Astrology / Natal chart 27.09.1759 (September 27, 1759)


The Aspects of the planets

Sextile The Sun-Mars
A good day to get things done. Good eye-hand coordination and sustained effort make almost any task run well. You may feel like exercising or getting out and about. Emotions are very present but within control.
Square The moon-Saturn
You may feel left out or passed over just now. Your own requirements may appear to limit and separate you from where the rest of the gang is headed. A sense of isolation and loneliness is not unusual. This is of short duration.
Square Mercury-Pluto
You may be having some dark and secret thoughts. Sensitive areas of your mind may intrude and appear obsessive. You may be suspicious of someone.
Square Venus-Mars
You may not feel like being very emotional and might tend to ignore any emotional needs that you might have. Your sense of values may be in conflict with your feelings.
Sextile Venus-Jupiter
The good life, and all that is fine and luxurious, may be what you value just now. You could enjoy making your own way and finding solutions to whatever problems you have.
Trine Venus-Saturn
Чувство порядка, равновесия, пропорции в изобразительном искусстве и музыке. Часто - деятели искусств. Дает чувство ритма, структурные отношения во времени и пространстве. Хорошо для архитекторов, дизайнеров, математиков. Чутье дельцов, практичность и интеллектуальность, справедливость и благородство. Понимание нужд обездоленных, готовность помочь. Лояльные друзья, надежные супруги. Возможна чрезмерная серьезность и сдержанность, что ошибочно можно счесть за холодность и неприступность. При длительных и более близких отношениях эти люди проявляются все больше.
Sextile Jupiter-Saturn
A real time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will be what guide you and prove successful. Your career could assume a much more determined and solid form -- a firm foundation.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Libra
You prefer working in a pleasant and very orderly atmosphere, with people who don't put undue pressure on you. You like to see your role as that of peacemaker. Peace and tranquility are so important. The least sign of hostility or discord is very upsetting to you. You refrain from speaking your mind if you fear your thoughts would alienate or start an argument. Always ready to compromise or mediate, you need to be careful not to appear wishy-washy or less than reliable. In many ways, you are dependent upon the approval of others. Libra is the sign of relationships. You think of yourself as half a partnership rather than an individual. Because of this feeling of dependence, you put your mate's needs and desires ahead of your own. You may become confused as to what you want at any particular time, versus what your partner wants. Your partner's goals and ambitions become your goals and ambitions. You are the true helpmate. Because of this attitude, Libra is very stable and dependent in a relationship, even a bad one. As attached as you are to your partner, you may not really show it much. In your quest for balance and harmony, you rarely have or express strong emotions of any kind. Yours is a very dispassionate demeanor that is detached. You don't invest much passion or feeling in your relationships, loving with your head instead of your heart. When cast in a supervisory role you may have some difficulties. This is because you weigh each decision before choosing your direction. You can experience problems if you are called on to make frequent snap decisions for the group. You are an excellent go-between, and not as good at being the leader or boss. Unfortunately, such a balanced view of situations sometimes makes decisive action more difficult. You have a hard time making everyday decisions of little or no consequence. On the big issues, you may vacillate indefinitely. One of your main personality traits is a love of justice. You are insistent on fair play. In this too, you have a very balanced and unbiased way of looking at everything in your world. Accordingly, you are often called on to be mediator in family disputes or in disagreements at work. Your impartial judgment can always see both sides of a matter. You can be very cool and detached, keeping your feelings well under control in pursuit of fairness. Your love of balance and harmony allows you to appreciate music and the arts. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet closely associated with artistic endeavors. If you don't have talent yourself, you probably to do have an interest and excellent taste in these matters. Courteous and refined, good manners are important to you. You exhibit them and you expect them. You are especially repelled by vulgarity and coarseness. Tactful, diplomatic, refined and socially successful, you strive to say and do the right thing. It is always so important for you to make the right impression.
