Astrology / Natal chart 06.12.1801 (December 6, 1801)


The Aspects of the planets

Conjunction Venus-Neptune
You may enjoy a good movie or book or feel like escaping from day-to-day realities for a while. You can appreciate an imaginative approach and may value communal or futuristic ideas.
Square Mars-Pluto
Intense emotional drama is available if that is what you need. Your emotions are not in tune with the more sensitive and private areas of your life. Push on now and you risk some very turbulent emotional scenes.
Conjunction Jupiter-Saturn
A time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will be what guides you and proves successful. Your career could assume a much more determined and solid form. A firm foundation.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Sagittarius
You are very gregarious, enthusiastic, and open, in all that you do. You have an ability to understand a broad perspective, and to see everything from a total point of view. Your foresight and an ability to visualize the big picture make matters work out well for you most of the time. Always thinking in broad abstract terms, you usually have trouble focusing on details that arise. In many ways you are spontaneous, but with this comes an inclination to be bluntly honest and frank, or at least, straightforward and much to the point. You never intend to hurt anyone, but the truth is all important to you, and you never hesitate to tell it like it is. Tact and restraint can be issues of concern, but you probably don't care. You are so independent. You can rarely be pushed an inch in any direction unless you decide the direction your being pushed is where you want to go. These blows are softened only by your warm, jovial and outgoing friendliness. Even when you stick your hoof in your mouth you can recover and show up as a winner. Often "lady luck" just smiles on you. Sagittarius has a happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and ever optimistic approach to life; but then can turn right around and be so careless, restless and extravagant. You have a natural love of the outdoors and may develop strong enthusiasm for sports and outdoor adventure. Sagittarius is the sign most often associated with sports, and you are inclined to physical activity and active endeavors, particularly outdoors. Future-oriented, you rarely allow problems or setbacks to get you down for long. You put disappointment behind you and start working toward your next adventure. Never satisfied with moving along in slow lane, you want to set the pace on a grand scale. Whatever you set out to do, must be the biggest and best. You want to live life to its fullest. You can work well with anybody, accepting them for what they are. You are the natural, open-hearted extrovert, an easy person live and work with. Relying on your glibness and complete self-confidence, you are a natural in the world of selling. Still in the area of organization and perseverance you may need help from other factors in the chart. If you are like most Sagittarius natives, you can be down right irresponsible and unreliable at times. Your personality is such, however, that people don't get upset about it. It's that natural Sagittarius charm that carries you through the tough spots. Sagittarius is the sign of higher education. You live to expand your horizons in every possible way, wanting to see the world and experience it. You want to meet interesting people and try everything. Your curiosity is boundless and your desire for knowledge is paramount.
The moon in Sagittarius
A Sagittarius Moon is restless and lacking in continuity. Unsettled in both mind and body, you need activity and a good deal of exercise. You want to always feel free to roam and wander, both physically and mentally. In Sagittarius, the emotions are jubilant, enthusiastic and highly optimistic. You are socially naive and blissfully unaware of real human differences. You meet people on your own terms, merging and melting into relationships with them. You are open and friendly as a puppy. Your good-natured and fun-loving manner generally produces many friends and acquaintances. Yet few of your friends are really intimate. Rarely will you feel the need for group movements or organizations to provide you with a sense of who you are. You know who you are and where you're going. Although you may change your mental directions and modify your goals a number of times, you are quite comfortable with yourself, and where you're headed. Optimistic and idealistic, you can see the silver lining inside every cloud, and believe things will turn out for the best. Usually they do. You bounce back easily from setbacks and immediately start again. Unfortunately, you often fail to learn from your mistakes. Your sense perceptions are accurate, but you often speak before you think. You seem to be able to form a clear picture of the world around you. Decisive in manner, you are outspoken, buoyant, and ever interested in both learning and spreading knowledge. Thus, you're a natural teacher or preacher. As a child, your parents were probably very lenient with you, and encouraged your aptitude for adventure, both physically and mentally. Quite likely, you will encourage your children in much the same way, becoming more of a friend than an authority figure. When it comes to discipline, however, you may be a little lax. Sometimes the Sagittarius influence views children as inhibitors of freedom. Your love relationships probably are romantic friendships rather than deep emotional commitments. You can be affectionate and enthusiastic, but your emotions are shallow, and you probably are happiest with a partner who will play, socialize and go places with you, without making heavy demands. Being free and unfettered is one of your deepest needs. Intimacy poses a certain threat to this need. As soon as you begin to care for someone, you start feeling emotionally trapped, usually choosing to regain your freedom by making an exit.
