Astrology / Natal chart 12.02.1766 (February 12, 1766)


The Aspects of the planets

Square The Sun-Saturn
It may be hard to organize or persevere today. Everything may seem to be falling apart and coming unglued. Don't force things. Be patient and let the chaos blow itself out. Clashes with authorities or someone older over responsibilities are possible.
Sextile The Sun-Uranus
Take a little trip, or get outside today. You may want to break that routine and try something new or different right now. You may discover insights into day-to-day problems that will be of great value later.
Conjunction The moon-Venus
You may be moved to appreciate and discover the beauty in your life and in those around you. At the same time, everything could take on added value and importance. Be careful that you don't overspend or indulge too much just now. Enjoy.
Square The moon-Pluto
You may find yourself at odds with those around you or with your life situation regarding issues of great sensitivity -- very personal. Difficulties, blocks, and all manner of hot spots may be discovered and have to be worked through.
Trine Mercury-Saturn
Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have, for mental discipline should come easily. Problems and obstacles that have heretofore been confounding should find easy explanations under your keen examination.
Square Venus-Pluto
You value what is above-board and straightforward and have a particular aversion to what is secret, intense, and private. You do not enjoy gossip or nosy neighbors just now.
Trine Mars-Jupiter
A perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the drive and energy you could want, and it should be easy to channel it. The path is open and clear.
Square Saturn-Neptune
Could be a difficult time in terms of your self-image, dreams, and ideals. A close examination may find you separating the wheat from the chaff when it comes to realistic ideas and dreams of what can be. Your imagination may feel blocked and stagnant.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Aquarius
In Aquarius the Sun is eccentric and original. You're apt to be a superb thinker, and your ideas are frequently advanced, no matter what field of profession you select. Often, your unique approaches to problem solving are viewed as too radical and unworkable, but you prefer to think of them as advanced and progressive instead. Unconventional and outspoken, you see your role as the rebel and the person who rejects worn out traditions and old ways of operating. You like to be with those ushering in the new order and fostering advanced thinking. Paradoxically, you're a good team player, but one who must have personal freedom. You don't like to feel fenced in. While you're headstrong and inflexible in your ways, you can work very effectively within a large group. You have complete respect for the sound ideas put forward by others. You are aloof and detached, and your concerns are directed toward society rather than to the problems of any one person. You are somewhat impersonal most of the time. You're more emotionally involved with your work than you are with people. You can be highly critical and demanding in a position of authority. Nonetheless, you are a strong leader and organizer. You have a deep understanding of human nature, but often you lack sensitivity to the emotional content of many situations. You thrive on change and managing the unexpected. Always ahead of your time, you are viewed by everyone as being different and unusual, labels you don't mind accepting. You pride yourself on your ability to find a better way of doing the job. Sometimes you lack follow through, and you always dislike routine. You like to take chances and keep everything stirred up. Occasionally, you enjoy antagonizing people in positions of authority, and stimulating a good argument now and then. You don't mind that you are seen as a bit unusual, in fact, you may encourage this image. Equality, freedom and fairness are all important issues for you. You strongly subscribe to the doctrine that all people are created equal and should have the same rights and opportunities. In this regard, you are likely to be classified as a progressive and often associated with humanitarian issues and causes. Though you are very involved with such matters, your approach is always somewhat in the abstract, with ideological concepts, the sort that don't usually stem from true emotions. Your approach is often very impersonal and detached. Friendly and sociable, you may have a wide circle of acquaintances. Friends are very important to you. Intellectually oriented, you are happiest with friends that share common ideas and interests. Strangely, you find it more difficult to cultivate a truly satisfying intimate relationship. This aloofness exists because feelings are rarely expressed outwardly, and you usually seem distant. You resist anything or anyone threatening your independence.
The moon in Aries
An Aries Moon produces subconscious reactions in your nature that are highly assertive. You respond to life as though it was an adventure. This Moon produces one who is open to new ideas and one who is highly self-motivated. You have a strong underlying drive for success that is associated with your emotional nature. You tend to feel with your ego, as your feelings tend to compete with your ego much of the time. Your senses are quick. So much so, that you may seem pushy at times. Your temperament can be uneven, liable to flare ups at the slightest provocation. You make quick decisions, trusting your sense perceptions, and acting immediately without reflection. You jump into action from your quick feelings instead of from reason. You have an active mind, and what you are thinking is often quickly verbalized. When this emotional side of your nature is in charge, you tend to say and do things with little forethought and planning. With Moon in Aries you're enthusiastic and naïve, each day becomes a new adventure. You express a joy of living and people are attracted to you for it. Even so, you have a bit of the rogue and rascal in you. You can be emotionally detached from the people around you, somewhat reluctant to ask for help, even when you need it. The nature that has developed and the habits learned make you very independent. You feel with your ego. You don't much care for advice, and rarely follow the advice you get. There is much in your instinctive nature that is original and restless. Sometimes you get too assertive, and those that know you well realize you have a quick temper. You aren't one who always plays by the rules, as you are something of a renegade. To a degree, Moon in Aries hides a sense of insecurity behind an independent and assertive exterior. Extremely competitive, you love a challenge from a worthy opponent. You tend to see just about everything as a challenge and everyone as an opponent. Its hard for you to give in on anything and compromise is generally an option you don't exercise. Intensely individualistic, it's hard to see someone else's point of view. Oddly enough, when it comes to a romantic partner, you'll insist on someone who is not shy about standing up to you.