The moon in Sagittarius
A Sagittarius Moon is restless and lacking in continuity. Unsettled in both mind and body, you need activity and a good deal of exercise. You want to always feel free to roam and wander, both physically and mentally. In Sagittarius, the emotions are jubilant, enthusiastic and highly optimistic. You are socially naive and blissfully unaware of real human differences. You meet people on your own terms, merging and melting into relationships with them. You are open and friendly as a puppy. Your good-natured and fun-loving manner generally produces many friends and acquaintances. Yet few of your friends are really intimate. Rarely will you feel the need for group movements or organizations to provide you with a sense of who you are. You know who you are and where you're going. Although you may change your mental directions and modify your goals a number of times, you are quite comfortable with yourself, and where you're headed. Optimistic and idealistic, you can see the silver lining inside every cloud, and believe things will turn out for the best. Usually they do. You bounce back easily from setbacks and immediately start again. Unfortunately, you often fail to learn from your mistakes. Your sense perceptions are accurate, but you often speak before you think. You seem to be able to form a clear picture of the world around you. Decisive in manner, you are outspoken, buoyant, and ever interested in both learning and spreading knowledge. Thus, you're a natural teacher or preacher. As a child, your parents were probably very lenient with you, and encouraged your aptitude for adventure, both physically and mentally. Quite likely, you will encourage your children in much the same way, becoming more of a friend than an authority figure. When it comes to discipline, however, you may be a little lax. Sometimes the Sagittarius influence views children as inhibitors of freedom. Your love relationships probably are romantic friendships rather than deep emotional commitments. You can be affectionate and enthusiastic, but your emotions are shallow, and you probably are happiest with a partner who will play, socialize and go places with you, without making heavy demands. Being free and unfettered is one of your deepest needs. Intimacy poses a certain threat to this need. As soon as you begin to care for someone, you start feeling emotionally trapped, usually choosing to regain your freedom by making an exit.
Mercury in Virgo
In Virgo, Mercury produces a mind that is logical, but highly critical. You are mathematical, practical and careful about details. You are one of those people who catches on to things quickly, and you carry out your tasks in an orderly and businesslike manner. This placement indicates excellent analytical abilities, and a good common sense approach to most mental activities. You require orderly surroundings and efficient methods of operation. There is some tendency for you to lack confidence or at least to seem to lack confidence. The hesitation that precedes action probably relates to your habit of checking, double checking and going over things one last time, before taking final action. You rarely allow yourself to be spread so thin that you can't be sure of producing your standard of accuracy and discrimination. You want such a degree of minute precision and accuracy that many will perceive you as a nit-picker. It is not at all uncommon for those with Mercury in Virgo to seek professional and financial success by acquiring much education and special technical skills. You also may possess special abilities in communication and in general writing. Your use of the language and grammar is probably near perfect. Be careful not to become to obsessed with detail and work, becoming shy and withdrawn, and failing to do as well as you should in casual and leisure conversation.
Venus in Scorpio
If Venus is in Scorpio in your chart it no doubt produces a very intense romantic nature. In relationships, you are very straightforward, determined, and direct. You often express excesses of feelings, being very possessive and sometimes jealous. Scorpio is the sign of physical magnetism. It is the sign of the zodiac that is said to "rule" sex. Born with Venus in Scorpio, you are no doubt a very sexy person. You approach the emotional experience of romance with much intensity and much feeling. In this area of your life, you are an extremist. Your love nature is based on total commitment and complete focus. With you there is no fooling around. You dominate and demand total involvement. Nothing short of this is acceptable. No matter what happens to you, your dignity is something that is never lost or put aside. The intensity of emotions resulting in this placement make it clear that matters of the heart are taken seriously and personally. You display your strong sense of personal pride and emotional dignity in all that you do. Because your love desire is so overwhelming, you sometimes become very possessive of your partner. This can be both in a physical as well as a psychological sense. You may express this in minor ways, but in some way or another you tend to control and hold on to the love of your life. You are in control and there is no doubt about it.
Mars in Leo
Mars in Leo is noted for its physical energy, and it manages reasonably well in the mental and practical departments, as well. The ego and need for recognition make the emotional energy somewhat restrained. In Leo, Mars displays exceptional will-power and creativity. With this placement, you project an air of confidence, self-sufficiency, and vitality that cause people to sit up and take notice. Activity is expressed in a dramatic fashion, suggesting that you may be well suited for the stage. You love being on "center stage." You are confident in most roles before an audience. This position couples positive initiative, with stability and determination, producing excellent leadership qualities. You have a definite charismatic and gregarious flair. This also makes you a natural leader. Ambitious and maybe a little egotistic, you want to lead. You'll do whatever you need to do to be recognized and appreciated. You take pride in your sexual prowess. Affectionate and physically demonstrative, you enjoy the drama and excitement of a passionate affair. As much as it bolsters your ego to have several sexual partners, you're constant in love while your partner pays plenty of attention to you and is devoted. In romance, jealousy and possessiveness are often by-products of this placement. The strong, fixed opinions and the overbearing manner of this placement may often stir opposition. The pride and need to dominate others, often sets up a degree of stubborn egotism. Excessive pride can be your pitfall, if you haven't learned to control it. The emotional side of Mars in Leo can cause to you to periodically over-react with anger when affairs don't go your way.
