Astrology / Natal chart 01.06.1786 (June 31, 1786)


The Aspects of the planets

Conjunction The Sun-Mercury
A day for thinking and ideas. You may feel like talking a bit more than usual, exploring new ideas or getting happily lost in a conversation. There will be an urge to communicate. Also, perhaps a short trip or a special phone call is in order.
Sextile The Sun-Jupiter
A very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover. You feel successful and able to cope. Good advice from a guide or older person may be forthcoming. A good day.
Sextile The moon-Uranus
Everything conspires to value and bring out your more unique and unusual qualities. You may find that someone close to you understands and is supportive of your eccentricities. You could come up with new solutions or inventions.
Square Jupiter-Saturn
Your path or career may be at right angles with your own sense of security and responsibilities. A hard trade-off to figure. You can't win, so some negotiations are in order. Try to cut a path that includes both.
Square Jupiter-Pluto
This could be a difficult situation. Your career and path to success seem to be running counter to your need for change and self-growth. Job requirements may stifle your sensitivity, hold you back from growing. Tread this one with care.
Trine Saturn-Neptune
Circumstances should work together to help bring out your ideals, make it easier to make your dreams real. You may find yourself examining and testing ideals, separating the wheat from the chaff. All in all, a good time to project your image.
Conjunction Saturn-Pluto
You will probably be reviewing a lot of very sensitive psychological material. Although you may not be able to notice any change, this is a chance to organize your thoughts and build new habits that will bring orderly change in the future.
Trine Neptune-Pluto
Your own inner psychology and vulnerabilities are open to you now, almost as if in a waking dream. A renewed interest in exploring the realm of dreams and imagination finds you getting to the heart of your secrets and sensitive areas.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Cancer
In Cancer the Sun is receptive and moody. You are a very sensitive person who is easily influenced by your environment. You are likely to be exceedingly protective of your feelings, as well as the feelings of those to whom you are close. Emotions are strong in your nature. You approach life with many feelings and a strong nurturing tendency. Your moods are varied and changeable. They are synchronized to the Moon, flowing in and out like the tide. You are acutely aware of the atmosphere of feelings surrounding you. You're skeptical and distrustful of people. It's not what they say, but simply the way they say it and the way you interpret their meaning. You need to tell your deepest thoughts. When those around you are not receptive, you can become quite difficult to reach. The "crabby" part of Cancer shows up once in awhile, as well. When these moods are in control of your behavior, you can snap someone's head off for no reason at all. People you live around have to learn that you are not really angry with them. This is just the way Moon children are sometimes. By nature you are quiet and somewhat reserved, frequently retreating or putting up a protective barrier when you feel in any way threatened. You are attuned to the past. You tend to cling to reminders and memorabilia of your family and of earlier times. Many Cancers are attracted to collecting antiques. You may be one of those people who collects just about everything. It's hard for you to part with something when there may be a chance need some rainy day, no matter how remote that chance may be. Cancers are the original "pack-rats." You place much importance on the home and family. Your family or your "family of friends" is the center of your life. They provide you your sense of security and belonging. Your role in this environment is the source of your self-esteem and often overshadow your sense of individuality. It's hard to break away from your early upbringing and depart from the family traditions you have experienced. Cancer is the sign of motherhood. In both sexes, it produces a parenting instinct that is caring, protective, and indulging. Even unmarried Cancers adopt friends, co-workers, and neighbors in an extended family situation. Hardworking and dedicated, you make an excellent employee. You are loyal and respect authority. This makes you supportive and protective of the boss and rarely questioning company policy. You do find it very difficult to handle change and disruption. If you are the boss, you like your employees to be dedicated as you are. Unfortunately, sometimes you may surround yourself with "yes men" who simply reinforce your decisions. You don't take chances or risk sweeping change. Money is very important to you. Not for what it will buy or for the freedom it provides, but for the sense of security it provides. No matter what else is to be said of Cancer, security and having the protective shell in place, is overriding.
