preferring to make friends with everyone you meet. You have an excitable child-like attitude toward romance, approaching affairs with optimism and high-expectations. Yet encounters may be many and brief before you finally settle down. You are easily bored and it is hard to capture you romantic attention for long periods of time. Change and excitement is the spice of your love life, and a partner that doesn't understand this won't be around long. Mental stimulation the simple joy of being together is an absolute must for any relationship to have a chance of becoming permanent. With Venus in Gemini, you may not be able to be tied down too tightly. If you marry too young or to someone who is possessive, you may have serious problems. Your partner must understand your need for variety in social matters. After you marry and settle down, you may still need a variety of friends and social contacts.
Mars in Taurus
Mars in Taurus denotes plenty of practical and emotional energy, while the physical side is often rather flat, and the interest in the intellectual is also a strain. The planet of energy is not very active in Taurus, as the physical drive is reduced to a low gear. You may lack thrust and mobility, but make up for this deficiency with outstanding endurance. You are obstinate in many ways, yet practical, determined and very stable. You pursue your material goals with intent determination. Results are based on dogged persevering after a course of action is determined. Once you finally get rolling in one direction, it is nearly impossible to change your course. In Taurus, the energies of Mars are indeed channeled into a practical mode that may center on acquiring money, creature comforts and material possessions. Much your energy is apt to be aimed at securing wealth and a very comfortable lifestyle. Patient and precise in all that you do, you are a natural crafts person and the fruit of your efforts is likely to produce a quality product. Also high on your list of priorities is the satisfying of physical desires. You are very sensual and sexual partner. Your approach to sex is straightforward and uncomplicated, without fantasies or fetishes; never rushed or over-anxious. Emotionally stable, you are apt to be a devoted and loyal partner. The negative side of Mars in Taurus is often the lack of flexibility. Taurus is a fixed sign and energies expressed here sometimes come out looking like stubbornness. Even emotions can be held on to too tightly and then released with a major blow up.
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter is in Leo in your chart. This placement of Jupiter suggests optimism, self confidence and generosity. You have much physical energy and a strong constitution. You have a dramatic flair in showing off your status and prosperity; you're big on parades, church rituals and grandeur in all forms. Your dignified demeanor inspires confidence and produces excellent leadership qualities. You expect appreciation and admiration in return for your benevolence, and you may seem a little offended if you don't always get it. You may overdo a tendency to gamble; cards, horses, business or whatever. Your sense of self-confidence is very high.
Saturn in Aries
This placement may cause delays in the development of your energies and drive in life. Yet you may take on much personal responsibility at a young age. Obstacles block your progress and your desire to be assertive. Being assertive can make you feel anxiety. You may feel very angry at times, but chances are you can keep your anger in check. Others see you as in cool control most of the time. You will gain a sense of responsibility for yourself from this placement. However, your confidence as a leader may suffer. This placement often produces people who won't take chances and are, therefore, viewed at times as being somewhat weak. Occasionally, the Aries traits comes out in rejection of fear itself. Some famous daredevils performed their stunts to over-compensate for the inborn restriction of Saturn in Aries.
Uranus in Aries
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Aries will want to assert their independence, and will likely work to prompt changes in society. This group will often be impetuous, and members will display impatience in seeking freedom at any price.
Neptune in Pisces
You refine matters to do with religion, service and self-lessness in an impressionable and inspirational manner. You wish to serve, not just in a physical way, but in a spiritual way, your fellow humans and to transcend the barriers to forming one nation of humans. There can be a saintly, self-sacrificing attitude. In your search for religious ecstasy, you should guard against being deceived by drugs and alcohol. You can refine these damaging tendencies and turn them into means of helping others and into ways of transcendence.
Pluto in Aries
You transform in an energetic and urgent way your basic beingness. You probe into the deepest levels of your existence and forcibly assert your independence, for yourself or your group. You may try to get rid of past identities (fire) and how others might see and treat you. You can relinquish past identites and create a new life with new beginnings.
North Node in Virgo
With your North Node in Virgo, this is a lifetime that’s about getting your stuff together. Your greatest potential lies in being able to develop your latent powers of organization, finding a clear sense of order in the midst of a lot of chaos. When the North Node is in any of the Earth signs, the process of growing on a spiritual level is sort of a contradiction. Through this placement, your spiritual growth comes from being able to handle reality and practicality. What your soul really wants is to just roll up its sleeves and get things done. This is why the greatest soul-expression for you is one that’s effective, productive, and specific. You are the efficient soul, feeling deeply fulfilled by any sort of system, method, or checklist that will aid you in your work from day to day. These people make excellent doctors, dentists, nurses, or nurses’ aides, because such professions give them the opportunity to use their healing energies while being of service in practical ways. Psychologist, healer, dietician, accountant, organizer, and craftsperson are also good choices. Virgo North Node people have “good karma” on the job and get along well with coworkers and employees. They can accomplish a task in one hour that might take another person five; they should be in a situation where “getting the job done” is honored, rather than simply working for an hourly wage.
Lilith in Sagittarius
Lilith may hide her emotions beneath a facade of humor or a mask of "niceness". She may keep her personal philosophies secret from others, keeping her own counsel. In the negative, this placement can indicate haughtiness, self-righteousnes and prejudice. Lilith confronts you with temptations of educational journies. You quickly jump at the opportunity to travel and learn. Well-meaning missionary and manipulative intent. Popular because you try to apply diplomacy and fairness. Other people could take advantage of you, as you spread your optimism and generosity thin, or you could tend to misjudge others.
Chiron in Scorpio
You need to bring about the fullest potential in the intense and secretive way in which you deal with, for instance, secret or hidden matters (the unconscious mind) etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to know others deeply, yet need to know yourself better. In any event, you may need to be more or less emotional, perhaps letting deep, secret negative memories be released emotionally (water).


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