Mercury in Capricorn
In Capricorn, Mercury produces a mind that is clear, sometimes rigid and narrow, and always cautious and resourceful. Your thinking is methodical and careful. You know how to take things a step at a time, each fact building on the thought that went before. Your speech is organized and follows a logical and orderly pattern suggesting that you carefully examine and edit your words before they come out. You hardly ever say something that you are sorry for later. You are not a quick learner, but you are one who never forgets what has been absorbed. You have an excellent memory and attention to the business at hand; a down-to-earth and practical thinker. Insecure about your mental abilities, you work hard to develop yourself with education and experience opportunities. You may be a bit defensive about your lack of education, that is the case. A special need to prove yourself, one way or another, is often the case with Mercury in Capricorn. You have such very good powers of concentration, dignity, and an earnestness that can make you seem too serious. You can have a tendency toward moodiness and sulking, and you may have to work at showing any spirit of optimism. This placement of Mercury, especially if your Sun is also in Capricorn, produces one who is very quiet. Even if your Sun is in the more communicative Sagittarius or Aquarius, a Capricorn Mercury is not very talkative and sociable. You are especially self-conscience about speaking to strangers. You have a very down-to-earth approach to thinking and communicating. Planning and organizing are you special strengths, and they carry you far in business and professional life. You do particularly well on long, drawn out projects that require perseverance and determination. Once you put your mind to a task, it will surely be completed and done well. Cautious and skeptical, you may be conservative to a fault. Your love of tradition, and a natural pessimism, makes you slow to change patterns and premises that have worked in the past. Ideas that shake long-held beliefs are not very often accepted.
Venus in Aries
With Venus in Aries, you have an assertive self-expression in romantic situations. Venus in Aries is a demonstrative position, and produces tendencies for you to seek excitement in your love life. Cheerful and positive, you package yourself well. As one who is outgoing and full of enthusiasm, you're great in social situations. You are fun and exciting, and to more timid souls, a bit overwhelming. Outgoing, affectionate, and sometimes flirtatious, you become competitive in seeking the affections of others. Romance is living for you. Romantic involvement is like a competition to be won, and you are not a particularly good loser. When you love life is not going well, you are irritable and very moody. Easily aroused, you have an instinct for romantic challenge and conquest. You are direct and aggressive in love endeavors. In attracting a lover, you are direct and full of adventure and enthusiasm. You have a dangerous tendency to fall in love at first sight, or at least quicker than most people. Yet, you can be somewhat impulsive and unstable where long term romance is concerned. The romantic nature is impatient and careless sometimes. You don't take enough time to make long range plans or for truly needed practical considerations. Not surprisingly, early marriages are common with Venus in Aries. Sometimes, you may not have a deep understanding of other people's feelings.
Mars in Sagittarius
Mars in Sagittarius produces some of the highest levels of physical energy and enthusiasm. The mental and emotional side seems to function fine as well, but unfortunately, this is not the most practical of Mars positions. In Sagittarius, Mars often produces strong philosophic convictions. You are one to stand up and fight for any cause you believe in. The sense of justice is very strong. Your idealistic motives always seek to be improving society and those individuals in your immediate environment. You are an outspoken debater, often lacking diplomacy or appreciation of the opinions of opponents. Nonetheless, your ever-cheerful presence makes you welcome in any social gathering. For you it is unrestricted freedom at all cost, with rhythm and tempo that comes naturally to you. You are a person with a zest for adventure and having a good time. You have trouble sitting still for very long, and you want to be on the move physically. The hallmark of this position is the feeling that you are invincible. Your irrepressible confidence and optimism usually gets you through tough times. You may have been born under a lucky star. You often succeed because you don't think much about failing. In many respects you are a born gambler. Mars in Sagittarius is not known for being particularly constant in love relationships. You approach sex as though it was a sport, and it's hard to tie you down to one person. You may be afraid of serious love affairs and being "trapped" in a relationship. This is a position that really likes sex, but at times can be too bold or crude in asking for it. The negative of this position is a lack of endurance and consistency. Because your attention span is so short, and your interests are so many, you start many projects, but often fail to finish them. And even when you do get finished, the work can be a little sloppy. You have a tendency to scatter your energies and try to take on too much at one time.
