Astrology / Natal chart 23.06.1731 (June 23, 1731)


The Aspects of the planets

Conjunction The Sun-Mercury
A day for thinking and ideas. You may feel like talking a bit more than usual, exploring new ideas or getting happily lost in a conversation. There will be an urge to communicate. Also, perhaps a short trip or a special phone call is in order.
Conjunction The Sun-Mars
A good day, with lots of energy and ambition. This is the day to start new projects or push forward with those already in motion. You may enjoy a sense of creating your own opportunities. Someone older or in authority may be a motivating force.
Sextile The Sun-Jupiter
A very lucky day for making plans or decisions and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover. You feel successful and able to cope. Good advice from a guide or older person may be forthcoming. A good day.
Square The Sun-Saturn
It may be hard to organize or persevere today. Everything may seem to be falling apart and coming unglued. Don't force things. Be patient and let the chaos blow itself out. Clashes with authorities or someone older over responsibilities are possible.
Conjunction Mercury-Mars
There is a lot of energy behind what you say and think. You can make quick and sharp decisions. Also there is the possibility of sharp words. You communicate with feeling and strength.
Square Mercury-Saturn
You may feel mentally depressed or restricted. Perhaps this is not the time to try to solve any serious problems or make important decisions. It could be hard to think.
Square Jupiter-Uranus
Career choices and direction seem to indicate a loss of freedom and originality on your part. You may feel stifled and forced to go along if you want to succeed. This could result in a situation building up to an explosive level. Tread with care.
Trine Saturn-Uranus
Events may make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs, and find new solutions to old problems. You may find yourself able to implement your ideas and put them into practice. Independence, originality, and eccentricity are to the fore.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Cancer
In Cancer the Sun is receptive and moody. You are a very sensitive person who is easily influenced by your environment. You are likely to be exceedingly protective of your feelings, as well as the feelings of those to whom you are close. Emotions are strong in your nature. You approach life with many feelings and a strong nurturing tendency. Your moods are varied and changeable. They are synchronized to the Moon, flowing in and out like the tide. You are acutely aware of the atmosphere of feelings surrounding you. You're skeptical and distrustful of people. It's not what they say, but simply the way they say it and the way you interpret their meaning. You need to tell your deepest thoughts. When those around you are not receptive, you can become quite difficult to reach. The "crabby" part of Cancer shows up once in awhile, as well. When these moods are in control of your behavior, you can snap someone's head off for no reason at all. People you live around have to learn that you are not really angry with them. This is just the way Moon children are sometimes. By nature you are quiet and somewhat reserved, frequently retreating or putting up a protective barrier when you feel in any way threatened. You are attuned to the past. You tend to cling to reminders and memorabilia of your family and of earlier times. Many Cancers are attracted to collecting antiques. You may be one of those people who collects just about everything. It's hard for you to part with something when there may be a chance need some rainy day, no matter how remote that chance may be. Cancers are the original "pack-rats." You place much importance on the home and family. Your family or your "family of friends" is the center of your life. They provide you your sense of security and belonging. Your role in this environment is the source of your self-esteem and often overshadow your sense of individuality. It's hard to break away from your early upbringing and depart from the family traditions you have experienced. Cancer is the sign of motherhood. In both sexes, it produces a parenting instinct that is caring, protective, and indulging. Even unmarried Cancers adopt friends, co-workers, and neighbors in an extended family situation. Hardworking and dedicated, you make an excellent employee. You are loyal and respect authority. This makes you supportive and protective of the boss and rarely questioning company policy. You do find it very difficult to handle change and disruption. If you are the boss, you like your employees to be dedicated as you are. Unfortunately, sometimes you may surround yourself with "yes men" who simply reinforce your decisions. You don't take chances or risk sweeping change. Money is very important to you. Not for what it will buy or for the freedom it provides, but for the sense of security it provides. No matter what else is to be said of Cancer, security and having the protective shell in place, is overriding.