The moon in Virgo
A Virgo Moon generates a definite reserve in expression, and a personality that is often critical and analytical. You are not unemotional, but it is difficult for you to delineate what you feel. Consequently, you can sometimes come across as a little cold, detached, or prudish. You can seem stuffy and proud, when in fact, you are rather easily hurt. Your desire to be considered superior intellectually may be a cover for a deep-seated inferiority complex. Often, this position denotes a shyness and a decided lack of self-confidence. You respond well to encouragement and appreciation, and you have a need for these to stay your emotionally overeager nature. Overly critical of yourself, you assume that people will judge you harshly and find you lacking. You may feel that people don't like you, for this is a placement that shows much lack of self-esteem. Thus, you tend to pretty much keep your feelings under wraps. You have a desire to serve others, but not enough understanding of the other person's feelings. Consequently, you follow your intellect rather than your intuitions in most situations. You have trouble understanding other people's motivations and intentions. Your reactions are often rather cool, deliberate, detailed and analytical. You don't like emotional expressions, because you really don't understand them. Analyzing emotions may occupy a good bit of your time. This is not a very sexual position for the Moon for there is an introverted aspect to this placement. Even when your feelings are engaged, your shyness makes it hard for you to be demonstrative with your affections. Instead you express caring by doing things for the people you love, trying to make yourself indispensable to your loved ones so they won't be able to get along without you. Whether in a relationship or not, you enjoy doing things for people and you are at your best when you are able to take care of someone who is needy. You never shy away from such responsibility. You do understand reality and practicality, and you react in a very common sense manner, never viewing the world through "rose colored glasses". Mental qualities are emphasized by this position, but the qualities in Virgo are practical and useful. You want what you want, when and how you want it. You don't value learning for learning sake, but for the use and application that can be made of the learning. Temperamental at times, you tend to get picky and argumentative. You are shrewd, with good business sense and meticulous attention to detail. You analyze and criticize all sense impression with care; sometimes you can be quite fussy about minor details.
Mercury in Cancer
In Cancer, Mercury produces a mind that is very intuitive. You are influenced more by an appeal to the senses, than by logic or common sense. Your thinking is regulated by deep-seated emotional patterns, many of which may be rooted deeply in your subconscious. Objective thinking is not easy for you because your biases seem to force you to make certain decisions and ignore certain facts that disagree with you internal initial judgment. Your memory is exceptional, especially for names, dates, and historical events. You have a deep appreciation of history and any artifact or relic of the past. Your answers to present day problems are frequently drawn from precedence and past events. You are influenced by those around you, by your early training, and the opinions of friends and family. You are very close to family, friends and even to country. Loyalty and patriotism run very deep in your nature. You seem to learn best by exposure to information via life experience, as if by osmosis. You are highly receptive to subliminal messages or subtle inferences that you receive. You are sensitive to other people, and you have some difficulty being with those who you sense to be in some way unfriendly to you. It may be hard to explain why you feel uncomfortable with someone, but you do. A major strength of this placement is that you are such a very sympathetic listener. Yet you have to be careful not to identify too closely with the problems of others and take on those problems as if they were your own.
Venus in Leo
If Venus is in Leo in your chart it suggests a behavior that is theatrical, with a good deal of personal and social pride. Venus in Leo is warm-hearted and fun-loving, a natural showman with a need for self-expression. There is an innate need to be in the spotlight and center of attention. You have much physical and emotional magnetism that attracts romantic interest easily. You thrive on these attractions and what they mean to your ego. Romance helps you maintain your high opinion of yourself. You are happiest when you are in love and when bestowing your gift of romance on a lucky admirer. Glamour, excitement and charm mark your courtship endeavors. You are lavish with your attentions, presents, and with yourself. The Venus Leo in love is sincere and whole-hearted. You are one of the most romantic and ardent of lovers. This is an outgoing and affectionate position for Venus, as you truly love life and romantic drama. You can be very loyal to those whom you think worthy of your affections, but you expect strong affections in return. Despite all the fun and show, you are an extremely stable and loyal partner. You are basically a one-love person because your pride is so wrapped up in your relationships. If there is a break in a serious relationship, it will most likely be a very hard and bitter one. While you are innately faithful in love, you are not one to discourage or ignore other admirers. You love to be noticed and admired. You enjoy attracting romantic interest, though you have no interest or desire to follow through on these idle flirtations.
Mars in Leo
Mars in Leo is noted for its physical energy, and it manages reasonably well in the mental and practical departments, as well. The ego and need for recognition make the emotional energy somewhat restrained. In Leo, Mars displays exceptional will-power and creativity. With this placement, you project an air of confidence, self-sufficiency, and vitality that cause people to sit up and take notice. Activity is expressed in a dramatic fashion, suggesting that you may be well suited for the stage. You love being on "center stage." You are confident in most roles before an audience. This position couples positive initiative, with stability and determination, producing excellent leadership qualities. You have a definite charismatic and gregarious flair. This also makes you a natural leader. Ambitious and maybe a little egotistic, you want to lead. You'll do whatever you need to do to be recognized and appreciated. You take pride in your sexual prowess. Affectionate and physically demonstrative, you enjoy the drama and excitement of a passionate affair. As much as it bolsters your ego to have several sexual partners, you're constant in love while your partner pays plenty of attention to you and is devoted. In romance, jealousy and possessiveness are often by-products of this placement. The strong, fixed opinions and the overbearing manner of this placement may often stir opposition. The pride and need to dominate others, often sets up a degree of stubborn egotism. Excessive pride can be your pitfall, if you haven't learned to control it. The emotional side of Mars in Leo can cause to you to periodically over-react with anger when affairs don't go your way.
