Astrology / Natal chart 03.08.1775 (August 3, 1775)


The Aspects of the planets

Conjunction The Sun-Mercury
A day for thinking and ideas. You may feel like talking a bit more than usual, exploring new ideas or getting happily lost in a conversation. There will be an urge to communicate. Also, perhaps a short trip or a special phone call is in order.
Sextile The Sun-Mars
A good day to get things done. Good eye-hand coordination and sustained effort make almost any task run well. You may feel like exercising or getting out and about. Emotions are very present but within control.
Sextile The Sun-Jupiter
A very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover. You feel successful and able to cope. Good advice from a guide or older person may be forthcoming. A good day.
Sextile Mercury-Saturn
Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily. Problems and obstacles that have heretofore been confounding should find easy explanations under your keen examination.
Sextile Mercury-Uranus
Quick answers, great wit, and a surplus of insights and solutions are at the ready. A good time to write and communicate with real originality. Inventions and breakthroughs are possible.
Trine Venus-Pluto
Эмоциональные натуры, способные на высшие формы любви. Часто духовное возрождение от любви, или их брак и любовь предопределены. Интимные отношения играют большую роль. Сильная способность любить благоприятно сказывается на всем.
Trine Mars-Jupiter
A perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the drive and energy you could want, and it should be easy to channel it. The path is open and clear.
Trine Saturn-Uranus
Events may make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs, and find new solutions to old problems. You may find yourself able to implement your ideas and put them into practice. Independence, originality, and eccentricity are to the fore.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Leo
In Leo, the Sun is magnetic, forceful, and dominate. You possess a good nature that is very generous, allowing you to attract many friends and followers. You can easily become a natural leader because of your demeanor and because you are ambitious, determined, and highly industrious. Self-assurance and dignity are very strong in your nature. Your magnetic personality lets you sell yourself or your ideas easily, and your persistence at doing so further enhances your leadership potential. You are at your best when placed in charge of a large scheme, for you are truly a fine organizer. You enjoy being in a position of authority because you know you were born to rule. Your sunny disposition allows you to be candid, outspoken, and very direct in all matters, without upsetting people. You possess natural leadership ability, and project such confidence and authority that you inspire others to follow you. The typical Leo is a natural showman, and delights in having a full measure of recognition and admiration. Leo is the most expressive sign in the zodiac. You love to show off. You probably see your role in life as the starring role. Often the Leo personality chooses some artistic form through which to express talent. There is much drama associated with Leo, and the general approach to life is full of emotional exuberance. If you are not careful, these traits can result in too large an ego, which in turn can make you very susceptible to flattery. Though you have a high opinion of yourself, you still need the approbation and appreciation of your friends and followers. Your ego needs constant reinforcement. This helps keep the spotlight focused on your activities. Naturally emotionally exuberant, you are not only a good actor, but you make a truly outstanding teacher, as well. The Leo association with the fifth house of the chart suggests a strong bond with children. You may consider your children to be expressions of your creativity. Typically, the Leo is very close to children, the loving benefactor and protector. The lordly Leo sometimes feels there should be an automatic granting of power and authority. Because of this, you may be one of those Leo types who doesn't feel the need to work your way to the top. Though in many ways you show that you are ambitious, you also can be lazy. You may only want to work at jobs that offer prestige, glamour, power or a good time. You exert yourself only in those situations were you can exhibit your star quality, and garner the attention and respect of others. Your gift is surely the ability that you naturally possess to lead and to inspire. You are at home on the stage or at the podium. Your poorest showing comes when you are unable to control your ego, and you let an exaggerated sense of your own importance get the upper hand. In spite of your self-assurance and dignity, you may have a degree of concern about being laughed at or disgraced in some way. Again, ego is at the base of your nature and being.
