Astrology / Natal chart 04.05.1602 (May 4, 1602)


The Aspects of the planets

Conjunction The Sun-Venus
Be careful that you don't go on a spending spree, for you may appreciate the beauty and value of everything you encounter today. You could feel loving and warm to those around you, and you are appreciative of your own life and self, in general.
Conjunction The Sun-Uranus
Today could bring the unexpected or find you in a very unusual mood. It may be that you feel like getting away from the routine and just doing something different. New insights or breakthroughs are possible with authorities or someone older.
Sextile The moon-Neptune
Everything conspires to reveal you at your most elegant, particularly in social situations. You will have a grasp for abstract and spiritual ideas and the ability to present or communicate these to others.
Opposition The moon-Pluto
Someone could challenge you on a very sensitive issue, resulting in an argument or, at the least, a very intense discussion. You may touch upon very emotional parts of you and find yourself analyzing.
Conjunction Mercury-Venus
Its easy to see what you value and care about. Your sense of appreciation is sharpened and in high focus. A good day to select those new house furnishings or to appraise your holdings.
Trine Mercury-Mars
Your mind is quick and sharp, and your words are the only weapon you will need today. You have insight into your emotions and drive, and you can talk about your feelings with great insight and fluidity.
Conjunction Mercury-Uranus
You are full of wit and sharp insights. This could be a time for real breakthroughs in the idea department. You are in top form when it comes to mental activity.
Conjunction Venus-Uranus
Independence, as well as anything unusual or different, is valued. You may enjoy getting away from routine and doing something completely different for a change.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Taurus
As a Taurus, you are likely to be very patient, a hard worker, and one of those people who constantly puts forth much sustained effort. Your demeanor is slow and deliberate, and attempts by others to hurry you rarely succeed. You need time to adjust to new ideas and changes. You can be stubborn to the point of becoming rigid, but you are practical and constructive in nearly everything you do. You carefully consider options before starting any action or coming to any conclusion. You function best under conditions where there is predictability, and where you can exercise a degree of control. Good-natured and friendly, your placid demeanor rarely shows upset or anger. When you are aroused, as suggested by the symbol of the sign, your reactions are very much like those of the angered bull. This anger can be reckless, and often lingers. There is a certain reluctance in the Taurus nature to try anything new or different. You don't take many chances, and you believe in sticking with the familiar and comfortable. There is not much adventure in your soul, and it is probably fair to label you a conservative individual. The danger with Taurus is the tendency to become too narrow-minded, and to dismiss anything that can't be seen, touched, smelled or tasted. You are not usually the first to learn a lesson, but when it is mastered, you are not likely ever to forget. Retentive and steadfast, you don't scatter your energies. You may be lazy at times, perhaps not spending any energy at all for extended periods. Yet long term, you are very willing to assume responsibility and shoulder more than your fair share of the load. You may be materialistic, often showing interests in money, security, and comforts in life. To those you love, you often show your feelings in a material way, and you appreciate the same in return. The Taurus personality is sometimes too concerned with money and possessions. Perhaps a little indulgent and luxury-loving, you relish creature comforts and appreciate beautiful possessions. Because of these interests, you have good taste in clothing and furnishings. You also may have a talent for landscaping and working with plants and flowers to make your surrounding more pleasant and appealing. You may excel as a cook, but even if you don't have the inclination to prepare it, you certainly enjoy food; perhaps too much. Because of this, you may have a battle with your weight. A slow metabolism and lack of interest in exercise often compound this problem. A natural interest in art and music often leads to careers or hobby pursuits in some form of art. Taurus is the sign that rules the throat, so you may have a fine singing and speaking voice. Love relationships are very important to you. Since you don't like being alone, you may settle for a partnership that is less than ideal, instead of accepting loneliness. Once settled in a relationship, you are very steadfast and dependable. You are exceedingly loyal, and make a very faithful friend. The most appealing aspect of Taurus, that sweet and loving temperament, is the often present when the Sun appears in Taurus.