Jupiter in Taurus
This placement of Jupiter indicates a stable and beneficial use of money and resources. You feel that the accumulation of wealth is important to provide the high standard of living that you so desire. You have an appetite for the best of everything, especially food; you have gourmet tastes, and the finest of luxurious surroundings your means can afford. Since you can usually attract the assets you need, you tend to live quite well. In business, you are steady and patient. You can see things on a large scale and bring them to fruition. A little on the stubborn side, you don't like being pushed or directed. You are very conservative and orthodox in most of your views.
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn in Aquarius gives strong powers of concentration. Your thinking is both democratic and scientific. Your basically conservative attitudes notwithstanding, inventive and original approaches come easily to you, as well as abstract mathematics and symbolism. Saturn represents conservative restrictions. So this placement is a bit paradoxical and confusing. Often, the placement produces a view of the future that is rather bleak and pessimistic. You may be inclined to work toward the betterment of some aspect of society that is of some particular concern. Aquarius is the sign of the future and of progress. You are a good friend, responsible, impartial and always loyal. Cool and collected, you are level-headed and stable. Yet you may find it hard to make friends and you probably get little support from those above you. Pride may make you a social loner.
Uranus in Cancer
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Cancer will approach changes in society with emotional vigor. Emotional considerations are apt to prompt unexpected revisions to popular ideas.
Neptune in Libra
You tend to be diplomatic and harmonious in a refined way in relation to others. You may dream about matters related to fashion, music and peace. You may believe in universal love between humans (Neptune). You may have notions about freedom and justice (Libra) and equality. You may be involved in forming (cardinal) new idealised relationships between others. Some people in this group take comfort (Venus) in drink or drugs (Pisces). By dissolving issues related to interpersonal problems, you can achieve amazing results.
Pluto in Aquarius
You transform in an indifferent and unconventional way in matters related to friends and humanitarian matters. There are likely to be drastic changes in these areas: social, intellectual and relationships (air) between groups for this generation. These changes are likely to persist (fixed sign), and be intrinsically motivated (active). This could be a time of drastic social changes which could reach to the very depths of belief, and threaten the foundations of society.
North Node in Capricorn
A tendency to be overly attached to our childhood and past, to be dependent on others and avoid accepting responsibility for our lives, to fear rejection to an extreme thereby missing opportunities, and to be overly focused on emotional problems are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to take charge of our lives and accept responsibility for our actions. We may too easily blame our past or focus on our insecurities and emotional difficulties instead of moving forward and learning to depend on ourselves. We want to feel secure more than anything, but security can only come once we let go of our dependencies and carve out a life that reflects a true feeling of responsibility to ourselves as well as to others. We are more aware of our emotions than most people, but in order to grow, we must learn to strike a balance between sensitivity and responsibility. We cannot use our sensitivity as a crutch, although we may spend the first half of our life trying to do so! Recognition will come, at some point in our journey, that clinging to the comforts of childhood will in fact hold us back from achieving a comfortable future! By defining solid goals and a mature direction in our lives, as well as letting go of some of our over-attachment to our childhood, we will be able to achieve the financial and emotional security that we so crave.
Lilith in Scorpio
May be a co-ruler of Scorpio with Pluto. Here, she is powerfully sexual, hypnotic, seductive and wise. When under a negative influence, she can become bitter, vengeful and/or obsessed. You may be enticed easily by sexuality and subordinate yourself to a more powerful partner. The danger exists that you don't recognize this power at all. You have to deal with setbacks, accidents and symbolic, as well as real, deaths ~ although there are usually opportunities to avoid danger before it appears. You may be addicted to danger. Possible death experience in childhood, leading to the perspective of death as an inevitable part of life and great psychological regenerative ability.
Chiron in Aries
People with Chiron in Aries in their birth chart have had to deal with personal injuries, both physical and psychological. And yet, these people are not your regular victims. Others may not even be able to tell that these people have had deep injuries. This is because Chiron in Aries people shake off their pain and move forward quickly. They’re extremely resilient. These are people that have friends who feel their pain more than they themselves do. Chiron in Aries people will be the ones telling you to “suck it up” when you’re hurt. Chiron is about pain and healing. People with Chiron in Aries heal quickly, without much thought, blazing trails even while warm blood drips from their open wounds.


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