Astrology / Natal chart 16.08.1989 (August 16, 1989)


The Aspects of the planets

Square Venus-Uranus
You may not value something extraordinary or unusual. Instead, you find yourself appreciating what is quite normal or ordinary.
Trine Mars-Saturn
Irresistible force meets immovable object. Proceed with caution! There is a lot of energy available for disciplined work, but push too hard and you may break something.
Trine Mars-Neptune
A strong drive to unify and simplify. You want something more imaginative and less mundane. A yearning for other worlds and for some more cosmic form of love.
Opposition Jupiter-Uranus
Career choices, the obvious path that is opening up for you, may grate against your own sense of freedom and independence. Success and security at the expense of originality may be too great a price to pay. Some middle road could be found.
Conjunction Saturn-Neptune
You could be forced to re-define your ideals and reshape your self-image. Making your dreams real (and seeing that reality is all you dreamed it could be) is your focus now. You may find your intuition and sense of truth deepening.

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Planets in signs

The Sun in Leo
In Leo, the Sun is magnetic, forceful, and dominate. You possess a good nature that is very generous, allowing you to attract many friends and followers. You can easily become a natural leader because of your demeanor and because you are ambitious, determined, and highly industrious. Self-assurance and dignity are very strong in your nature. Your magnetic personality lets you sell yourself or your ideas easily, and your persistence at doing so further enhances your leadership potential. You are at your best when placed in charge of a large scheme, for you are truly a fine organizer. You enjoy being in a position of authority because you know you were born to rule. Your sunny disposition allows you to be candid, outspoken, and very direct in all matters, without upsetting people. You possess natural leadership ability, and project such confidence and authority that you inspire others to follow you. The typical Leo is a natural showman, and delights in having a full measure of recognition and admiration. Leo is the most expressive sign in the zodiac. You love to show off. You probably see your role in life as the starring role. Often the Leo personality chooses some artistic form through which to express talent. There is much drama associated with Leo, and the general approach to life is full of emotional exuberance. If you are not careful, these traits can result in too large an ego, which in turn can make you very susceptible to flattery. Though you have a high opinion of yourself, you still need the approbation and appreciation of your friends and followers. Your ego needs constant reinforcement. This helps keep the spotlight focused on your activities. Naturally emotionally exuberant, you are not only a good actor, but you make a truly outstanding teacher, as well. The Leo association with the fifth house of the chart suggests a strong bond with children. You may consider your children to be expressions of your creativity. Typically, the Leo is very close to children, the loving benefactor and protector. The lordly Leo sometimes feels there should be an automatic granting of power and authority. Because of this, you may be one of those Leo types who doesn't feel the need to work your way to the top. Though in many ways you show that you are ambitious, you also can be lazy. You may only want to work at jobs that offer prestige, glamour, power or a good time. You exert yourself only in those situations were you can exhibit your star quality, and garner the attention and respect of others. Your gift is surely the ability that you naturally possess to lead and to inspire. You are at home on the stage or at the podium. Your poorest showing comes when you are unable to control your ego, and you let an exaggerated sense of your own importance get the upper hand. In spite of your self-assurance and dignity, you may have a degree of concern about being laughed at or disgraced in some way. Again, ego is at the base of your nature and being.
The moon in Aquarius
An Aquarius Moon produces reactions which are progressive, but often erratic. Your friends may consider you unusual and unpredictable. Your imagination is fertile, and it produces a lot of creative energy. You sometimes seem eccentric and unconventional in your responses to everyday problems. You're very broad-minded and imaginative, but you're also likely to be somewhat impractical and perhaps lacking in common sense, or so it may seem. Actually, you consider all that you do as being on a utilitarian level, even if many of your ideas are a bit idealistic and outside the mainstream. You have a universal quality that places you ahead of your time. An interesting conversationalist, you are a fascinating person, and a good friend. It may be that you enjoy a good confrontation now and then and really don't want things to go too smoothly. A little on the high-stung side, you don't like things to get to routine and boring. The quickest way to end a relationship for you is to have the other person begin to take you for granted and cease to challenge you in a variety of ways. Stubborn, brusque and willful, you have difficulties in your relationships due to the insensitive attitude you so often reflect towards your partner's feelings. Women born with Moon in Aquarius are very demanding of a relationship that is entirely "equal". Even during the best of times, you may demand the freedom to come and go as you please. Possessiveness makes you feel trapped. Casual companions and relationships are much more comfortable for you because they do not impose so many demands. Your Aquarius Moon may make you seem to be too impersonal or detached for many with whom you