The moon in Libra
A Libra Moon gives a sense of understanding, tolerance, and gentleness. You are ambitious, but at the same time, so very dependent on others. The symbol of Libra is the scales, signifying the innate symmetry the influence provides. This is the position of the diplomat, broad-minded and open, social, and friendly. The adaptability of this Moon sign is considerable; you don't like disputes and disorder, and you do what you can to maintain a well-oiled social and business life. Balance, harmony and domestic tranquility are very important to you. Even-tempered, well-mannered and congenial, you display all those attributes that assures many friends and an active social life. You are truly a thoughtful and good-natured person who goes out of the way to be nice to people. You are very fond of people and don't enjoy being alone for very long. You have a need to have everyone like you, and your emotional well-being depends on the approval others. Thus, you are over-anxious to please. This is the sign of the consummate peacemaker and diplomat. Your nature is affectionate and easily swayed, often exhibiting a tendency towards indolence. Sometimes you tend to have too much reliance on others and you may delay making important decisions. At many times, you seem to be facing life's problems and decisions on more or less a trial and error basis. Too willing to compromise, you frequently allow others to take advantage of you. You freely sacrifice your own wishes for someone else's. It is very hard for you to be assertive and stand up for yourself. Since you don't like conflict situations, you may refrain from expressing the dissatisfactions you have in your relationships, often waiting until it is too late to rectify the situation. Relationships are important to your and you don't like being alone. A stable partner, you tend to settle with one special person rather than playing the field. Devoted and faithful, you spend a great deal of your time catering to the needs and desires of your mate. Stability rather than passion or excitement is your goal in a partner. It is usually thought that Libra love affairs are of the head rather than the heart. Concern with what others think and doing what is correct makes you rather conventional and conservative in all your romantic and social activities. You are refined and you have a definite love of the refined; art, music, etc. You may have some natural artistic or musical talent. At the very least you appreciate all the finer things in life and you are apt to be a patron of the arts if your means permit. You are a good planner, but often it is hard for you to get your plans into action and to see them through to completion. The Libra mind is more contemplative, building great ideas, but sometimes failing carry them out. Decisiveness is not usually a strong quality with Moon in Libra; the mind may be building great ideas, but you are not always ready to act on them. Decision-making can be tough, because you can usually see both sides of every issue. For you, judgment is more important than execution.
Mercury in Leo
In Leo, Mercury produces a mind with strong will power and stubbornly fixed purposes. Your comprehension is broad, and your expression is authoritative, sometimes even dogmatic, as the position inclines to being opinionated and rigid in viewpoint. Your thinking has a very human touch, permitting you to make decisions that are accepted and followed by most people. You are inclined to leadership because you such a capacity to command respect. You like to be considered as the authority on matters pertaining to your field of endeavor, and you probably are. This sense of authority is aided by the dramatic and forceful way that you express yourself orally and in writings. Your mental charisma and leadership style sometimes makes you a little proud and boastful. Sometimes you can get a little carried away with the importance of your ideas and expressions. Mental pride and arrogance can be a problem. Usually with Mercury in Leo there is the tendency to become a bit lazy in a mental sense. There is often a need to cultivate more attention and exercise for the mind. Your strength is dealing with subjects in a broad-brush way, and in very general terms. You can ignore important details that leave your plan somewhat short at times. When this does happen, it is hard for you to admit a mistake.
Venus in Virgo
If Venus is in Virgo in your chart it produces tendencies to over-analyze emotions. You may be critical of those you are near. You play it safe in affairs of the heart. This position often produces a cool exterior that is a cover for romantic shyness. You may not think of yourself so much as shy, but rather just careful and cautious. You want to know what to expect in a romantic situation, and sometimes this isn't easy to predict. You do have deep emotions, but you keep them in check. You feel it better to be safe than sorry. Venus in Virgo has a subtle charm that doesn't come on strong. The natural analytic trait found here may stand in the way of making any sort of romantic commitment until you are sure what you are doing. The object of your affection must be clearly what you want. You categorize everything including people, keeping your emotional life neat and well organized. You see love as commitment and devotion. Fidelity is an absolute must. You are true and capable of complete romantic involvement, but never with showy or demonstrative displays. You show you care by be constant in taking care of details and focusing on the practical needs of your partner. No one gets better treatment in a relationship than does your chosen mate. You have polite manners, a neat personal appearance, fastidious personal hygiene, so you are repelled by the uncouth in any form. While you are constant in relationships, you insist that your lovers share your ideals and high standards. You would prefer living the solo life to dealing with someone who fails to live up to your standards.