The moon in Libra
A Libra Moon gives a sense of understanding, tolerance, and gentleness. You are ambitious, but at the same time, so very dependent on others. The symbol of Libra is the scales, signifying the innate symmetry the influence provides. This is the position of the diplomat, broad-minded and open, social, and friendly. The adaptability of this Moon sign is considerable; you don't like disputes and disorder, and you do what you can to maintain a well-oiled social and business life. Balance, harmony and domestic tranquility are very important to you. Even-tempered, well-mannered and congenial, you display all those attributes that assures many friends and an active social life. You are truly a thoughtful and good-natured person who goes out of the way to be nice to people. You are very fond of people and don't enjoy being alone for very long. You have a need to have everyone like you, and your emotional well-being depends on the approval others. Thus, you are over-anxious to please. This is the sign of the consummate peacemaker and diplomat. Your nature is affectionate and easily swayed, often exhibiting a tendency towards indolence. Sometimes you tend to have too much reliance on others and you may delay making important decisions. At many times, you seem to be facing life's problems and decisions on more or less a trial and error basis. Too willing to compromise, you frequently allow others to take advantage of you. You freely sacrifice your own wishes for someone else's. It is very hard for you to be assertive and stand up for yourself. Since you don't like conflict situations, you may refrain from expressing the dissatisfactions you have in your relationships, often waiting until it is too late to rectify the situation. Relationships are important to your and you don't like being alone. A stable partner, you tend to settle with one special person rather than playing the field. Devoted and faithful, you spend a great deal of your time catering to the needs and desires of your mate. Stability rather than passion or excitement is your goal in a partner. It is usually thought that Libra love affairs are of the head rather than the heart. Concern with what others think and doing what is correct makes you rather conventional and conservative in all your romantic and social activities. You are refined and you have a definite love of the refined; art, music, etc. You may have some natural artistic or musical talent. At the very least you appreciate all the finer things in life and you are apt to be a patron of the arts if your means permit. You are a good planner, but often it is hard for you to get your plans into action and to see them through to completion. The Libra mind is more contemplative, building great ideas, but sometimes failing carry them out. Decisiveness is not usually a strong quality with Moon in Libra; the mind may be building great ideas, but you are not always ready to act on them. Decision-making can be tough, because you can usually see both sides of every issue. For you, judgment is more important than execution.
Mercury in Taurus
In Taurus, Mercury produces a mind that is patient and practical. Your thinking is often conservative, and your thought processes are fixed and stable. You are more apt to learn from experiences than from formal training. Your powers of concentration are outstanding. Thinking and decision-making is based upon that which is practical, material and surrounded by common sense. Many will consider you a "slow-poke" when it comes to mental matters and communicating ideas. You are slow to form opinions because you put much thought into questions before you render an answer, and you don't like to be rushed in this. You may excel in handling financial matters, for you are very dependable in managing money. You have a shrewd business mind and a natural inclination toward management of resources. Often this position marks a degree of mental stubbornness and steadfastness. Once you have made up your mind, you do not like to change it or hear differing arguments and ideas. In extreme cases, you may ignore obvious conclusions that differ from your initial decision. Guard against a tendency toward intellectual obstinacy and the highly opinionated views that sometimes plague Mercury in Taurus people.
Venus in Taurus
Venus in Taurus produces a practical, stable, and constant persona. Your approach to love and romance is simple and direct. Your sincerity is attractive and often irresistible. You take love seriously and with careful consideration. Yet, you can be so much fun to be around. You are rarely too serious-acting, moody or unhappy. You know how to have a good time and to help others to do the same. You are easygoing and cheerful most of the time. There is an attraction to the luxuries of life, and often a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures. You may have a weakness for good food, good wine, fine furnishings and clothes, and many more objects and activities that delight the senses. The best of everything will be yours if you can figure a way to afford it all. This large appetite extends to love-making and romantic involvement. This sign produces the most earthy sex drive. When you fall in love, it is usually permanent and dependable. Your nature is faithful and permanent. You require a deep commitment from your partner and you are willing to give the same in return. You are loyal and a one-love person. But your demands on that one lover can be great. If you feel insecure, you may become jealous and overbearing with your mate. Just as you are loyal and dependable, you are very possessive and jealous if your emotional security is threatened.
Mars in Virgo
In Virgo, Mars focuses its energy into the job, and thus, the energies are primarily practical and useful. This placement will also produce high or at least adequate mental energies, reasonable physical energies, but on the emotional side, there is a severe limit to the energy and the interest. As one possessing this placement, you are usually considered a very conscientious worker. Much of your energy go into careful planning before you charge ahead on any project. When you do act, it's usually based on practical reasons, with every detail carefully thought out. You are highly critical, and very exacting in all that you do; in many respects, the perfectionist and the organizer. Painstaking and dedicated in your work, you may lack imagination and innovation, but never attention to detail. In the work place, you can be a difficult person because you are so particular about everything being done correctly. But indeed, you are the one that can be depended on to get the job done right. Virgo is associated with the health fields. Doctors, surgeons, nurses and social workers often have Mars placed here. There is much associated with this placement that involves helping people. You may be especially concerned with helping the sick and handicapped. You need to feel needed, and you can be very tireless in such a role. Mars, the indicator of passions, is not very passionate in Virgo. Your sex drive may be strong, but your willingness to express it can be somewhat weak. Sometimes Mars in Virgo can even be a bit puritanical. You also may be a little bit afraid of letting your passions loose, and even be critical of those that do. The negative side of Mars in Virgo may be the sometimes lack of tolerance. It's hard for you to get emotionally worked up over anything, but you can be very demanding of yourself and others. This placement often holds force and aggressiveness in check, releasing it as irritability and nervous habits. And finally, you have to be careful not to become the classic workaholic for this is a real possibility with Mars in Virgo.