Mercury in Scorpio
In Scorpio, Mercury produces a mind that is secretive, investigative, and probing. Your method of expression is positive, and maybe a little intolerant, skeptical, and suspicious. A deep and penetrating thinker, you can dig in to the core of any issue with little wasted time or effort. You intuitive mind is capable of profound insights. You are very good at keeping secrets. Plans and schemes are often carried on in secret. You are also very good at digging out secrets and getting to the bottom of complex issues. Thus, with this placement you may have the skills to become a detective, an investigator, or a researcher. There is much scientific ability with Mercury in Scorpio because of the innate curiosity. You are so perceptive that you "know" the unseen weaknesses and strengths of people with whom you come in contact. You have a way of seeking hidden truths and perhaps the hidden secrets of life itself. You can be very incisive with your tongue or with your pen. Often using sharp language, you refuse to mince words or show much concern for the feelings of others. You either say exactly what you are thinking or you remain completely silent. You can be very stubborn in your mental determination and tenacity. Your adaptability is limited in an intellectual sense because your highly emotional approach often has you prejudiced and focused on a set objective.
Venus in Scorpio
If Venus is in Scorpio in your chart it no doubt produces a very intense romantic nature. In relationships, you are very straightforward, determined, and direct. You often express excesses of feelings, being very possessive and sometimes jealous. Scorpio is the sign of physical magnetism. It is the sign of the zodiac that is said to "rule" sex. Born with Venus in Scorpio, you are no doubt a very sexy person. You approach the emotional experience of romance with much intensity and much feeling. In this area of your life, you are an extremist. Your love nature is based on total commitment and complete focus. With you there is no fooling around. You dominate and demand total involvement. Nothing short of this is acceptable. No matter what happens to you, your dignity is something that is never lost or put aside. The intensity of emotions resulting in this placement make it clear that matters of the heart are taken seriously and personally. You display your strong sense of personal pride and emotional dignity in all that you do. Because your love desire is so overwhelming, you sometimes become very possessive of your partner. This can be both in a physical as well as a psychological sense. You may express this in minor ways, but in some way or another you tend to control and hold on to the love of your life. You are in control and there is no doubt about it.
Mars in Sagittarius
Mars in Sagittarius produces some of the highest levels of physical energy and enthusiasm. The mental and emotional side seems to function fine as well, but unfortunately, this is not the most practical of Mars positions. In Sagittarius, Mars often produces strong philosophic convictions. You are one to stand up and fight for any cause you believe in. The sense of justice is very strong. Your idealistic motives always seek to be improving society and those individuals in your immediate environment. You are an outspoken debater, often lacking diplomacy or appreciation of the opinions of opponents. Nonetheless, your ever-cheerful presence makes you welcome in any social gathering. For you it is unrestricted freedom at all cost, with rhythm and tempo that comes naturally to you. You are a person with a zest for adventure and having a good time. You have trouble sitting still for very long, and you want to be on the move physically. The hallmark of this position is the feeling that you are invincible. Your irrepressible confidence and optimism usually gets you through tough times. You may have been born under a lucky star. You often succeed because you don't think much about failing. In many respects you are a born gambler. Mars in Sagittarius is not known for being particularly constant in love relationships. You approach sex as though it was a sport, and it's hard to tie you down to one person. You may be afraid of serious love affairs and being "trapped" in a relationship. This is a position that really likes sex, but at times can be too bold or crude in asking for it. The negative of this position is a lack of endurance and consistency. Because your attention span is so short, and your interests are so many, you start many projects, but often fail to finish them. And even when you do get finished, the work can be a little sloppy. You have a tendency to scatter your energies and try to take on too much at one time.
