Astrology / Natal chart 07.09.1626 (September 7, 1626)


The Aspects of the planets

Conjunction The Sun-Mars
A good day, with lots of energy and ambition. This is the day to start new projects or push forward with those already in motion. You may enjoy a sense of creating your own opportunities. Someone older or in authority may be a motivating force.
Conjunction The Sun-Saturn
You may well be reminded of your various responsibilities today. A good time to get down to the nitty-gritty and take care of some business you have postponed. Obligations may come to your attention. A meeting with someone older or in authority.
Opposition The moon-Mercury
Others may disagree with what you say or think or in some way oppose your ideas and thoughts. Your current situation may demand some re-evaluation or otherwise challenge your ideas. It may be very hard for you to communicate what you mean to others.
Conjunction Mars-Saturn
При положительном варианте - способность к тяжелому труду, напряжению сил, выносливости, находчивости и смелости в опасных и трудных вариантах. Спартанские привычки обещают удачу на военном поприще, где много опасностей и нужна осмотрительность. Неприязнь к людям, жизнь которых менее напряжена. При плохих аспектах - вспышки гнева, ненависть, злоба, насилие. Гнев объясняется разочарованием через Сатурна в деятельности и самовыражении. Долго скрываемая ярость прорывается как вулкан. Если много напряженных аспектов к соединению - возможно планомерное намеренное разрушение, жажда власти, тирания, диктаторство. Переломы костей, воспаления, кожные болезни, тенденция онемения мышц.
Trine Mars-Pluto
A drive to probe and penetrate may find you examining and working through some strong internal changes. Push too hard and you could be too dominating, even oppressive, to yourself and others.
Sextile Jupiter-Uranus
A time to take risks and dare to be a little unconventional. You will prosper through new insights, inventions, and an independent point of view. Your career could open up by taking the road less travelled by, daring to be the oddball... new approaches.
Trine Saturn-Pluto
A good time to make some changes and reach new levels. A lot of personal and sensitive psychological material may be surfacing, but you can handle it and turn it to your advantage. You may look back on these months as very transformative.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Virgo
In Virgo the Sun is orderly and thoughtful. With the Sun in Virgo you are predisposed to be hardworking, conscientious, and well-organized. Modest, discriminating and thorough, everything you do, you do well. Practical and down to earth, you are a diligent worker with a competent, discriminating intellect. You are highly analytical and exacting, especially adapted to handling projects with painstaking perfection. Thus, you are fond of good workmanship and the utmost in quality. You are dependable because your approach is always one based on common sense and a realistic and analytical assessment of the problem. You give much attention to detail, but you can carry this to extremes, becoming fussy and critical, sometimes interfering. Large-scale projects can overwhelm you because of your insistence on perfection. Unless you can deliver such quality, you may become frustrated and discouraged. There is always the tendency and danger with Virgo that the big picture idea will be missed in search of minute details. You expect yourself and everyone around you to be perfect, often setting yourself up for disappointment. Your outlook is too negative and picky sometimes. Modest and unassuming, you are usually content to live in the background. Your attitude, at times, can become puritanical and prudish. You consider yourself an ordinary person, and you are never given to any airs of pretentiousness or showing off. There may be a tendency for you to see your role as one of service and "behind the scenes" support activity. You have a serious attitude toward refining your mind and acquiring knowledge. With your highly varied interests, you can gain a remarkable amount of data about different subjects. You instinctively know that you must grasp all parts before you can fully understand the whole. Systematizing and detail organization are your strengths. You are idealistic, but always practical and reasonable. You're not likely to make general statements based on too few facts. You may be somewhat health conscious, for you have an instinctive sense of balance in diet. You're very sensible in taking care of your health, and for that matter, the health of others. Often, the Virgo becomes exceptionally neat and orderly, even a bit neurotic about cleanliness. You're likely to be susceptible to stress related problems because you do tend to worry too much.
