Astrology / Natal chart 29.05.1818 (May 29, 1818)


The Aspects of the planets

Sextile The Sun-The moon
A nice day that should just flow along. In particular, you will do well in activities that include children, younger people, and your home and surroundings. You could feel real support and harmony at this time for circumstances and those around you.
Sextile The Sun-Mars
A good day to get things done. Good eye-hand coordination and sustained effort make almost any task run well. You may feel like exercising or getting out and about. Emotions are very present but within control.
Trine The moon-Mars
You could find that you are appreciated or valued for your feelings or your ability to act and get things done. Someone understands how you feel and is sympathetic today.
Square The moon-Jupiter
A time when you could make some wrong choices, in particular as they affect your living situation. You might feel cut off from your friends or be unable to make good decisions. An urge for social life that can quickly turn from good times to hard times.
Sextile Mercury-Pluto
In-depth discussions and probing conversations find you at your mental best. Your analytical abilities are at a high point.
Opposition Venus-Neptune
You may not appreciate someone's unrealistic approach to a situation. Their general fogginess and impractical attitude may find you at odds with them.
Square Venus-Pluto
You value what is above-board and straightforward and have a particular aversion to what is secret, intense, and private. You do not enjoy gossip or nosy neighbors just now.
Square Saturn-Uranus
This may not be an easy time, for events and circumstances may conspire to block your sense of freedom and independence. Someone challenges your ideas, finds them unconventional. It may not be easy to find new and suitable solutions to problems now.
Square Neptune-Pluto
A tendency to become unrealistic and over-imaginative may lead you to ignore and deny your own need for inner growth and personal change. Your current ideals may tell you that analysis and sensitivity are not where it's at. A wrong message.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Gemini
In Gemini the Sun is active, restless and changeable. You like plenty of variety in your everyday activities, in your friends, and even in your diet. Your interests are many and diverse--almost anything will attract your attention if only for a brief time. Truly, this is the sign of the jack-of-all-trades. As the story goes, you may find that unless you can develop your powers of perseverance, you may be the master of none. Your varied interests can result in a tendency for you to spread yourself too thin, sometimes failing to follow through on projects you've begun. Being very curious, you want to know and experience as much as you can. Gemini is the sign of duality. You find it difficult to limit yourself to one job, to one relationship, or one hobby, as you constantly seek variety and mental adventure. You scatter your energies because you don't want to miss anything. You are a lifelong student, never tiring of learning new subjects. You collect facts and tidbits of data, but you may not always have the big picture. To the Gemini person, communication is of utmost importance. You flourish on ideas, with a mind that is ever so quick and curious. You are a person who enjoys talking and writing. All sorts of communication ideas appeal to nature. You are aware of all that is going on around you, and you want to understand and participate in it all. You are hard to pin down, and even harder to beat in a debate. Your abilities of combining quick comprehension , and the communication of this comprehension to others, are the hallmarks of your sign. You can talk yourself into and out of situations with ease. Often Mercury people (Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury) take mischievous delight in disconcerting slower minds with their fast paced mental antics. You like to be around people, and you never do well working alone or on any routine type job. Extremely friendly, you enjoy companionship, and really thrive on it. Just as you don't like to be without activity, you don't like to be alone. You are likely to have a very wide circle of friends with whom you enjoy many activities--movies, games, conversation, and such. You are naturally outgoing and possess a sparkling wit. You are apt to become quickly bored with conservative types that can't make a decision or agree with your need to impose change. Not being very introspective or reflective, often you don't understand your motivations or the motivations of others. So in many ways, relationships can be shallow and superficial. Your restless mercurial nature requires constant excitement and change, or you'll becomes very dispirited and morose.