come in contact. You are good at observing and analyzing others, but you may lack a true understanding of the needs and feelings that other people have. You are generally friendly to all, but in a rather impersonal, cool, and aloof way. This position overemphasizes friendliness and humanitarianism, but often misses the mark in one to one emotional relationships. You may seem cold because you have difficulty understanding the real emotions of another person. Moon in Aquarius is apt to have given you a special concern for humankind. Often, the placement denotes someone who has very fixed and determined humanitarian instincts, and who participates in activities directed toward the poor or homeless. You relate well to humanity, if not always to individuals. The physical home is not especially important to you, and you may change your residence often or have rather unconventional living arrangements. Some may describe your lifestyle as "bohemian," modern or offbeat.
Mercury in Virgo
In Virgo, Mercury produces a mind that is logical, but highly critical. You are mathematical, practical and careful about details. You are one of those people who catches on to things quickly, and you carry out your tasks in an orderly and businesslike manner. This placement indicates excellent analytical abilities, and a good common sense approach to most mental activities. You require orderly surroundings and efficient methods of operation. There is some tendency for you to lack confidence or at least to seem to lack confidence. The hesitation that precedes action probably relates to your habit of checking, double checking and going over things one last time, before taking final action. You rarely allow yourself to be spread so thin that you can't be sure of producing your standard of accuracy and discrimination. You want such a degree of minute precision and accuracy that many will perceive you as a nit-picker. It is not at all uncommon for those with Mercury in Virgo to seek professional and financial success by acquiring much education and special technical skills. You also may possess special abilities in communication and in general writing. Your use of the language and grammar is probably near perfect. Be careful not to become to obsessed with detail and work, becoming shy and withdrawn, and failing to do as well as you should in casual and leisure conversation.
Venus in Virgo
If Venus is in Virgo in your chart it produces tendencies to over-analyze emotions. You may be critical of those you are near. You play it safe in affairs of the heart. This position often produces a cool exterior that is a cover for romantic shyness. You may not think of yourself so much as shy, but rather just careful and cautious. You want to know what to expect in a romantic situation, and sometimes this isn't easy to predict. You do have deep emotions, but you keep them in check. You feel it better to be safe than sorry. Venus in Virgo has a subtle charm that doesn't come on strong. The natural analytic trait found here may stand in the way of making any sort of romantic commitment until you are sure what you are doing. The object of your affection must be clearly what you want. You categorize everything including people, keeping your emotional life neat and well organized. You see love as commitment and devotion. Fidelity is an absolute must. You are true and capable of complete romantic involvement, but never with showy or demonstrative displays. You show you care by be constant in taking care of details and focusing on the practical needs of your partner. No one gets better treatment in a relationship than does your chosen mate. You have polite manners, a neat personal appearance, fastidious personal hygiene, so you are repelled by the uncouth in any form. While you are constant in relationships, you insist that your lovers share your ideals and high standards. You would prefer living the solo life to dealing with someone who fails to live up to your standards.
Mars in Virgo
In Virgo, Mars focuses its energy into the job, and thus, the energies are primarily practical and useful. This placement will also produce high or at least adequate mental energies, reasonable physical energies, but on the emotional side, there is a severe limit to the energy and the interest. As one possessing this placement, you are usually considered a very conscientious worker. Much of your energy go into careful planning before you charge ahead on any project. When you do act, it's usually based on practical reasons, with every detail carefully thought out. You are highly critical, and very exacting in all that you do; in many respects, the perfectionist and the organizer. Painstaking and dedicated in your work, you may lack imagination and innovation, but never attention to detail. In the work place, you can be a difficult person because you are so particular about everything being done correctly. But indeed, you are the one that can be depended on to get the job done right. Virgo is associated with the health fields. Doctors, surgeons, nurses and social workers often have Mars placed here. There is much associated with this placement that involves helping people. You may be especially concerned with helping the sick and handicapped. You need to feel needed, and you can be very tireless in such a role. Mars, the indicator of passions, is not very passionate in Virgo. Your sex drive may be strong, but your willingness to express it can be somewhat weak. Sometimes Mars in Virgo can even be a bit puritanical. You also may be a little bit afraid of letting your passions loose, and even be critical of those that do. The negative side of Mars in Virgo may be the sometimes lack of tolerance. It's hard for you to get emotionally worked up over anything, but you can be very demanding of yourself and others. This placement often holds force and aggressiveness in check, releasing it as irritability and nervous habits. And finally, you have to be careful not to become the classic workaholic for this is a real possibility with Mars in Virgo.