Jupiter in Libra
Jupiter is in Libra in your chart. This placement denotes an especially strong sense of justice and moral principles. You are attracted to individuals sharing your idealistic views. These persons enhance your opportunities in life. You are very considerate of others and understand the principle of cooperation for solving problems and making progress. You are effective serving as a diplomat, a peace-maker, or in any assignment dealing with public relations. You are able to sway public opinion, winning others over to your way of thinking with your power of persuasion.
Saturn in Scorpio
Saturn in Scorpio adds much purpose and impatience to your nature. You demand much of yourself and of others. You approach responsibilities with an intensity of purpose that overwhelms people who won't carry their share of the load. You have terrific willpower and much energy. With your determination, it's hard to remain calm and reflective. Secretive and unforgiving, you resent it deeply when you are treated unfairly. Despite your strong drive for success, your approach is usually subtle and calculating.
Uranus in Taurus
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Taurus will be rather deliberate in viewing and effecting change on a broad scale. Revisions to the status quo must be proved to have concrete purpose and reward, and those that do will be set in stone.
Neptune in Leo
You may be able to create impressive and creative worlds of an imaginary nature, for instance impressive fashion, film, theatre, entertainment in general and amusement. You may be almost a hypnotic influence, causing others to disappear in your dreams and imagination. You are inspirational (fire) in a magical way. And you are a loyal friend, perhaps even believing in universal love.
Pluto in Aries
You transform in an energetic and urgent way your basic beingness. You probe into the deepest levels of your existence and forcibly assert your independence, for yourself or your group. You may try to get rid of past identities (fire) and how others might see and treat you. You can relinquish past identites and create a new life with new beginnings.
North Node in Sagittarius
A tendency to be overwhelmed by information overload, to be mentally over-stimulated to the point of not being able to make effective decisions, to be bound by logic and swamped in details at the expense of our intuition, and to miss the “big picture” are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, it can be difficult to commit ourselves to any one thing. We need to learn to trust our inner guide—our intuition—in order to uncover more meaning to our lives. Our decisions tend to lead us astray, as we rely too heavily on logic and miss out on the exciting adventures generated from the thrill and satisfaction of following a hunch or a vision. We need to allow ourselves to believe in something that doesn’t necessarily make sense, but that frees us from mental anxiety and stress. When we don’t commit ourselves to something, we run the risk of appearing superficial or flighty to others. Worst of all, the passion of true discovery eludes us, and we cannot feel whole or satisfied. When we don’t have the faith to know who we are and what we believe, even without knowing, we will never come across as sincere or truthful. We cannot inspire others to have faith in us when we do not have faith in ourselves. When we act bravely and impulsively, working on intuition and faith, we free ourselves from the inner turmoil of doubt and too much logic, and find an inner balance that enriches our lives and our souls.
Lilith in Capricorn
Lilith will hardly ever share any emotions and these natives may seem unapproachable. Achievement and status will be the method employed to feed the hidden need for emotional contact. At its extremes, here is the anal retentive who must control everything. Lilith will hardly let you resist the temptations of fame, status and power. You can bring yourself much trouble, as you don't want to admit to the actual nature of these. You try to change others and can supress their inner values completely. You look for autonomy, but won't grant it to others.
Chiron in Aries
People with Chiron in Aries in their birth chart have had to deal with personal injuries, both physical and psychological. And yet, these people are not your regular victims. Others may not even be able to tell that these people have had deep injuries. This is because Chiron in Aries people shake off their pain and move forward quickly. They’re extremely resilient. These are people that have friends who feel their pain more than they themselves do. Chiron in Aries people will be the ones telling you to “suck it up” when you’re hurt. Chiron is about pain and healing. People with Chiron in Aries heal quickly, without much thought, blazing trails even while warm blood drips from their open wounds.


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