The moon in Aquarius
An Aquarius Moon produces reactions which are progressive, but often erratic. Your friends may consider you unusual and unpredictable. Your imagination is fertile, and it produces a lot of creative energy. You sometimes seem eccentric and unconventional in your responses to everyday problems. You're very broad-minded and imaginative, but you're also likely to be somewhat impractical and perhaps lacking in common sense, or so it may seem. Actually, you consider all that you do as being on a utilitarian level, even if many of your ideas are a bit idealistic and outside the mainstream. You have a universal quality that places you ahead of your time. An interesting conversationalist, you are a fascinating person, and a good friend. It may be that you enjoy a good confrontation now and then and really don't want things to go too smoothly. A little on the high-stung side, you don't like things to get to routine and boring. The quickest way to end a relationship for you is to have the other person begin to take you for granted and cease to challenge you in a variety of ways. Stubborn, brusque and willful, you have difficulties in your relationships due to the insensitive attitude you so often reflect towards your partner's feelings. Women born with Moon in Aquarius are very demanding of a relationship that is entirely "equal". Even during the best of times, you may demand the freedom to come and go as you please. Possessiveness makes you feel trapped. Casual companions and relationships are much more comfortable for you because they do not impose so many demands. Your Aquarius Moon may make you seem to be too impersonal or detached for many with whom you come in contact. You are good at observing and analyzing others, but you may lack a true understanding of the needs and feelings that other people have. You are generally friendly to all, but in a rather impersonal, cool, and aloof way. This position overemphasizes friendliness and humanitarianism, but often misses the mark in one to one emotional relationships. You may seem cold because you have difficulty understanding the real emotions of another person. Moon in Aquarius is apt to have given you a special concern for humankind. Often, the placement denotes someone who has very fixed and determined humanitarian instincts, and who participates in activities directed toward the poor or homeless. You relate well to humanity, if not always to individuals. The physical home is not especially important to you, and you may change your residence often or have rather unconventional living arrangements. Some may describe your lifestyle as "bohemian," modern or offbeat.
Mercury in Gemini
Gemini is the natural home for Mercury, and the placement produces pure logical reasoning of the highest order. This Mercury denotes a lightning quick thinker. Your concern is with fact and unbiased understanding, rather than personal preference. Communication is easy, rapid, accurate and often eloquent. You are an interesting and incessant conversationalist. Mercury is at its quickest and best when it resides in Gemini. If given proper training, you excel in mathematics as well as in language. You are very logical, and your mind moves very quickly. You love logic, a fact making you an excellent teacher or reporter. When engaged in arguments, you may miss a basic premise, but you are clever enough to win anyway. The opponent is convinced by your rational remarks. You have a great variety of interests, and your mind may flit from one idea to the next, never digging in very deeply. You have an intense curiosity leading you to want to know a little about nearly everything. This makes you a very interesting person, but rarely an expert in any particular field. The down side of Mercury in Gemini is the sensitive nervous system often noted. It's hard for you to shut out external stimulation of any sort. You may find yourself being forced to deal with too much activity and too many impressions from time to time. If you allow yourself to be subjected to too much stress and too many demands for an extended period, you can become frazzled and subject to breakdown. The obvious signs of this problem are irritability and mental confusion. The root cause of this is simply spreading yourself too thin. Getting away from it all generally provides a quick cure.
Venus in Taurus
Venus in Taurus produces a practical, stable, and constant persona. Your approach to love and romance is simple and direct. Your sincerity is attractive and often irresistible. You take love seriously and with careful consideration. Yet, you can be so much fun to be around. You are rarely too serious-acting, moody or unhappy. You know how to have a good time and to help others to do the same. You are easygoing and cheerful most of the time. There is an attraction to the luxuries of life, and often a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures. You may have a weakness for good food, good wine, fine furnishings and clothes, and many more objects and activities that delight the senses. The best of everything will be yours if you can figure a way to afford it all. This large appetite extends to love-making and romantic involvement. This sign produces the most earthy sex drive. When you fall in love, it is usually permanent and dependable. Your nature is faithful and permanent. You require a deep commitment from your partner and you are willing to give the same in return. You are loyal and a one-love person. But your demands on that one lover can be great. If you feel insecure, you may become jealous and overbearing with your mate. Just as you are loyal and dependable, you are very possessive and jealous if your emotional security is threatened.
Mars in Gemini
In Gemini, Mars produces mental assertiveness and mental energies are highest here. As wonderful as this seems, on the practical side, you may be somewhat lacking, and emotionally, this placement is prone to big swings and is best defined as erratic. You have an active and critical mind that may be inclined toward going off in many directions at once. You love to debate and engage in all types of intellectual contests. A satirical wit is often a hallmark of this Mars in Gemini. Frequently, this placement attracts persons to careers as reporters, journalists and critics. Periodic job changes or handling a variety of jobs simultaneously, are not uncommon with this placement since there is much restlessness in your nature. Since so much energy is channeled into mental and verbal activity, you are apt to be quite a talker. You may make use of this strength by becoming a teacher, a lecturer, or a related field that takes advantage of your ability to express yourself. You pride yourself on your intelligence and verbal dexterity. To you, a person's worth is based on their intelligence, and you want to be respected as a formidable thinker. Several of your romantic relationships may be superficial. You eagerly pursue new experiences in romance, but it may be difficult for you to remain constant to any one special partner. You're apt to be an incurable flirt. Your mind, however, is your most active erogenous zone. Mars in Gemini is high-strung and produces much nervous energy, but it is lacking in physical vitality or endurance. There is a tendency for you to burn yourself out through stress and mental strain. You may need to force yourself to get more exercise as a way of balancing the physical with the mental.