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter is in Leo in your chart. This placement of Jupiter suggests optimism, self confidence and generosity. You have much physical energy and a strong constitution. You have a dramatic flair in showing off your status and prosperity; you're big on parades, church rituals and grandeur in all forms. Your dignified demeanor inspires confidence and produces excellent leadership qualities. You expect appreciation and admiration in return for your benevolence, and you may seem a little offended if you don't always get it. You may overdo a tendency to gamble; cards, horses, business or whatever. Your sense of self-confidence is very high.
Saturn in Taurus
Saturn is in Taurus giving you a very strong need for financial and emotional security. To be happy and comfortable, you have to have your daily affairs in order and under strict control. Unfortunately, the placement doesn't give you much unless you earn it. You are a very thrifty person, spending only for what you really need. Your nature tends to patient and disciplined, and you approach to life reflects a matter-of-fact attitude. What you may lack in spontaneity, you more than make up for with your willingness to work hard for success. You are well suited for big business or politics, although your determination can also reap benefits in other fields, especially in the arts.
Uranus in Aries
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Aries will want to assert their independence, and will likely work to prompt changes in society. This group will often be impetuous, and members will display impatience in seeking freedom at any price.
Neptune in Virgo
You tend to be idealistic about matters concerning work, health and nutrition. You may have an idealistic view of serving your fellow humans, and be very sensitive to their problems in these areas. You may be so idealistic that you fail to see the reality in the noble worker, the noble healer and the wonderful effects of good nutrition. You are versatile and adaptable in relation to these areas and you tend to be critical of those who do not hold your views (but not directly to them). There are difficulties between being idealistic and imagination and being a detail person (Neptune detriment). You may sometimes concentrate on isolated details and make them seem very profound out of context. You can dissolve problems related to being too critical and to being too obsessive about details, and be successful in this area.
Pluto in Capricorn
You transform in a prudent and reserved manner in areas related to power, business and careers. This generation may be against authority and wish to become independent of some authority (powerful country, convention, etc). You delve beneath the surface in matters related power over others and in a practical, common sense way seek to remove it (earth). You may move out into the world to make changes (cardinal) and you are motivated from the outside (passive), which might be social conventions. The transformation is resisted because of a tendency to cling onto the old and a tendency to carefully and prudently make changes, which tends to make them even more powerful when they break through.
North Node in Aquarius
A tendency to become overly attached to the drama of romance and personal relationships, to be willful and overly focused on getting what we want, and to resist being “one of the crowd” in an effort to stand out as unique and special, are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to let go of our fears in relationships by offering freedom to our partners instead of expecting our partners to act as we want them to act, to accept that we are all equal and that we can still be special if we belong to a community, to move towards greater impartiality, and to cultivate sensitivity to the needs of others. By letting go of the strong desire of getting what we want in the here and now, satisfaction will come more easily as we find that we get what we need. Our personal relationships and romances will suffer when we take things too personally, and expect others to follow a certain script that we have unconsciously written for them. Learning to let go of the need for drama and attention, and moving towards a more objective approach to our lives, as well as cultivating true friendships, will help us to achieve a greater sense of balance. Our relationships with others—as well as our relationship with ourselves—will benefit. Back to Spiritual Life L
Lilith in Cancer
Hidden emotions may come out in ways that affect the physical health. When expressed in ways that are healthy, Lilith's influence here makes the native a powerful parent or an activist for the protection of children. When negative, there may be chronic or psychomatic illness or the tendency toward martyrdom. You like to entertain many people in your home, where you can enjoy meals with them and have emotional and psychological discussions. In family matters you are inclined to not recognize things or situations correctly or you don't want to admit to situations and/or circumstances because you become enticed by unrealistic opinions very easily.
Chiron in Aries
People with Chiron in Aries in their birth chart have had to deal with personal injuries, both physical and psychological. And yet, these people are not your regular victims. Others may not even be able to tell that these people have had deep injuries. This is because Chiron in Aries people shake off their pain and move forward quickly. They’re extremely resilient. These are people that have friends who feel their pain more than they themselves do. Chiron in Aries people will be the ones telling you to “suck it up” when you’re hurt. Chiron is about pain and healing. People with Chiron in Aries heal quickly, without much thought, blazing trails even while warm blood drips from their open wounds.


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