The moon in Aries
An Aries Moon produces subconscious reactions in your nature that are highly assertive. You respond to life as though it was an adventure. This Moon produces one who is open to new ideas and one who is highly self-motivated. You have a strong underlying drive for success that is associated with your emotional nature. You tend to feel with your ego, as your feelings tend to compete with your ego much of the time. Your senses are quick. So much so, that you may seem pushy at times. Your temperament can be uneven, liable to flare ups at the slightest provocation. You make quick decisions, trusting your sense perceptions, and acting immediately without reflection. You jump into action from your quick feelings instead of from reason. You have an active mind, and what you are thinking is often quickly verbalized. When this emotional side of your nature is in charge, you tend to say and do things with little forethought and planning. With Moon in Aries you're enthusiastic and naïve, each day becomes a new adventure. You express a joy of living and people are attracted to you for it. Even so, you have a bit of the rogue and rascal in you. You can be emotionally detached from the people around you, somewhat reluctant to ask for help, even when you need it. The nature that has developed and the habits learned make you very independent. You feel with your ego. You don't much care for advice, and rarely follow the advice you get. There is much in your instinctive nature that is original and restless. Sometimes you get too assertive, and those that know you well realize you have a quick temper. You aren't one who always plays by the rules, as you are something of a renegade. To a degree, Moon in Aries hides a sense of insecurity behind an independent and assertive exterior. Extremely competitive, you love a challenge from a worthy opponent. You tend to see just about everything as a challenge and everyone as an opponent. Its hard for you to give in on anything and compromise is generally an option you don't exercise. Intensely individualistic, it's hard to see someone else's point of view. Oddly enough, when it comes to a romantic partner, you'll insist on someone who is not shy about standing up to you.
Mercury in Libra
In Libra, Mercury produces a mind that is well balanced, rational, and very judicial. You hate arguments and prefer to discuss issues or to reason together. You are polished in your expression, and this helps make you appear very diplomatic always. You may be very deeply concerned with human relations and psychology. You have a curiosity about people and the way they think. Getting along well with others is very central to your interests. You are easy to talk to because you listen with interest and you're honest in your response. Although you are friendly and broad-minded, you can be stern when your principles are involved. Justice and balance are strong in your nature. You don't handle conflict all that well, and when people talk to you in a crude or uncouth manner, you back away and reject any contact, if you can. You are really not readily adaptable to rapidly changing situations, because you have such a tendency to study issues so carefully before committing yourself. You must concentrate ever to attain a sense of expediency or decisiveness. Yet you can be counted on to relate fully both sides of any issue. Making a decision between two good options can be very difficult for you sometimes.
Venus in Libra
If Venus is in Libra in your chart it may give you an innate ability to understand the feelings of others. Venus is at its best in Libra because this its natural sign. Aesthetic perceptions are at their best. You are a romantic in thought and action, sometimes leaving practical common sense behind. A romantic setting such as a candlelight dinner can really get to you. You fall in love easily under such circumstances, and not always with the right person. You tend to fall in love early and often. You want to be surrounded by beauty and harmony. You are very refined and quite sociable, and you try to avoid any form of disagreement or discord. You have the ability to put people at ease and make them feel comfortable and at home. You are truly a charming person, a trait that attracts many admirers. Indeed, the Libra Venus is the most seductive in the zodiac. This seductiveness is expressed in most subtle ways; you're never overtly sexual or physical, but usually close to perfect in appearance and manners. You don't handle conflict situations very well. When you're exposed to conflicts, you may even get nervously upset. Your feeling are easily hurt, but you don't hold a grudge or try to get even. Close harmonious relationships are very important for you. To secure these, you go out of your way being considerate, always trying to please. A happy marriage is a number one priority. You truly enjoy companionship, and you like to please others. You have the ability to understand the feeling of the other person, especially your partner, and react in a perfect fashion. You are willing to make nearly any sacrifice for the sake of love and for your relationship. You are particularly concerned with your personal appearance, and how you partner perceives you physically. You are totally devoted to your partner, and ever interested in filling every romantic desire.
Mars in Virgo
In Virgo, Mars focuses its energy into the job, and thus, the energies are primarily practical and useful. This placement will also produce high or at least adequate mental energies, reasonable physical energies, but on the emotional side, there is a severe limit to the energy and the interest. As one possessing this placement, you are usually considered a very conscientious worker. Much of your energy go into careful planning before you charge ahead on any project. When you do act, it's usually based on practical reasons, with every detail carefully thought out. You are highly critical, and very exacting in all that you do; in many respects, the perfectionist and the organizer. Painstaking and dedicated in your work, you may lack imagination and innovation, but never attention to detail. In the work place, you can be a difficult person because you are so particular about everything being done correctly. But indeed, you are the one that can be depended on to get the job done right. Virgo is associated with the health fields. Doctors, surgeons, nurses and social workers often have Mars placed here. There is much associated with this placement that involves helping people. You may be especially concerned with helping the sick and handicapped. You need to feel needed, and you can be very tireless in such a role. Mars, the indicator of passions, is not very passionate in Virgo. Your sex drive may be strong, but your willingness to express it can be somewhat weak. Sometimes Mars in Virgo can even be a bit puritanical. You also may be a little bit afraid of letting your passions loose, and even be critical of those that do. The negative side of Mars in Virgo may be the sometimes lack of tolerance. It's hard for you to get emotionally worked up over anything, but you can be very demanding of yourself and others. This placement often holds force and aggressiveness in check, releasing it as irritability and nervous habits. And finally, you have to be careful not to become the classic workaholic for this is a real possibility with Mars in Virgo.