Jupiter in Capricorn
Jupiter is in Capricorn in your chart. This position slows the expansive nature of Jupiter making you a keeper of the letter of the law. Your moral conduct is beyond reproach. In business or any public office, you display the highest ethics. You hold conservative and traditional views regarding most of life's major issues. This prudent approach and your mature judgment qualifies you for positions of high economic or political responsibility. Answering a call of both personal ambition and a sense of duty to society, you have a strong drive for power positions. You have little difficulty prospering because of your conservative attitude.
Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces produces a sensitivity in your dealing with world at large. When making your way in the world, you may feel vulnerable and defenseless. This a depressive placement that can make you feel a little paranoid sometimes, often looking on the dark side of a situation rather than the bright side. You may sometimes feel like you are a victim of circumstances or a martyr of sorts. If properly channeled, your sensitive side can be a plus. The productive aspect of this placement is in the ability to exercise compassion in society with a pragmatic approach. Your road to success may be in the artistic, spiritual, or even the psychic. Religious beliefs may be the cornerstone of your life, filling a need for structure and security. Your test in life may be one of developing confidence in your innate abilities. You may need to learn to trust and get in touch with your subconscious. The source of your creativity may be hidden there.
Uranus in Pisces
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Pisces have an intuitive intellect contributing to spiritual changes. The utopian hopes of this group may be difficult to realize as they can predicated on illusory notions.
Neptune in Leo
You may be able to create impressive and creative worlds of an imaginary nature, for instance impressive fashion, film, theatre, entertainment in general and amusement. You may be almost a hypnotic influence, causing others to disappear in your dreams and imagination. You are inspirational (fire) in a magical way. And you are a loyal friend, perhaps even believing in universal love.
Pluto in Sagittarius
You transform in a free and tolerant manner matters related to higher education and philosophy, and in your vision of the future and your ideals. There may be significant changes in higher education in this time. There may also be transformations in your attitudes to freedom and tolerance. There may be greater long distance travel during this period to foreign places, perhaps even in space. This generation are obsessed with foreign travel, and about life on other planets.
North Node in Cancer
Traditionally, the north node in cancer has been considered a lucky placement. It gives good judgment and insight. However, the corresponding South Node in Cancer signifies a high strung nature and trouble with love relationships.Key words for the North Node in Cancer are domesticity and mothering. You came into this world knowing how to lead and organize. To balance your nodal energy housekeeping, landscaping, genealogy, yoga, and history are all recommended hobbies for the north node in cancer. As you let go of your control issues and move into your emotional body, you will find yourself connecting with others more and more and enjoying the experience. It is important that you establish a family of some sort and that you be industrious. It’s important that the carrier of the north node in cancer placement avoid any reflexive tendencies to withdraw into isolation. You are here to nurture the group and take comfort in being part of a family. Trust the life process and your instincts. You may never attain the station in life to which you think you are entitled, but in your home and family you will find a far great happiness than you could ever have imagined.
Lilith in Libra
Lilith in Libra may find herself concerned with the legalistic side of power. She is a defender of women here, supportive of laws that curtail abuse or sexual crimes. taken to extremes, she may be vindictive against those she perceives to be offenders and in a relationship may be clinging, jealous and/or manipulative. You like to flirt and manipulate your fellow beings with well-meaning intention. You break up, or let break, relationships because you vary between commitment and autonomy urges. You don't want to admit to being wrong about your conceptions concerning other people, or you don't want to see their true character. You may consider yourself completely different, contrary to others or completely misjudged. You have wisdom and intuition, as well as psychological and musical ability, but you may be aunaware of it. You desire emotional loyalty from your life partner and you want to be accepted emotionally. You probably have very high standards and requirements in partnerships.
Chiron in Aries
People with Chiron in Aries in their birth chart have had to deal with personal injuries, both physical and psychological. And yet, these people are not your regular victims. Others may not even be able to tell that these people have had deep injuries. This is because Chiron in Aries people shake off their pain and move forward quickly. They’re extremely resilient. These are people that have friends who feel their pain more than they themselves do. Chiron in Aries people will be the ones telling you to “suck it up” when you’re hurt. Chiron is about pain and healing. People with Chiron in Aries heal quickly, without much thought, blazing trails even while warm blood drips from their open wounds.


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