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter is in Virgo in your chart. This is a difficult placement for Jupiter because the big picture approach of Jupiter is somewhat curtailed by the narrow focus of Virgo. You may take on large projects only to get bogged down because of your insistence on the correctness of every detail. You have a cautious, practical and scientific outlook on life. This life view can at times become a little cynical. You follow a practical and material view of life issues. Try not to make mountains out of molehills.
Saturn in Virgo
Saturn in Virgo gives a measure of prudence and practicality. You are hard worker and a careful worker, too. Your moral attitude may make you too serious sometimes. Research, strategies, and record-keeping are areas in which you may excel. Sometimes it hard for you to sort the apples and decide what is important and what's not. You may worry to much about trivial problems. Reserve and prudence follow you through life. Your success in life will probably be gained by cautious investment and conservative planning. You are too critical of yourself and undervalue your talents and potential for success. Don't think you have to be perfect to succeed.
Uranus in Libra
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Libra will find more difficult than most to hang on to partnerships and relationships. The urge for change within this group may disrupt cooperative endeavors.
Neptune in Scorpio
You and people of this age, tend to dream about matters of a secret and profoundly deep nature in an intense and passionate way. You may be interested in a strong way in matters to do with mysticism, hypnosis and sex. You may wish to get involved in religious or cultish organisations and share your deep held beliefs or searching for profound secrets, such as those related to life and death. You may be interested in matters related to spirits, UFOs, vampires, and other uncertain and vague phenomenon. You should avoid a tendency to believe in things just because they are mystic and profound. You may experience conflict between one part of you that is intensely selfish (or possessive of others) and another than is self-sacrificing. You may be able to refine this differences by dissolving the deep hidden issues into universal oneness.
Pluto in Pisces
You transform in an impressionable and inspirational way matters to do with transcendent beliefs, such as religion and spiritual matters, including universal love and sympathy. You delve into secret matters involving feeling and emotions, and deeply held secrets, perhaps by humanity, may rush to the surface, perhaps increasing psychic ability. In the search for (religious) ecstasy, and to escape the emotional pressures, there may be a danger of an increased use of pleasure-producing, psychic drugs in this generation.
North Node in Pisces
A tendency to worry unremittingly, to be plagued by vague (and sometimes not so vague) feelings of guilt about under-performing, to lack faith and trust in a larger more spiritual plan, and to over-analyze ourselves and others are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to put some faith in spiritual powers or the “big picture”, to let go of some of our fears that we are not doing enough, to love ourselves and others with more compassion and understanding, and to be humble, feeling safe in the knowledge that we (and others) are not perfect. We need to trust and develop our imagination, as well as our capacity for compassion. Learning to let go of some of our obsessions with rules, details, and fears of not doing things perfectly will help us to achieve a greater sense of balance and to ease our fear of failure and guilty feelings.
Lilith in Leo
Lilith in Leo gives an unreasonlably strong ego in a person. That is why there will always be those that love her and those that hate her. With her formidable charisma, she is able to achieve unbelievable goals and is often in life governed by the principle that “the end justifies all means”. The need to enforce ones own will is very pronounced, which is why they are tactless, impatient, incapable of working in a team and of any kind of compromise. They always want “more out of life”.
Chiron in Sagittarius
You need to bring about the fullest potential in the free and tolerant way in which you deal with, for instance, philosophy, your high standards, long journeys etc. The answer lies in the missing part of something you have. It may be that, for instance, you seek to know but you need to listen and learn. Or you could be too tolerant in your beliefs, or even too intolerant! Through the areas of optimism, action and enthusiasm, you may find your resolution.


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