The moon in Aries
An Aries Moon produces subconscious reactions in your nature that are highly assertive. You respond to life as though it was an adventure. This Moon produces one who is open to new ideas and one who is highly self-motivated. You have a strong underlying drive for success that is associated with your emotional nature. You tend to feel with your ego, as your feelings tend to compete with your ego much of the time. Your senses are quick. So much so, that you may seem pushy at times. Your temperament can be uneven, liable to flare ups at the slightest provocation. You make quick decisions, trusting your sense perceptions, and acting immediately without reflection. You jump into action from your quick feelings instead of from reason. You have an active mind, and what you are thinking is often quickly verbalized. When this emotional side of your nature is in charge, you tend to say and do things with little forethought and planning. With Moon in Aries you're enthusiastic and naïve, each day becomes a new adventure. You express a joy of living and people are attracted to you for it. Even so, you have a bit of the rogue and rascal in you. You can be emotionally detached from the people around you, somewhat reluctant to ask for help, even when you need it. The nature that has developed and the habits learned make you very independent. You feel with your ego. You don't much care for advice, and rarely follow the advice you get. There is much in your instinctive nature that is original and restless. Sometimes you get too assertive, and those that know you well realize you have a quick temper. You aren't one who always plays by the rules, as you are something of a renegade. To a degree, Moon in Aries hides a sense of insecurity behind an independent and assertive exterior. Extremely competitive, you love a challenge from a worthy opponent. You tend to see just about everything as a challenge and everyone as an opponent. Its hard for you to give in on anything and compromise is generally an option you don't exercise. Intensely individualistic, it's hard to see someone else's point of view. Oddly enough, when it comes to a romantic partner, you'll insist on someone who is not shy about standing up to you.
Mercury in Taurus
In Taurus, Mercury produces a mind that is patient and practical. Your thinking is often conservative, and your thought processes are fixed and stable. You are more apt to learn from experiences than from formal training. Your powers of concentration are outstanding. Thinking and decision-making is based upon that which is practical, material and surrounded by common sense. Many will consider you a "slow-poke" when it comes to mental matters and communicating ideas. You are slow to form opinions because you put much thought into questions before you render an answer, and you don't like to be rushed in this. You may excel in handling financial matters, for you are very dependable in managing money. You have a shrewd business mind and a natural inclination toward management of resources. Often this position marks a degree of mental stubbornness and steadfastness. Once you have made up your mind, you do not like to change it or hear differing arguments and ideas. In extreme cases, you may ignore obvious conclusions that differ from your initial decision. Guard against a tendency toward intellectual obstinacy and the highly opinionated views that sometimes plague Mercury in Taurus people.
Venus in Gemini
In Gemini, Venus generates a need for a variety of experiences. You have a curiosity about people. You can become a social butterfly and something of a flirt. Open and friendly, your wit and conversational ability attract people with agile minds and keen intellects. Your restless and fickle nature inclines toward much travel and change of surroundings. A delightful sort of charm and expressiveness works well for you, if you can avoid a tendency to become a little bit superficial socially. You want to taste all that life has to offer. You find it especially hard to settle down to just one romantic relationship, preferring to make friends with everyone you meet. You have an excitable child-like attitude toward romance, approaching affairs with optimism and high-expectations. Yet encounters may be many and brief before you finally settle down. You are easily bored and it is hard to capture you romantic attention for long periods of time. Change and excitement is the spice of your love life, and a partner that doesn't understand this won't be around long. Mental stimulation the simple joy of being together is an absolute must for any relationship to have a chance of becoming permanent. With Venus in Gemini, you may not be able to be tied down too tightly. If you marry too young or to someone who is possessive, you may have serious problems. Your partner must understand your need for variety in social matters. After you marry and settle down, you may still need a variety of friends and social contacts.
Mars in Leo
Mars in Leo is noted for its physical energy, and it manages reasonably well in the mental and practical departments, as well. The ego and need for recognition make the emotional energy somewhat restrained. In Leo, Mars displays exceptional will-power and creativity. With this placement, you project an air of confidence, self-sufficiency, and vitality that cause people to sit up and take notice. Activity is expressed in a dramatic fashion, suggesting that you may be well suited for the stage. You love being on "center stage." You are confident in most roles before an audience. This position couples positive initiative, with stability and determination, producing excellent leadership qualities. You have a definite charismatic and gregarious flair. This also makes you a natural leader. Ambitious and maybe a little egotistic, you want to lead. You'll do whatever you need to do to be recognized and appreciated. You take pride in your sexual prowess. Affectionate and physically demonstrative, you enjoy the drama and excitement of a passionate affair. As much as it bolsters your ego to have several sexual partners, you're constant in love while your partner pays plenty of attention to you and is devoted. In romance, jealousy and possessiveness are often by-products of this placement. The strong, fixed opinions and the overbearing manner of this placement may often stir opposition. The pride and need to dominate others, often sets up a degree of stubborn egotism. Excessive pride can be your pitfall, if you haven't learned to control it. The emotional side of Mars in Leo can cause to you to periodically over-react with anger when affairs don't go your way.