Jupiter in Cancer
Jupiter is in Cancer in your chart. This placement of Jupiter suggests that you have a thorough understanding of the important moral principles in life. this understanding was instilled in you at an early age by your parents. As you mature, these traits of generosity and kindness become a part of your basic expression. There is a nurturing aspect associated with this position and you are the type who is always looking out for the little guy. Security for yourself and your family is a paramount issue. You are likely to accumulate wealth because you are very careful about how you spend your money. You have an emotional attachment to food which can cause weight problems.
Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn in Capricorn gives much ambition and desire for power. Saturn is strongest here because this is its natural sign. Your career is very important to you. You invest much into it and you expect to get much out of it. You are a common sense organizer and planner. Diligent and dependable, you want to assume responsibility. You always do more than your share, yet you may find it hard to delegate authority, for you mistrust others' ability to life up to your standards. You are most comfortable in the business or government environment. You prefer the impersonal, structured, and unemotional working situation. Your rise to the top will probably be very slow, but it will be steady. Your utter determination will eventually pay off, if perhaps rather late in life.
Uranus in Capricorn
Many of your peers born during the years when Uranus was in Capricorn are accepting of changes adding to the security and protection of society. They are willing to reorder traditional thinking, but always in a conservative and carefully structured mode.
Neptune in Capricorn
You refine, in a prudent and reserved manner, matters related to power, control, success and fame. You dream about becoming powerful and rich. You may, however, be somewhat confused about the process of succeeding, perhaps neglecting the work and details. People in this group take an interest in the glamour business or the helping professions. If you are taken up by your imagination, it is likely that you manage to put even crazy ideas to a practical and profitable use, making money out of them in the process.
Pluto in Scorpio
You delve deep into the hidden secrets in an intense and secretive manner, in relation to sex, the mind, occult studies and death. There may be obsession in areas concerning genetic engineering, creating (and destroying) life, and cloning. You may be interested in occult studies. In various kinds of research (not only science), discoveries made during this period may not be made public (secret)
North Node in Aquarius
A tendency to become overly attached to the drama of romance and personal relationships, to be willful and overly focused on getting what we want, and to resist being “one of the crowd” in an effort to stand out as unique and special, are some of the issues this position suggests. With this position, we need to let go of our fears in relationships by offering freedom to our partners instead of expecting our partners to act as we want them to act, to accept that we are all equal and that we can still be special if we belong to a community, to move towards greater impartiality, and to cultivate sensitivity to the needs of others. By letting go of the strong desire of getting what we want in the here and now, satisfaction will come more easily as we find that we get what we need. Our personal relationships and romances will suffer when we take things too personally, and expect others to follow a certain script that we have unconsciously written for them. Learning to let go of the need for drama and attention, and moving towards a more objective approach to our lives, as well as cultivating true friendships, will help us to achieve a greater sense of balance. Our relationships with others—as well as our relationship with ourselves—will benefit. Back to Spiritual Life L
Lilith in Libra
Lilith in Libra may find herself concerned with the legalistic side of power. She is a defender of women here, supportive of laws that curtail abuse or sexual crimes. taken to extremes, she may be vindictive against those she perceives to be offenders and in a relationship may be clinging, jealous and/or manipulative. You like to flirt and manipulate your fellow beings with well-meaning intention. You break up, or let break, relationships because you vary between commitment and autonomy urges. You don't want to admit to being wrong about your conceptions concerning other people, or you don't want to see their true character. You may consider yourself completely different, contrary to others or completely misjudged. You have wisdom and intuition, as well as psychological and musical ability, but you may be aunaware of it. You desire emotional loyalty from your life partner and you want to be accepted emotionally. You probably have very high standards and requirements in partnerships.
Chiron in Cancer
This person feels like a fish out of water. They often express feelings of "otherness". Some joke about being adopted or being space aliens because they feel so different from their home and cultural groups. There can be indications of childhood abuse, abandonment by the father, and early childhood trauma, if other aspects support this, or there are hard aspects related to family. Chiron in Cancer can indicate difficulties in starting one's own family later in life. Some actively refuse to start families of their own because their early life was so insecure.


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