Mars in Libra
In Libra, Mars is curtailed by the rules of social behavior and the need for the cooperation and approval. Energies are very controlled and overwhelmingly favor the mental. A reasonable degree of physical energies may also be present, but this is not what this placement is noted for. Emotional and practical energies are usually rather low, if noticeable at all. You are charming, generous, amiable, and cooperative owing to the persuasiveness of Mars in Libra. The normal assertive behavior of Mars is tamed down in Libra, and passions are never allowed to rule thinking. Yet you can become upset when your perception of justice is not served. You aren't one to push matters to extremes, but you do become very assertive when you experience injustice. You are ready to take up arms against anything that would destroy harmony, or that appears wrong or unfair. Your objective, unemotional approach could enable you to be a good judge, manager, or diplomat. You are likely and wise to select a very assertive and energetic partner. You may need someone to push you along, as Mars can be somewhat lazy in Libra. You often need motivation. Though you are never pushy or very forceful, you do exert gentle and continuous efforts toward a solid relationship. Although you are very affectionate and romantic, your sex drive is somewhat low, and you expect more emotional satisfaction than physical passion. You are not the type of person who goes after what you want with much conviction. You have difficulty asserting yourself at times, and it can be hard for you to be decisive. Aggression in any form threatens you, and you don't deal well with confrontations, arguments, or physical combativeness. You want to make friends, not adversaries.
Jupiter in Gemini
This placement of Jupiter produces an intellectual curiosity whether you have had the advantage of formal education or not. Your mind is very open to new ideas. You benefit substantially from your ability to communicate openly, and from your experiences gained from travel. Intellectually, you tend to sample a broad range of subjects, never focusing to any great extent in any one area. Because of this, your knowledge sometimes may be a little superficial. Yet you are always an interesting person to be around. A restless spirit may make it difficult for you to focus on accumulating wealth. Much of your enterprise is more geared toward accumulating intellectual status.
Saturn in Libra
Saturn in Libra gives a sense of justice and fairness. This placement give refined approach to intellectual pursuits. Diplomacy and tact come out owing to this Saturn position, and you can work well with people because of a natural trait to cooperate rather than compete. Since Libra is associated with relationships, Saturn here may delay marriage and place obstacles in the path of romantic affairs. A successful marriage will require much patience and hard work. You may have an inferiority complex in forming relationships. Feeling unlovable, you may run off prospective partners. This same fear of rejection can cause problems in your dealing with the outside world in general. Avoid a tendency to shut yourself off socially from people.
Uranus in Gemini
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Gemini will be rather inventive when it comes to changing society. Many great ideas may be fostered; yet some changes, perhaps most changes, will be just for the sake of change.
Neptune in Virgo
You tend to be idealistic about matters concerning work, health and nutrition. You may have an idealistic view of serving your fellow humans, and be very sensitive to their problems in these areas. You may be so idealistic that you fail to see the reality in the noble worker, the noble healer and the wonderful effects of good nutrition. You are versatile and adaptable in relation to these areas and you tend to be critical of those who do not hold your views (but not directly to them). There are difficulties between being idealistic and imagination and being a detail person (Neptune detriment). You may sometimes concentrate on isolated details and make them seem very profound out of context. You can dissolve problems related to being too critical and to being too obsessive about details, and be successful in this area.
Pluto in Capricorn
You transform in a prudent and reserved manner in areas related to power, business and careers. This generation may be against authority and wish to become independent of some authority (powerful country, convention, etc). You delve beneath the surface in matters related power over others and in a practical, common sense way seek to remove it (earth). You may move out into the world to make changes (cardinal) and you are motivated from the outside (passive), which might be social conventions. The transformation is resisted because of a tendency to cling onto the old and a tendency to carefully and prudently make changes, which tends to make them even more powerful when they break through.
North Node in Leo
People pleasing, the need to be liked, hiding out in a group, emotional detachment, being overly intellectual, “head over heart,” not showing your feelings, too much nomadic living with no roots, rejection of material and sensual pleasure.Unbridled self-expression, collaborating with the elite, leading by example, following your heart, luxury, tuning into your desires and sensuality, spoiling yourself and others, open displays of affection
Lilith in Leo
Lilith in Leo gives an unreasonlably strong ego in a person. That is why there will always be those that love her and those that hate her. With her formidable charisma, she is able to achieve unbelievable goals and is often in life governed by the principle that “the end justifies all means”. The need to enforce ones own will is very pronounced, which is why they are tactless, impatient, incapable of working in a team and of any kind of compromise. They always want “more out of life”.
Chiron in Aries
People with Chiron in Aries in their birth chart have had to deal with personal injuries, both physical and psychological. And yet, these people are not your regular victims. Others may not even be able to tell that these people have had deep injuries. This is because Chiron in Aries people shake off their pain and move forward quickly. They’re extremely resilient. These are people that have friends who feel their pain more than they themselves do. Chiron in Aries people will be the ones telling you to “suck it up” when you’re hurt. Chiron is about pain and healing. People with Chiron in Aries heal quickly, without much thought, blazing trails even while warm blood drips from their open wounds.


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