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter is in Libra in your chart. This placement denotes an especially strong sense of justice and moral principles. You are attracted to individuals sharing your idealistic views. These persons enhance your opportunities in life. You are very considerate of others and understand the principle of cooperation for solving problems and making progress. You are effective serving as a diplomat, a peace-maker, or in any assignment dealing with public relations. You are able to sway public opinion, winning others over to your way of thinking with your power of persuasion.
Saturn in Virgo
Saturn in Virgo gives a measure of prudence and practicality. You are hard worker and a careful worker, too. Your moral attitude may make you too serious sometimes. Research, strategies, and record-keeping are areas in which you may excel. Sometimes it hard for you to sort the apples and decide what is important and what's not. You may worry to much about trivial problems. Reserve and prudence follow you through life. Your success in life will probably be gained by cautious investment and conservative planning. You are too critical of yourself and undervalue your talents and potential for success. Don't think you have to be perfect to succeed.
Uranus in Leo
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Leo may foster changes that expand personal and/or nationalistic power and prominence. Changes involving lofty goals and ideals will find favor within this group.
Neptune in Libra
You tend to be diplomatic and harmonious in a refined way in relation to others. You may dream about matters related to fashion, music and peace. You may believe in universal love between humans (Neptune). You may have notions about freedom and justice (Libra) and equality. You may be involved in forming (cardinal) new idealised relationships between others. Some people in this group take comfort (Venus) in drink or drugs (Pisces). By dissolving issues related to interpersonal problems, you can achieve amazing results.
Pluto in Taurus
You seek to transform in an enduring and possessive way in matters related to personal wealth, You make changes slowly (Pluto in detriment, fixed unchanging sign) in a controlled way in increasing your wealth. You are a materialist (earth) and tend to ignore or be unaware (resistance to change) of forces that are acting below the surface (Pluto) which may make radical transformations. People under this sign might have strong sex impulses.
North Node in Leo
People pleasing, the need to be liked, hiding out in a group, emotional detachment, being overly intellectual, “head over heart,” not showing your feelings, too much nomadic living with no roots, rejection of material and sensual pleasure.Unbridled self-expression, collaborating with the elite, leading by example, following your heart, luxury, tuning into your desires and sensuality, spoiling yourself and others, open displays of affection
Lilith in Libra
Lilith in Libra may find herself concerned with the legalistic side of power. She is a defender of women here, supportive of laws that curtail abuse or sexual crimes. taken to extremes, she may be vindictive against those she perceives to be offenders and in a relationship may be clinging, jealous and/or manipulative. You like to flirt and manipulate your fellow beings with well-meaning intention. You break up, or let break, relationships because you vary between commitment and autonomy urges. You don't want to admit to being wrong about your conceptions concerning other people, or you don't want to see their true character. You may consider yourself completely different, contrary to others or completely misjudged. You have wisdom and intuition, as well as psychological and musical ability, but you may be aunaware of it. You desire emotional loyalty from your life partner and you want to be accepted emotionally. You probably have very high standards and requirements in partnerships.
Chiron in Aries
People with Chiron in Aries in their birth chart have had to deal with personal injuries, both physical and psychological. And yet, these people are not your regular victims. Others may not even be able to tell that these people have had deep injuries. This is because Chiron in Aries people shake off their pain and move forward quickly. They’re extremely resilient. These are people that have friends who feel their pain more than they themselves do. Chiron in Aries people will be the ones telling you to “suck it up” when you’re hurt. Chiron is about pain and healing. People with Chiron in Aries heal quickly, without much thought, blazing trails even while warm blood drips from their open wounds.


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