Jupiter in Capricorn
Jupiter is in Capricorn in your chart. This position slows the expansive nature of Jupiter making you a keeper of the letter of the law. Your moral conduct is beyond reproach. In business or any public office, you display the highest ethics. You hold conservative and traditional views regarding most of life's major issues. This prudent approach and your mature judgment qualifies you for positions of high economic or political responsibility. Answering a call of both personal ambition and a sense of duty to society, you have a strong drive for power positions. You have little difficulty prospering because of your conservative attitude.
Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces produces a sensitivity in your dealing with world at large. When making your way in the world, you may feel vulnerable and defenseless. This a depressive placement that can make you feel a little paranoid sometimes, often looking on the dark side of a situation rather than the bright side. You may sometimes feel like you are a victim of circumstances or a martyr of sorts. If properly channeled, your sensitive side can be a plus. The productive aspect of this placement is in the ability to exercise compassion in society with a pragmatic approach. Your road to success may be in the artistic, spiritual, or even the psychic. Religious beliefs may be the cornerstone of your life, filling a need for structure and security. Your test in life may be one of developing confidence in your innate abilities. You may need to learn to trust and get in touch with your subconscious. The source of your creativity may be hidden there.
Uranus in Sagittarius
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Sagittarius yield a highly progressive set of unorthodox ideas and the seeds of progressive changes. The group fosters advanced, abstract, and often controversial notions.
Neptune in Sagittarius
You refine knowledge and philosophy (discussion and belief) in a free and tolerant manner. It may be you distil the essence of knowledge so it is mystical and uncertain. There may be a tendency to believe in a free manner, without using the critical facilities. You are very sensitive to matters related to freedom, especially in foreign lands and with foreign people. You are very tolerant, but this may be because you fail to see certain details and become entranced by your noble dreams of a better world. Yet, you do have a powerful ability to overcome these problems, and achieve a powerful solution.
Pluto in Pisces
You transform in an impressionable and inspirational way matters to do with transcendent beliefs, such as religion and spiritual matters, including universal love and sympathy. You delve into secret matters involving feeling and emotions, and deeply held secrets, perhaps by humanity, may rush to the surface, perhaps increasing psychic ability. In the search for (religious) ecstasy, and to escape the emotional pressures, there may be a danger of an increased use of pleasure-producing, psychic drugs in this generation.
North Node in Taurus
Seducing, manipulating, strategizing, the nomadic lifestyle, sex as a weapon, being overly secretive or superstitious, relying on other people’s money and resources. With your North Node in Taurus, your Soul craves peace and serenity in this life--as well as good music, a loyal lover, and picnics on the beach with good food and wine! Doesn't everybody? Yes, but not like you---you need these things to remind your Soul that life can be good and safe and beautiful. Having suffered too much drama and trauma either earlier in this life, or in a previous one, you're suffering now from a slight despair of spirit—one could even say that this Nodal combination has a “forgotten emotional memory” of life at its most tragic. The cure for this soul sickness is to nurture your self with the things that make life worth living. Cultivating loyal friends, enjoying nature and the physical world, and creating a beautiful home that feels like a safe harbor are all good things for you to do.
Lilith in Gemini
When Lilith hides herself among the twins, she may exhibit a chameleon-like ability to be whoever she must be at the moment, hiding her true thoughts and feelings. If used improperly, the native may be considered "two-faced" or be a vicious gossip. Lilith here usuallly causes a strive for independence, especially in intelecitual areas ~ work in literary arts or public relations. You have a diplomatic ND psychological intuition and can entertain very well. Tending to superficialness and objectivity is limited because you can become enticed and/or bound by ideas easily. You like to change partners without their input, and even your own knowledge. Emotions can be suppressed, unnoticed and/or converted to rationalities.


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