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter is in Virgo in your chart. This is a difficult placement for Jupiter because the big picture approach of Jupiter is somewhat curtailed by the narrow focus of Virgo. You may take on large projects only to get bogged down because of your insistence on the correctness of every detail. You have a cautious, practical and scientific outlook on life. This life view can at times become a little cynical. You follow a practical and material view of life issues. Try not to make mountains out of molehills.
Saturn in Aries
This placement may cause delays in the development of your energies and drive in life. Yet you may take on much personal responsibility at a young age. Obstacles block your progress and your desire to be assertive. Being assertive can make you feel anxiety. You may feel very angry at times, but chances are you can keep your anger in check. Others see you as in cool control most of the time. You will gain a sense of responsibility for yourself from this placement. However, your confidence as a leader may suffer. This placement often produces people who won't take chances and are, therefore, viewed at times as being somewhat weak. Occasionally, the Aries traits comes out in rejection of fear itself. Some famous daredevils performed their stunts to over-compensate for the inborn restriction of Saturn in Aries.
Uranus in Sagittarius
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Sagittarius yield a highly progressive set of unorthodox ideas and the seeds of progressive changes. The group fosters advanced, abstract, and often controversial notions.
Neptune in Gemini
You tend to refine matters in a versatile and variable way, particularly in areas concerning communication, education, child care, etc. You may idealise education and communication, and you may dream of being an expert communicator or teacher. You may also tend to be deceived in these areas, because you are so impassioned by your ideals and by your dreams. You are likely to get on well with people because you believe in the basic good nature of others. In areas of thinking and communication, you can achieve beyond the normal boundaries.
Pluto in Libra
You transform in a diplomatic and harmonious way, matters related to relationships with others and partners. You may be obsessed with fairness and justice as it relates to others and to marriage partners. Relationships must be perfect or they are nothing. (extremes). You deal with these matters intellectually and through communication (air). You are motivated by your values (Libra) and while you are normally diplomatic, there may be explosions of anger (Pluto) at what you consider unfair.
North Node in Capricorn
A tendency to be overly attached to our childhood and past, to be dependent on others and avoid accepting responsibility for our lives, to fear rejection to an extreme thereby missing opportunities, and to be overly focused on emotional problems are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to take charge of our lives and accept responsibility for our actions. We may too easily blame our past or focus on our insecurities and emotional difficulties instead of moving forward and learning to depend on ourselves. We want to feel secure more than anything, but security can only come once we let go of our dependencies and carve out a life that reflects a true feeling of responsibility to ourselves as well as to others. We are more aware of our emotions than most people, but in order to grow, we must learn to strike a balance between sensitivity and responsibility. We cannot use our sensitivity as a crutch, although we may spend the first half of our life trying to do so! Recognition will come, at some point in our journey, that clinging to the comforts of childhood will in fact hold us back from achieving a comfortable future! By defining solid goals and a mature direction in our lives, as well as letting go of some of our over-attachment to our childhood, we will be able to achieve the financial and emotional security that we so crave.
Lilith in Leo
Lilith in Leo gives an unreasonlably strong ego in a person. That is why there will always be those that love her and those that hate her. With her formidable charisma, she is able to achieve unbelievable goals and is often in life governed by the principle that “the end justifies all means”. The need to enforce ones own will is very pronounced, which is why they are tactless, impatient, incapable of working in a team and of any kind of compromise. They always want “more out of life”.
Chiron in Aries
People with Chiron in Aries in their birth chart have had to deal with personal injuries, both physical and psychological. And yet, these people are not your regular victims. Others may not even be able to tell that these people have had deep injuries. This is because Chiron in Aries people shake off their pain and move forward quickly. They’re extremely resilient. These are people that have friends who feel their pain more than they themselves do. Chiron in Aries people will be the ones telling you to “suck it up” when you’re hurt. Chiron is about pain and healing. People with Chiron in Aries heal quickly, without much thought, blazing trails even while warm blood drips from their open wounds.


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